Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1315: Alliance battle

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After developing to a certain level, I don't have to be afraid of them at all. This is definitely a benefit for myself, and there is no doubt.

After Qin Shuo signed the contract with the Khmer Kingdom, there was also news from the other side. Now Fusang, Goguryeo and the three countries of Java also signed a contract.

There is also a maritime alliance in the Langao Alliance, which is now the situation in the entire East Asian part.

These two alliances basically cover the entire East Asia, and now Qin Shuo will start from this aspect.

It can be seen that the opposite party should be more anxious now, otherwise he wouldn't do it so quickly, but the more anxious he is, the more Qin Shuo likes it.

After all, I have already arranged everything in the future, but the opposite is not, and the opposite is still in a very poor and white situation.

If the alliance can be established, then it is naturally the best. If it cannot be established, it is nothing.

When these two news spread for the first time, many people felt very surprised. They did not expect that East Asia has already developed to such a degree.

At this time, Qin Shuo also dealt an economic blow to the maritime alliance on the opposite side.

Moreover, the current Khmer Empire is just above the waterway, so Qin Shuo also directly cut off that piece of waterway, that is, cut off the connection between them and the West.

It just so happens that they also have a great connection with the West. If they cut off such a waterway, it will actually have a great influence on them. This is Qin Shuo's idea.

Of course, such an idea has also attracted the attention of many people, because many people agree with it very much.

Since it is facing the enemy, it is impossible to have any kind of softness, any little bit of softness is disrespect for one's own strength.

This time, if Qin Shuo couldn't make a move, it would be okay. He would definitely use all his strength when he made a move.

After directly cutting off such a waterway, in fact, there was a lot of controversy within the three countries, and many people even said that this time they shouldn't argue with Qin.

In fact, many problems have appeared within their country. These problems are mainly focused on economic issues. They also have some families. It is not so much that their things are family, they are more powerful capitalists.

To cut people's wealth is like killing a parent. What Qin Shuo is doing now is such a thing. Anyway, he is facing an enemy, so he won't have any kind of tenderness. Being tender to others is often disrespectful to himself.

Now they have already had a lot of differences within them. Of course, Qin Shuo was also foreseeable about this. He knew that such a problem would definitely arise. If the internal affairs of one's own country have not been completely resolved, or that the family has not been completely eliminated, these problems may also occur. v3 College.v3sy.

After all, in the eyes of those aristocratic families, there is no concept of the country at all. If they want to cultivate their concept of the country, it is really too difficult. Instead of that, it is better to kill the opponent directly.

But this is only one point of Uncle Qin's economics, and there are still some other points, and he is also slowly starting to do it.

Although it is said that only some international trade was opened last year, Qin said that the proportion of these international trade is a very large number.

Especially in the entire East Asian countries, there are basically many people working with him.

If you want to make money, you must work with him. After all, he uses a cheap but very practical way in all countries. To fight for those market shares.

For example, in textiles, Qin said that it has occupied a huge foreign market, but because foreign countries are too free, there is no way to interfere with these things.

So it caused a large outflow of their assets. They wanted to launch a war before because of this reason. If this continues, maybe Qin Shuo doesn't need to do it at all, and their country is about to fall apart.

Qin Shuo is now also researching and developing a lot of other technologies. The most important thing is to get it right. If you can't do it, then it's best not to do it. If you can solve the problem economically, then all It's nothing.

Therefore, Qin Shuo is now also in the alliance and has closed some external export channels. In this way, although some domestic businessmen would suffer some losses, Qin Shuo also gave them a lot of subsidies.

What's more, the domestic demand of one's own country is so large now, even if this kind of external resources is given up, then one's own domestic demand can fully support one's own country.

After all, there are so many people in their country, so even if they give up external demand, there are still so many internal demands. In the past, he took care of both, but it was definitely impossible in this kind of war. Up.

If it can be heated up, then naturally it is the best. Even if it can't be heated up, there is no big problem. This is a reality now.

I don’t know since when this country began to slowly change its appearance. At the beginning, many people did not report to such a country, and they had a lot of hope. After all, their country’s technology is also very good. behind.

But now many people regard it as a threat, but this is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened, and I don't know how many times it happened before.

Qin Shuo didn't care too much about this kind of thing. No matter how the other person made trouble, he was doing it anyway. No matter how fierce other people were, it wouldn't do much harm to him.

It's because you are strong enough, so other people regard yourself as a threat. If you say your own strength is weak, then others will only regard yourself as a piece of fat.

It is certainly impossible for Qin Shuo, the teacher of the past, to make the mistakes he made before. Of course, the mistakes he made before were not made by himself, but the leaders of the previous life.

Now, whether it is Fusang or Goguryeo, there is a wailing inside the country, and most of them are because of Qin Shuo's closing of the pass.


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