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The ocean itself is a huge treasure, and many people also want to explore such a treasure. After all, there are endless resources in it.

In particular, it looks even more like this on some islands. Some places are just a small island if you look at it from the outside, but if you can really go deep into it, you can see the treasures contained in it.

Qin Shuo actually has two paths now. Either he defends this place tightly. If he chooses to defend, then relying on the geographical location here, it is impossible to break through.

But from the perspective of Qin Shuo's personality, he would definitely not choose to defend. Imitation makeup in his eyes is only something that a coward can do, and he is not a coward.

Such a personality actually has some advantages in itself, but also has some disadvantages, so this is a key point.

If it is said that the ocean can be directly occupied, it will cause a lot of benefits, which may not be thought of by many people.

If this continues, it will cause some harm in many ways, and it will also cause some benefits.

"Lord, don't worry, this time we will definitely not let your expectations down, and we will definitely occupy this place completely."

Gan Ning is now the commander-in-chief of the navy, so his confidence is also very sufficient.

In Qin Shuo, Zheng He was already used as his deputy. In this way, it would actually have greater benefits in many aspects.

Now in this game, Zheng He was actually a kid who grew up on the seashore, so he is very familiar with the ocean.

If they can be used now, they are also very useful, and in many ways it can be more convenient, at least he is very familiar with the ocean.

What Qin Shuo lacks most in China now is the admiral. In fact, there are very few admirals in their entire history since ancient times, so it is more difficult to find a suitable one.

There is actually a Zhou Yu on the other side, but Zhou Yu's role is not very big. It is now leading some soldiers, and it is also a general of the navy.

However, he is actually a young admiral, so he has to continue to study for a while in many aspects, but this time Qin Shuo also brought her over.

In fact, the most important thing for him was to learn the things in the navy. However, the difference between the navy and the navy is quite large, but after two years of adjustments, many of his current habits have been changed.

If you say that after such a rough estimate, you don't need to worry about that in many ways, you just have to wait for the battle to start.

But he can't decide when the battle starts. It depends on when the opponent will attack. Now he can only use defense instead of attack.

Otherwise, if Qin Shuo directly allowed his soldiers to attack this time, then perhaps he would fall into a kind of passiveness, so waiting for them to attack is the best thing. They have completely thought of these things before, let alone some other things, anyway, in general, there will be no big problems.

But in some subtle aspects, there will actually be some problems, and these things will not make people feel particularly caring.

Anyway, many soldiers are very confident now. In their eyes, those Westerners are all barbarians, and there must be a big gap between them.

Anyway, the current Qin Shuo didn't want the thoughts in these soldiers' hearts to breed arbitrarily. In this way, in fact, many times it would cause some more serious consequences.

If we continue like this, perhaps it will be more uncomfortable to show off in many ways, but the specifics depend on the situation.

Now that it grows slowly over time, in fact, many people's ideas will change.

It's like there are indeed many people among them who disagree with this matter. The most important thing is that they are all afraid of whether there will be some serious consequences.

Many soldiers, including those on the opposite side, don't want to fight, because they can see that this time they should not be as relaxed as before.

The general on the opposite side is called Madu. In fact, he can be regarded as a more famous general, but in many cases there will be some problems.

Although this name sounds a bit like a Han Chinese name, it is actually not a Han Chinese. It is indeed a person from the Sunset Empire.

Moreover, he still has a certain reputation in history. Even if he is a relatively famous general, he was sent over this time, which means that the opponent attaches great importance to this war.

Qin Shuo also attached great importance to such a war, but it also depends on the situation. In many cases, even if he values ​​it, there is nothing he can do about it.

Now with the development of time, there may be some changes in the minds of many people. Of course, these changes are also very normal.

Anyway, in Qin Shuo's eyes, those things are all relatively normal, especially under many special circumstances, he would think so.

There is definitely no way to avoid this battle, and I said that this time I have been exploring terrain next to it, and finally I finally selected a sea area.

He has now arranged all the plans. In fact, most people rarely pass in this sea area, but this sea area is very suitable for them to fight.

This time Qin Shuo didn't plan to dispatch his battleship directly, but let his battleship appear a little later, first of all, let the smaller frigates go out.

Although many people have some doubts and don't know why I do this in the dormitory, all of them do this thing well.

Perhaps with the development of time, people's thinking will have some changes, but it will not produce much change. This is a necessity.

Speaking of the early morning of the next day, in fact, every soldier was already very concerned about these things. In fact, it is quite normal to think about it.


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