Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1298: Across the forest

However, there are actually many guides on his side. These guides were hunters of the Khmer Empire in the past, but at this time they basically surrendered to the Dalan Dynasty.

Although they also wanted to contribute to their own country, there was no way, Qin Shuo gave too much money, even more than they betrayed their country.

Anyway, their national consciousness is not very strong, so even if they betray their own country, there is nothing in their hearts.

The most important thing for oneself is to be careful of some of their guerrillas. You must know that these guerrillas caused a lot of trouble to the most powerful country of the United States at that time.

If it weren't for their natural environment like this, maybe Qin Shuo and the others had already started directly, and at this time they had figured out all their topography, and they also drew a picture. map.

But the most important combat force is actually the regular army. After all, the regular army has been systematically trained, not like the guerrilla teams.

"I feel that an opportunity like this is almost the same now. Otherwise, we will directly eliminate the opposite. If this happens, it will be beneficial in the future."

Now with the orders of these generals, the current battle has finally begun to happen, and such a battle also affects many people.

The place in front of them was also called the Dark Forest, but the name was actually taken out by their natives, because the forest was really too big.

Even if it's the locals, sometimes you will often get lost here, let alone those outsiders, so many people now regard this place as the first place to stop them.

After all, they are still not very clear about the topography of this place, and they look like this to the other person anyway.

If the topography is very clear, it is not such a situation at all. This kind of place itself is very closed to business, so it is almost impossible to explore all the places here.

And now, you must be extremely careful here. If you say that you are not careful, you may be caught in an ambush by the opposite. After all, the opposite must be clearer than yourself, and perhaps in many places they have already sat down in an ambush.

In the opinion of many people, it is definitely impossible for them to pass through here quickly, so most of the soldiers in the Khmer Empire are more at ease.

At this time, Xue Rengui had also picked up the diorama that the lord had awarded to him before. In his eyes, this diorama was also very magical, completely different from the things he used before.

Anyway, they didn’t know anything about science before, but at this time, under the influence of Qin Shuo, they all started to talk about science, although they didn’t know what it was. , But they know this thing is very magical.

If there is no science, perhaps there is no such thing in one's hands at all, perhaps there is no sharp weapon in the hands of soldiers behind him.

At present, Qin Shuo forged the weapons of those soldiers, mostly using a technique close to modern. After all, in such a situation, it is relatively simple to have a technique close to modern.

In any case, the current craftsmanship is definitely better than the ancient craftsmanship, but this cannot be said absolutely. Sometimes the ancient craftsmanship is also very good, and Qin Shuo absolutely agrees with this.

After all, he has been in this place for so many years, so he has seen a lot of ancient craftsmanship. He naturally knows that some things are incomparable to modern craftsmanship.

"There is also a pair of their soldiers at ten o'clock. We must pay attention now."

The exaggeration at this time also directly said, anyway, under the influence of Qin Shuo, they have also learned these professional military terms. After all, these modern combat terms are also very useful in battle.

In many situations where they are unable to speak, they will also have some sign language, like this way of describing directions. In fact, this method is simpler, and it can also make it easier for people to distinguish.

The mountain troops came into contact with such an order, and then they didn't hesitate, they just touched the mountain slowly, and then killed almost two or three hundred people in that team.

"These people still underestimate us. After all, the times have changed. Our maps are even better than theirs. I didn't expect them to be so stupid."

Ma Yuan was naturally very happy when he saw that the pair of soldiers in front had been wiped out, and then he said directly.

In fact, the topographic maps they are currently using are also drawn by Qin Shuo based on the god-level topographical maps, so nature is very magical, and the effect is also very large.

In any case, the god-level topographic map that Qin Shuo obtained before has always had a very significant impact on the war, and it has always been like this from before to now.

Therefore, he has always believed that the most powerful weapon in his hand or this magical topographic map, if there is no such thing, he simply cannot win so many wars.

Many Khmer soldiers are now quietly wiped out under such a situation, and even at night, the soldiers of the Dalan Dynasty will not be disturbed by snakes, insects, rats and ants, so Said that there is not much change in his specific state.

Qin Shuo and the others were able to pass through this place based on the previous inferences of the Khmer people, at least it would take several days, at least around seven days, but they did not expect that Qin Shuo at this time was already huge. The land exceeded their estimates.

At this time, there was still a feast in the Khmer camp. After all, they were also here to welcome the soldiers of the Maurya Dynasty. In fact, the soldiers of the Maurya Dynasty were not the elite of the Maurya Dynasty, but just ordinary soldiers. .



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