Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1356: Go all the pirates

Among so many ethnic groups now, Qin Shuo's attitude towards Fusang has always been the worst. There must be many reasons for this.

Now Sima Yi's retreat was actually a great help to Qin Shuo, and now Qin Shuo felt that the pressure on his body had been reduced a lot.

These relieved pressures can be used to do some other things. Perhaps this is an important point, so Qin Shuo has some other ideas nowadays.

With the development of time, the problem has actually appeared directly in many aspects. There is no way. After all, many people understand this, but understanding the Climate Department does not mean that it can be changed.

In many cases, it is difficult to change one thing when you understand it. This thing is the truth that people who drink more can clearly understand.

Anyway, Qin Shuo is trying his best to calm himself down. In this way, he can actually solve some problems more quickly.

For Qin Shuo now, the most valuable thing should be time. In fact, what he lacks most now is this time. Fortunately, Long Teng still has some Xuanyuan that has been rescued a lot of time.

Qin Shuo can use all this time, and then can do some more meaningful things, this may be an important point.

Now, as time grows slowly, many problems will become more and more people have some doubts. In fact, it is not difficult to solve these doubts, but they also need these people. Helped.

Qin Shuo looked at all the scenes in front of him. In fact, there was also a smile on his face. At this time, it should have reached the time for his counterattack.

The Fusang people on the opposite side still seem to have no idea what is happening now, but they will soon see what a devil is.

After a long time, in fact, there will be a legend in Fusang. There was a demon named Qin Shuo who defeated Fusang at that time, so it was said that Fusang was devastated.

But at that time, Fusang was no longer a country. It was just a small village. Then there were some diehards living in the village, and they were all unwilling to surrender.

But almost all the places next to it were already occupied by Qin Shuo, this kind of thing seemed to be a very normal thing.

Now as time has grown, people's thinking has changed a lot, and this change is a big change for them.

"Lord, this time it should be time for us to make a move. To be honest, I already have some itchy hands now."

At this time, Qi Jiguang seemed to have some ideas, and then he said for the first time.

Now those Fusang people have rushed to the beach on their side, and everyone’s face is full of cruelty, as if in their eyes, they are in front of their own eyes. Up.

It's true that many Fusang official propaganda are on a weekly basis. It is indeed like this, so many people now also believe this thing.

This matter has now spread slowly, and many people have different ideas. These Fusang were actually very orderly even during the robbery. They should have followed their formation very much. Among these soldiers, there were actually quite a few. Ronin's.

These ronins are actually pirates. As a pirate, in fact, they often have some headaches.

They are the kind of people who don't have a national concept at all, so no matter which country they are, as long as they can gain benefits after robbing, then they will definitely rush to the first time.

"When the Japanese pirates are gone, I'll wait for the time when the warlord will be worshipped."

At this time, Qi Jiguang was also yelling his own slogan. In fact, this slogan was actually a special inspiration for these soldiers. After all, for these soldiers, Feng Hou Baixiang was really a goal.

Although this goal is difficult to achieve, they still want to continue to cheer, even if they are mixed with a small team leader, it is actually very good.

The current Qin Shuo's welfare for those soldiers and soldiers is very high. Qin Shuo himself admires them more, so he is like this.

He certainly couldn't let the soldiers under his command chill. For him, these problems are actually not big problems.

As long as he continues to persevere now, then everything has a certain chance, this is one of his goals.

Now with the development of time, many soldiers actually know a little bit, as long as they are fighting **** the battlefield, then they have everything.

In fact, in addition to these soldiers, there are still many other players. Some of these players are scattered players, and some are guild players, or sect players.

Most of them have just arrived here, but their purpose is to have only one, then it is to defend their homes and nations.

To many people, the term "protecting one's home and defending the country" itself is very sacred and inviolable. In fact, it is the same for Qin Shuo.

Many players now regard this game as their second home, so for them now, this is actually defending their home.

In fact, not only one person, but many people are thinking this way, otherwise there would not be so many people coming to support.

In fact, Qin Shuo was also moved a bit now, and he didn't expect that this time there would be so many players coming.

There are even some female players who are here now. Of course, many of these female players are Qin Shuo fans.

But on the battlefield, who says that women are inferior to men, now many women are actually masters who are willing to result, completely subverting many people's ideas.

It is not a legend in itself that women are not allowed to bear eyebrows, and they will be like this in many cases.

Of course, among the current aborigines, there are also women's soldiers.

These women's armies were actually formed by Qin Shuo who asked Mu Guiying to form them. The main thing was not that he lacked soldiers on his side, but that many women wanted to be soldiers.

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