Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1361: Victory Fusang

"What kind of hero is this? If you can't beat it, then just surrender directly. Now you still have to avoid it. Can you say that you have such a little ability?"

"It's really funny. Such a little bit is useless. I really don't know how you live, haha."

"Could it be that this is his ability, if there is really only such a little bit, then forget it."

Now there are all some mocking sounds below, but Qin Shuo seems to ignore these mocking sounds at all.

It was just some ants whispering, Qin Shuo didn't need to care about these things at all, so he was like this.

There are no major problems, but now there are some minor problems.

"Since you have all said so, then I will take action."

Qin Shuo completely disappeared in place this time, but in the next second, he reappeared behind the general.

This time his spear was already raised high, and then directly stabbed down. There seemed to be something incredible on the other side, and he slowly turned his head to see Qin Shuo's mocking expression.

How could it be possible that the other side could bear such an expression, so he turned his head again and wanted to kill Qin Shuo directly.

But at this time, Qin Shuo's spear pushed hard, and it directly smashed him to the ground, and by the way, dozens of Fusang soldiers were killed.

A huge pothole appeared directly above the ground, and billowing smoke rose. Many people are worried about what is happening below.

When the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, Qin Shuo walked out leisurely and wiped the blood on the spear.

And the general in this big pit was already dead at this time and couldn't die again. There was no way at all, even if he wanted to resist, he didn't have that ability.

"If you say that your strength is like this, then it's really funny."

Qin Shuo also smiled at this time, and then a ball of light appeared in his hand.

This ball of light is actually the soul of a super historical military commander, and its effect is actually that great.

As long as the soul of this super historical general can be used, it will have a very powerful effect. As for the effect, it actually depends on the situation.

With the development of time now, many people's current mentality is somewhat different, this may be a key point.

In fact, there have been some changes in people's minds, especially the mentality of those Fusang people, which is now on the verge of collapse.

Originally, what they thought was that this time the military commander would come out as the savior, but they didn't expect that after only playing for a few minutes, it would be gone.

Qin Shuo didn't want any prisoners this time, and now he has entered the fight on the battlefield. It can be seen that the current fight has entered a one-sided situation. Nowadays, many Goguryeo people are actually together, but the effect of these Goguryeos is basically zero. They are not very useful, so they are very useful. Of small.

Qin Shuo can also express understanding of this situation, so many times he has some strange ideas, not many of that kind of ideas.

Now with the development of time, many people feel more and more that they have a lot of things. These should be very important issues.

Now this battle actually lasted for a day, but in this day, people just have been slaughtering.

In fact, the most violent massacres are actually those of the players, and there must be many reasons for this.

Many people treat the people on the opposite side as some data, so even if they kill them, there is no sense of guilt at all.

The second fact is that the contradiction between Fusang and the current China itself is very deep, including many historical events, so it is a very normal thing to be frank about them.

And this time, the opponent directly attacked his own homeland, which also reminded many people of a certain period of history, so the national plot in their hearts is even more important.

The third is that Qin Shuo said in advance that all the trophies he obtained this time, in fact, he does not recycle, all of which are for these players to hold.

The other reasons are actually good, but the last one is the real benefit, so many people are very excited.

This excitement has its advantages, but it doesn't have any major disadvantages, so there are so many problems.

It was late at night, and there was still fighting outside, and there were actually a lot of dead people on his side, but compared to the people who died on the opposite side, it was completely negligible.

So in this way, many people's thoughts have also changed, but the magnitude of the change is not too great.

"This time, if the problem is not too big, then there is no need to tell me at all."

At this time, Qin Shuo also spoke to everyone.

Regardless of whether it is a civil servant or a counselor, there is actually some joy on his face, but at the same time of joy, there is actually a little fatigue.

During this period of time, they have indeed been very tired. Everyone is really doing it for the country and the people, perhaps also for themselves.

However, it is quite normal that people are not for themselves and the heavens are destroyed.

Now Qin Shuo has been making some of his own changes early, and now he actually wants to change a lot of things slightly, this is the really important thing.

"Everyone is already working hard now, but we have also won this time, and we have wiped out all the enemies on the opposite side."

Qin Shuo also announced such a news. At this time, everyone began to applaud. This is truly happy.

In fact, it is quite normal to think about it now. If you change to Qin Shuo, you will also be very happy.

It's just that they still haven't fully fulfilled their mission. Now there are still a lot of things that need to be busy. This is a key point.

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