Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1365: World situation

Now Central Asia has also established a powerful empire, the Ottoman Empire, but the current Ottoman Empire is known as the Second Ottoman Empire.

The strength of this Ottoman Empire is also very powerful, covering almost the entire Central Asia region. It is important to know that the mineral resources in Central Asia are very rich.

Although it may not be that important in many minerals until now, it will not be so in the future. After all, with the development of technology, people will slowly improve in many aspects.

Although oil is completely unavailable at this time, it may not be necessarily at some point in the future.

Once it is possible to use such an important strategic resource as oil, it is estimated that the price of oil will also directly soar. So now there are many people who are directly eyeing this Second Ottoman Empire.

There is another country that is the United States, but the current United States is not the only power. He now has two powers, one is the southern region, and the other is the northern region.

Now the southern region is about to complete the occupation of the northern region. Once the southern region is swallowed, the situation may be somewhat different.

The upper limit of their country itself is very high, so Qin Shuo has been paying close attention to their country from the beginning.

After all, it is different from ordinary countries. Their country does not have a nationality, or that they actually have a nationality at the beginning, but that nationality has long since been eliminated.

They are now completely putting away the dirty and ugly faces of the past, and they are wearing a civilized hat on their heads, anyway, they are self-proclaimed civilized.

In fact, among the major countries in the world, the number of religious countries also occupies the mainstream, and it can even be said that the majority of them are all comprehensive countries.

In fact, in general religious countries, there is a national "sex", so believe in heaven and earth, believe in gods, and believe that everything in the world is a gift from heaven.

But in the ancient times of my own country, there was no such kind of thought at all. Even in Gu Yu, it was often said that the change of the sky was not fearful, or that it was the sky that made things happen, and the people who planned things.

From these words, it can be completely seen that, in fact, their country has nothing that can become a religious country.

Because most people in their country don't worship God very much, let alone "superstitiously" believe in those ghosts and gods, even those ancestors are also humans. In myths and legends, most monsters look similar to humans.

In fact, among many religious countries, the most important thing is that they are very safe. For example, the current Peacock Empire is like this.

Even if there are many players joining these peacock empires, they also strictly abide by the hierarchy in their reality, because these things are already deep-rooted in their minds!

So they believe in God very much, and believe that after being born, there will be 369 classes, but at this time, in fact, the princes and generals have a kind of kindness. Such a kind of speech has always existed. This is for the religious system. A counterattack. If people can’t live for a while, then they will use their own rebellion to change their status quo. This is a state that has existed since ancient times.

In addition, there is still a saying that in their own country, in fact, many people believe in gods as a utilitarian belief.

They don’t care what **** they are facing. The first thing they have to ask is whether the **** is efficacious or not. If it is efficacious, then it is a little worship. If they say that their wish has come true, then they will Will continue to vomit.

If the gods did not change their lives, or caused some negative effects on their lives, then they would feel a little disgusted with these gods.

Anyway, this is what Qin Shuo is most fortunate about now, so he said that his country would not turn it into a religious country.

If you say that others are willing to believe, then let others believe, but if you want to preach, then Qin Shuo will be the first to stand up against whoever it is.

Fortunately, their national teachers are also very obedient, and they have never done anything particularly excessive, they have always been safe and self-serving.

Moreover, Zuo Ci himself had some abilities, otherwise Qin Shuo would not have kept him.

This kind of magic or something can be learned anyway. They have some belief in gods, but they believe in some material power.

Maybe there are some gods in this world, but even if these things exist, then these things are still some material existence, not that kind of non-material existence.

Of course, this is too far away, but from this we can also see that some of the "sex" of their religious countries, if they want to achieve their goals, they must be unscrupulous.

They believe in God, but there is no such thing at all. It is actually such a situation now. In fact, for many people, this kind of belief is actually a very good thing.

If we continue to fight like this, there might be differences in many aspects, and this is a very important point.

With the development of time, many problems will have some differences, so it is just like this.

Now Qin Shuo gradually started to pay attention to the situation of the world. After all, after he had completed everything in his own country, he should shift his focus abroad.

Regardless of the type, Qin Shuo now has to be very serious anyway. If he is a little negligent, some more important problems may arise.

These problems all make him feel some headaches, but how about it, in fact, Qin Shuo also has these things that he doesn't know.

The bear country in the north is actually very powerful.

And their greed is actually not economic greed, nor is it military greed. They covet their own land.

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