Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1351: Sima Yi's power

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Qin Shuo now can feel that the atmosphere is completely different from the previous atmosphere.

I still have a lot of things right now, but I can't get irritable either. It must be the best thing to solve one by one.

The current Wei Guo actually knows that if he continues to persevere like this, then he may not have any good consequences.

Therefore, he now has to think about many issues carefully, and cannot easily make his own decisions.

After all, the decision is actually very easy to make, but the most important thing is that you have to be responsible for your own decision. This matter is not that simple.

If you say that there is nothing good about making good decisions, you are worried that there are some decisions that are too good to be made.

Now, with the development of time, some problems have become more difficult to deal with, and the opposite seems to have seen their own ideas.

Sima Yi's power should have reached his heyday, so many problems are not so simple.

Many people are actually opposed to him, but now they all cringe and don't want to come forward. This makes things worse.

If someone is coming up now, then things will be easier to protect, but now that no one is coming up, they are unwilling to stand up.

In fact, many generals had already stood on Sima Yi's side early, and some generals were actually loyal to the Cao family.

But this part of the people is basically on the front line now. If this is the case, in fact, there is no chance to take care of the things behind.

They have already figured it out clearly now, and it must be impossible to care about one and the other. They can only defend their own country first, and then consider some other things.

In fact, many people now think so. This kind of thinking has become a norm, but no one has stood up to stop it.

The current Xun Yu and Xun You were actually hungry and had been shut down by Sima Yi directly. Even if the current Xun family wanted to rescue them, there was no way.

Now the entire court seems to have completely changed, and many people have different ideas now.

Many people themselves are not loyal to this country, let alone loyal to the monarch. They just want to do some of their own interests. What they want to protect is actually their own interests.

Regardless of your own rights and status, but the family you have in mind, all these are actually a kind of interest, and now many people are seizing such a kind of interest in you.

The State of Wei is actually not a country anymore. In a word, it is actually a collection of aristocratic families. What they are now surrounding is their wealth. Many aristocratic families are finally not stingy this time, they directly took out a large amount of property, and then they supported the current frontline battle.

What they thought was actually very simple, so now they and Wei Guo themselves are both prosperous and both prosperous.

Now I can only protect these things through my own strength. In fact, after Sima Yi's leadership, the whole country is more concentrated in one aspect.

Now Sima Yi is also a very smart person. In fact, the best way to deal with internal contradictions is to take the lead in solving external contradictions, or to guide all the roots of internal contradictions towards the place of external contradictions. If you come, many people actually believe it.

In fact, since someone believes it, it means that his approach is actually a preliminary correct approach.

Now Qin Shuo already knew these things, in fact, he knew it himself, this Sima Yi was actually the same as Zhuge Liang, both an outstanding politician and a military strategist, and their strength was very powerful.

The current Zhuge Liang actually cultivated a doctrine that assisted the king's way. Originally, Sima Yi actually cultivated a doctrine that assisted hegemony.

But now Sima Yi seems to have some dissatisfaction, now he just doesn't want to practice any auxiliary domineering doctrine, he now wants to be a domineering himself.

The current state of Wei has been completely militarized, and this matter naturally has a good side, as well as a bad side.

These two things are actually equally important, and many people actually have some unclear things, but also have some clear understandings.

Complete militarized management will only bring some harm, not that it will have any great benefits, anyway, their country is now caught in this situation.

In fact, Sima Yi now has only one such path to choose, and there are some other roads that are not accessible, so he thinks he has no problems.

Anyway, Qin Shuo has some uncomfortable things, but after all, it is not his own territory, so he can't control it. As time grows, they don't know if they will understand it.

Now Wei Guo has entered a period of complete tension. Although they seem to be of the same mind from the outside, only they know that they have actually experienced some serious internal problems.

Now Sima Yi, in fact, is entirely for the consideration of one person, not for the consideration of others.

If it can be managed well in this way, then it is really a weird thing. Now with the growth of time, there are actually many people who will be like this.

With the growth of time, many problems are causing people to feel headaches. It is actually like this now. Now Sima Yi has some problems that do not know how to manage these things.

If the management is deeper, then there is something wrong with this matter. If the management is shallower, then it won't work.

That's why Sima Yi is so entangled now. In fact, it is not just Sima Yi who thinks so alone, but many people think the same way.

Anyway, Qin Shuo is not so worried about Sima Yi anymore, after all, he is just a person, and it is impossible to unravel any big troubles.


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