Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1157: Yue Wumu

This is also a game after all, and the main body of this game is not the indigenous people, but the players. Basically, it can be said that the system is for the players, not for the natives.

Although many people are very clear about this matter, in the mind of the love letter, this point was directly ignored before, but now I have developed into a dynasty, so I also need to consider this aspect. Up.

Just like a sentence he had heard before, development is the last word. In fact, this sentence is also very correct. If you say that you can't develop, then everything is false.

Many people are skeptical about this, but Qin Shuo is very firm, no matter what, as long as he is firm.

Now there is only the last place left, which is also the most important place. Qin Shuo thought about it carefully and decided to choose a famous player like Yue Fei.

After all, Yue Fei's son is also under his own command, so it is better to have Yue Fei, and the best thing is to put them in the father and son soldiers.

According to the current system of urine, the two of them will definitely recognize each other. This way, it will be better, and Qin Shuo will solve some problems a little bit less.

Yue Fei is definitely needless to say in terms of character, but also needless to say about the ten aspects of the individual, after all, it is also a super history, the generals must be relatively powerful, and the most important thing is his leadership ability.

In a battle, in fact, personal abilities are not that important, the most important thing is his influence, his influence on those soldiers.

No matter how strong a person is, in fact, he can't change a large-scale war. Even a hero who is as strong as the King of Western Chu cannot change his decadence.

Yue Fei is also a model that many people should learn from in terms of army management, and a title like Yue Jiajun has also become an aspect that many people pursue.

It can be seen from some of the books that have been less suitable before, that he is also very good at training soldiers, and he also pointed out that training soldiers actually has six directions.

In fact, Qin Shuo agrees with these, and also adopts some of the aspects he pointed out. The first aspect is that soldiers are expensive but not too many.

What Qin Shuo is doing now is such an aspect. In fact, it has a great effect. It can now be seen that one side can develop the economy, and the other side can also develop the military. In fact, this is the reason.

In addition, there is another point, that is, the rewards and punishments are clear, the orders are strict, and the discipline must be very good. It is best that the generals can share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.

All of these Qin Shuo agreed very much, and they all used these in his actual experience.

In fact, he now has some insights about training soldiers. After all, he himself is also a powerful cavalry like the Overlord Cavalry trained.

Even though the current Overlord Cavalry is still not fully trained, it can still be regarded as one of the best cavalry in the entire country, but their number is relatively small, and they basically serve as Qin Shuo's guards.

It is said that Qi Jiguang's Qi family army was actually modeled after Yue Fei, and he also admired Yue Fei very much, so he also followed the Yue family army's military plan, and then imitated the Qi family army created by the imitators.

So no matter from which point of view, summoning Yue Fei is a very good choice, and Yue Fei also has a certain understanding of anger. The current love letter needs such a talent. After all, the generals who summon the Qing Dynasty are also No way.

Even if it was possible, Qin Shuo didn't want to summon the generals of the Qing Dynasty, anyway, there was some rejection of them in his heart.

This is already confirmed, so Qin Shuo also directly wanted to summon Yue Fei, and the system also agreed to Qin Shuo's request.

If you can summon the generals of the Qing Dynasty, you will definitely have some growth in your own scientific and technological strength. Although you have never liked that dynasty very much, there are indeed some more powerful generals or ministers in that dynasty.

The biggest problem I face now is actually only this sentence, so it is the limitations of the times, and the limitations of the current times are also too big.

But after he upgraded to become a dynasty, this limitation has actually been greatly relieved, and his technology tree can actually continue to grow.

The speed of research and development of those steam ships is obviously fast. Many times before, they seemed to have encountered a bottleneck and there was no way to grow, but now they have broken through that bottleneck again.

In fact, the bottleneck is the science and technology tree. The development of science and technology now has an effect on many people. It is not for Qin Shuo alone, or even for the lords of the entire Han Dynasty.

And now Dahan's movie also has many guilds, and there are also places such as the craftsmen's union. Qin Shuo also wants to befriend them as much as possible now, so that it will only benefit him in the future.

And the current situation is very good. Basically, the relationship with those guilds is also very good. Needless to say, some big guilds are even more like this, and some small guilds do not dare to offend themselves. of.

If you need someone, you can recruit from their guilds, and the final recruitment results are considered good, and Qin Shuo only needs to pay some money. Now the money is in his There is only a number in the eyes.

But this does not mean that he is not short of money, but in some aspects he doesn't care about money at all. For example, when it comes to talent investment, he doesn't care about money at all.

There is a saying that I don’t know Chai Migui if I’m not in charge. Now, after he understands some of his internal affairs, he realizes that he is really short of money. If you say that you are frugal, it is impossible to do so. Rapid development.



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