Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1342: Wolf pack tactics

Qin Shuo still has a lot of things now. Once he gets busy, the things in his hands can't be stopped at all, but it still depends on the situation.

Now Qin Shuo has given Cao Pi a lot of opportunities, but Cao Pi doesn't cherish it. If this is the case, then it's no wonder Qin Shuo.

Sometimes time is the best hypnotic "medicine". Now Cao Pi has completely fallen into his own world, and he is also a dictator in his own world.

I really don't know if he has been affected by something, so it is said that there will be such a big change in "sex" personality.

In the past, his size was considered a more wise monarch, but now he can be described as mediocre.

Over time, many problems have become more and more serious, and these increasingly serious problems also make people feel that they have some headaches.

If Qin Shuo now wants to continue talking here, then there will be many questions in front of him. But what he needs to do now is to overcome those problems slowly, and sooner or later, all the problems will be overcome.

Now Qin Shuo has redone his own deployments. In these deployments, in fact, he has his own ideas in many aspects.

If a suitable deployment can be made, there will be a big change for the whole, and it can even be said to be a big increase.

Qin Shuo is also caught in a helpless situation now. If this continues, there will be no great benefit. But it won't be too bad.

This time Qin Shuo also let his own troops speed up the pace of his offensive. He wants to put more pressure on the opponent, after all, the opponent is also putting pressure on himself.

However, the pressure on the other side was obviously due to lack of diligence. This side did not even dispatch all the soldiers, but only dispatched almost half of the soldiers. Qin Shuo also believes that only these 10,000 soldiers can completely defeat Wei. To be wiped out.

Since the start of the national war, I have been in constant trouble, and now I actually want to do those things the most.

I have been slumbering at night for such a long time, and there is almost no time to rest, so this also makes him feel a little uncomfortable, but fortunately his current body is completely able to bear such a tired.

If it is replaced by other words, then it is completely useless. This is an important point. Of course, it is not just such a key point, but also these other key points.

With the development of time, Qin Shuo now needs more headaches, some of which he can solve by himself, and some things that he cannot solve by himself. These are all Make him feel a headache.

This time Qin Shuo also directly gathered all the navy together. Only in this way can these navies display their truly powerful strength. The three opposing countries are not very powerful in terms of naval strength, but it is not the combat effectiveness of this single warship that really dominates, but their number. Now the total number of battleships should probably be 500, and this number is already a bit abnormal.

In this way, they can completely use the wolf pack tactics, after all, the number on their side is relatively small.

The battleships on his side, if we say that all of them add up, there are probably only about 200.

Such a quantitative gap should be regarded as a big one. For many people, such a quantitative gap can be regarded as having some abnormalities.

As time slowly grows, many problems will become more troublesome, and these troublesome problems will gradually become a habit. Anyway, Qin Shuo is gradually getting used to it. After all, the captain of the shipbuilder on his side is also continuing to expand. In fact, the shipyard on his side is considered to be a relatively difficult one. After all, it is not only to manufacture those military supplies, but also to manufacture those private ships.

However, Qin Shuo's control over this aspect is also very strict. It is absolutely impossible for him to let the army do business. If it is said that the army is allowed to do business now, there will be endless troubles.

In fact, with the growth of this time, the problem is getting bigger and bigger anyway, these problems Qin Shuo can't be easily solved, so it makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

The current shipyard is almost able to achieve a level of balance of income and expenditure. This way, it will also prevent Qin Shuo from having to spend more or more for these things. In the past, there were a lot of expenditures in this area.

There are a lot of rich people in this world, and the only thing those rich people do every day is to find fun everywhere.

So the current Qin Shuo is just doing what he likes, and then getting this kind of thing out of them is also very good for them.

For them, some money is just a number, and they can completely ignore these numbers. This is an important point.

So Qin Shuo’s target customers are them, and there are also some civilian fishing boats, but the prices of these things are relatively low. Of course, those used for foreign trade Qin Shuo must adjust the price to a high level. .

Although there are still a lot of wars in the East, it does not affect their sales in the West. The sales of these ships in the West are also increasing. Of course, this is also closely related to that family. .

The relationship between Qin Shuo and that family is a mutual use relationship, or a transaction relationship at all, so there is no need to worry about the other side giving up this aspect of interest.

It's impossible for a family like them to give up the benefits that they are about to get at their fingertips, and Qin Shuo is somewhat relieved of this.

In fact, it is really comfortable to cooperate with this kind of family. There is no need to worry about betrayal at all. After all, the needs on both sides are very obvious now.

One needs money, and the other also needs money.

But while Qin Shuo needed money, he also sent a lot of people, just when he wanted these people to inquire about the West.

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