Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1220: Attack on Baidi City

The sentence that he said just now should not be false, so he shouldn't tell Liu Bei about this matter. In this way, Zhuge Liang's heart will feel more at ease.

Since he didn't tell Liu Bei, his influence on himself would be much smaller. If he told Liu Bei, then his influence would be really big.

Even the current Zhuge Liang couldn't guess his mind at all. I don't know if he wants to get something from himself, but depending on the situation, there are some things that are not very similar.

Anyway, Qin Shuo now feels that these things have some headaches, but in general, there shouldn't be any big problems.

Now as time progresses, everyone has different ideas. Chen now seems to have been shaken a little, otherwise he would not go to his side to say these things.

Since some vacillation has already occurred, the rest is very easy to handle, as long as he slowly expands his vacillation.

If she really didn't waver, then she really has some difficulties.

With the development of time now, it is estimated that everyone's thoughts will also change. Although half of the people have resigned, there are still many people left to join the court.

After all, for them, if they can be an official in the court, no matter who Liu Bei is currently cooperating with, they have little to do with them.

In fact, if Liu Bei says he wants to cooperate with a group, perhaps the most unlucky ones are the people, but how can they care about the people so much?

Even if these people are all dead, it has nothing to do with them. This is their kind of abnormal mentality.

But it is such a deformed mentality that makes many people know that they have some firmness. Now Liu Bei is also like this.

Now Liu Bei and the others are in Pingchuan, so now their army is about to attack the vicinity of Baidi City.

At this time, he also heard about the cooperation between Liu Bei and the two nationalities. After learning about this, he also shook his head slightly.

"If these things happened earlier, the impact on them might have been greater, but it doesn't matter if they happen now."

At this time, Qin Shuo was also standing in place, his eyes slowly looking into the distance.

"Master, what should we do this time? Could it be that we still stay here? Or directly attack their Baidi City?"

Bai Qi also walked to Qin Shuo's side at this time, lowered his head, and said directly.

"If it makes me feel, let's continue to stay here now, and we have to wait for their movements to see what kind of means they have."

After Qin Shuo shook his head, he said.

"Actually, in my eyes, they should also have poor skills. They simply don't have any means."

After taking a look at Qin Shuo, Bai Qi spoke.

"Don't underestimate any enemy. After all, Liu Bei's development to such a degree must have his superiority, but we don't know it. We are now waiting for the coalition forces of the other two nations to come over."

Qin Shuo looked at Bai Qi and said.

"Could it be that the current lord still has some other ideas?"

Bai Qi also had some curiosity, and then said.

"You don't need to worry about these things, you will naturally know them later."

Qin Shuo nodded and said.

On such a northeastern plain, it is actually very suitable for growing food, and I can completely transform this place into my own grain depot.

But the premise is that I want to wipe out all the enemies around here. If I can't wipe them all out, my own thought is a delusion.

No matter what, there are still so many enemies of oneself, but these enemies are not provoked by themselves, but they provoked themselves proactively. If this is the case, oneself definitely cannot let them go.

Qin Shuo now thinks about many things clearly, the most important of which should be this.

Although the national war has not yet started, but now I have to take the initiative to initiate the war, otherwise, when the national war starts, the problems I face will be even bigger.

After this time the war is completed, maybe I don't have so many worries, and the rest can be done relatively simply by myself.

In the past, Qin Shuo had to worry about many things, but now he doesn't have to worry about many things.

Looking at the vast plains in front of you, this place is actually suitable for grazing and other things, and if you want to develop some weapons in the future, you can build a base in this place.

After all, what I want to develop is definitely a sense of high-tech. If it is plagiarized by others, it is not a very good thing.

Now the civil servants and generals on their side are not very anxious. After all, the overall situation is already settled. They know that Qin Shuo is not in a hurry to send troops now, and must be preparing to close the net.

In the past, Qin Shuo used a lot of routines like this. At the beginning, they still had some worries about whether Qin Shuo was indecisive, but as time slowly grew, they too Knowing this kind of thought of oneself is completely underestimating Qin Shuo.

About two days later, Qin Shuo suddenly received a letter, and what was written on this letter was that the time had come.

At this time Qin Shuo and the others were not prepared to wait any longer. If they continued to wait, they would only miss the opportunity.

At this time, the three armies also completely obeyed the order and started to go to Baidi City, and the distance from this place to Baidi City was not too far.

In fact, the Baidi City itself belongs to a national capital, so constructions such as city walls are also very tall. If it is said that through normal circumstances, it is impossible to attack at all.

But now Liu Bei has already received reinforcements from those two areas. In this way, plus his own soldiers, he would probably have around 300,000.



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