Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1211: Beheading

On this road, they didn't actually go through too many battles, or just a casual battle, the soldiers on the opposite side had already surrendered to recover a city, and it couldn't be easier.

After all, whether it is the officials in the city or the people in the city, they basically disagree with fighting Qin Shuo.

If you say that once you start fighting, your side will also be greatly threatened.

The most important thing is that there is no need to fight at all. Qun Shuo has already said it at the beginning. Once the opponent surrenders, then he and the people and officials will not be offended.

Of course, the people in those cities also have some fears, but their fear is of no use, things that the people all agree to, they don't have the ability to oppose it.

The power of these people is actually the most powerful section. It is a matter they have decided, and basically it is impossible to change, and there are Qin Shuo's own personnel in these cities.

As long as the people in the city are incited a little, it is estimated that everything has become simpler, not that complicated at all.

The members of Qin Shuo in these cities are basically waiting for this day, and now the time is finally ripe.

Of course, there are still some cities that are stubbornly resisting. But these were basically all taught by Qin Shuo's red cannons. They lost their temper at all, and in the end they only surrendered, and this path was for them to walk.

If you don't surrender, then you can only die, and most people will make a correct choice. Of course, there are a few people, and Qin Shuo can only send these few people to see the moral god.

Hesitating will lead to defeat, and decisiveness will be for nothing.

For the time being, Qin Shuo wanted to observe the situation. After all, there were 100,000 soldiers on the other side, and these 100,000 soldiers were basically the most elite part of Qin Shuo. Since the other side took out all the soldiers, they must have some preparations.

Now he can be sure. If they say that he defeated Guan Yu this time, Liu Bei would probably use his last trick. That was what Qin Shuo wanted to see.

Qin Shuo is not afraid now. The opponent who uses his own trick is afraid that the other person will not use his own trick. Then all the things he has done before are not all his previous achievements?

Of course, the opposite party definitely doesn't know this. If you really know this, you will probably be half angry.

But no matter what, the current situation is like this. The most important thing for me now is to deal with it. Regarding the rest of them, I can wait until later.

In fact, Qin Shuo knew that many soldiers on the opposite side wanted to surrender, but now they also had a sharp sword hanging on their heads, and this sharp sword was actually Guan Yu.

"Why don't we get a beheading operation this time, and directly kill Guan Yu on the opposite side, then everything will be much easier, how do you feel?"

Qin Shuo also glanced at everyone at this time, and said directly." But now the wall on the opposite side is also impermeable. Who are we sending over? Their walls are basically guarded 24 hours a day. I just can't break in."

At this time, Bai Qi always disagrees with this thing, and then he said directly.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about these things. The big deal is that this time I will beheading. I believe that there should be no problem. It is very simple to climb the wall according to my strength, and I will still be able to stealth. ."

At this time, Qin Shuo's playfulness had grown again, and after taking a glance at Qin Shuo, he said, but such a thing was opposed by people together.

Almost every one of his subordinates disagrees with this matter, thinking that this is still too risky. If it is discovered by the other side, then Qin Shuo’s situation will be very dangerous, for them. It is not a good thing either.

They would rather spend a lot of time and energy than allow Qin Shuo to take risks like this. After all, Qin Shuo is now also the leader of a country. If such risks occur, the whole country will collapse as well.

"Could it be that you still have better candidates? Or do you think anyone in the army is stronger than me?"

Qin Shuo glanced at the people and said, but at this time everyone was suddenly silent. If you count this, there are really few people in the entire army that are stronger than him.

"If that's the case, you don't need to say more, and instead of sacrificing so many soldiers, I might as well go and run by myself. Even if the other side catches me, it doesn't matter at all. I don't believe anyone can Stop me from coming out."

After Qin Shuo glanced at them, he said directly.

Now Qin Shuo had already made his own choice, and everyone knew that even if he objected, it would be of no use.

Qin Shuo is such a stubborn person, but his stubbornness often has some effects, so in the end people agree to this thing, but the most important thing is to make Qin Shuo be careful and be careful. Safety of own life.

Qin Shuo didn't want to say more about these nonsense, after all, it was his life, so he must pay attention to it.

Then this matter is so happily decided. First, I am planning to start to act tonight, otherwise, there may be some other situations.

Now other people have not rejected such a choice, after all, it is his own right to choose, and everyone has no right to reject such a choice.

"Anyway, you all have to pay a little bit more attention. After I leave, if you can, but after my plan is successful, you will attack this city as soon as possible. In that case, it can be regarded as a kind of response to me. "

After Qin Shuo nodded, he also spoke to everyone.

At this time, they didn't say anything, and then they nodded quickly. After all, they didn't dare to refuse this matter, and there was no reason to refuse.



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