Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1400: Siege of Luoyang

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"It can be seen that your current thinking is not too much. If this is the case, then let's use our power in the dark. We haven't used them for a long time. I think they are now too. It is very lonely, right? I don't believe that such a small Luoyang city can stop me."

Qin Shuo was also very confident at this time, and then directly said that he himself is a self-confident endorsement. If he is not confident, then he will not develop his power to such a large scale.

Just like what many people say, it is a talent in itself, and he has already used his talents where he should use it. Now he has it in his body regardless of whether it is a civil or military commander. There are also under his hands, and even few people in the entire world can match him completely.

If there is a spokesperson in every division, then the spokesperson of their division must be the person in front of them. There is almost no objection to this point. This is a very important point.

If we continue to do this, there may be some uncomfortable problems on many issues, but no matter what, the situation now is just like this.

Qin Shuo himself wanted to make a change, but now under such a situation, if he wants to make a change, it is not that simple at all, or even a very complicated matter.

Now with the development of time, people’s ideas will be somewhat different. This may be an important point, especially for them, it is a very important point, perhaps in many people’s ideas. There is no such thing.

If we continue like this, they will not feel that they attach great importance to it in many ways, but this is quite normal if we think about it carefully.

Even after Qin Shuo finished that sentence, in fact, he will have some changes in many aspects now. This may be an important point.

The current self must pay attention to many issues. If you say that you don’t take it seriously, then maybe the enemy will take advantage of it. Then you will feel some headaches in many situations. .

There are so many problems now. If you want to continue to develop, then it is basically an unlikely thing. So for everyone, these things will make people feel some headaches. , Especially for a leader like him.

A leader like him actually has a lot of things he wants to make. If he chooses many problems incompletely, it will make people feel very uncomfortable.

Time is also slowly developing, and now Qin Shuo is already determined, no matter what, Luoyang City must be attacked within ten days, otherwise there will be some losses that outweigh the gains.

But I also couldn't make fun of the lives of those people. After all, they were all living lives.

Although they are just a piece of data in the eyes of many people, it is different in Qin Shuo's eyes. He knows that this game is also very mysterious. Maybe all of them are not some numbers.

It was something that happened in another world. Although saying these words would make people feel very shocked, but after so long of thinking, he also came up with such a thing, regardless of whether others liked it or not. Believe it, anyway, he believes it is all right. If you say something like Qin Shuojiang to others now, then most people must think that he is playing games crazy, but only Qin Shuo knows why he thinks so. , Because this game is really amazing.

Even magically, he didn’t dare to accept it. What's more, he knew that this game might have his parents’ participation, and he had an idea in the dark, which was the same as before. It's exactly the same!

He didn't know what the jade pendant on his body was, but he always felt that this thing should have a lot to do with his parents.

Perhaps it was the only thought left to her by her parents. At this point, she also looked at the jade pendant on her waist, and there was a memory in her eyes.

After receiving this, Qin Shuo directly stood up, and then explained his own thoughts. In fact, he also has a lot of thoughts, and the most important thing is for this aspect.

He also had to directly give his own order now, and at this time the spies in the entire Luoyang City seemed to start moving.

"I have been waiting for such a long time now. In fact, I have always been for the arrival of this day. I did not expect that this day will really come."

In a small shop, a person spoke.

Although this person seemed to be just an ordinary inn shopkeeper, who knew that he was actually the owner of all the inn shops in Luoyang.

But for so many years, he hasn't made much money. The point is because he said that all his money has been replaced with other things, such as swords.

The role of these swords is naturally that there is no need for a large number of them, and they have almost changed the destiny of many people in their lives.

But he does look like this. With the development of time, the problems have actually become somewhat different. This may be an important point.

Now that it has grown slowly over time, many people’s thoughts are actually different. This may be quite normal.

In the eyes of many people, perhaps this is nothing, but in the eyes of more people, these are all very important things.

As time progresses slowly, people's ideas will become somewhat different.

The shopkeeper now distributes all the swords in his hands and distributes them all, and the people who distribute them are all people in the city with rebellious intentions.

At present, there are about 200,000 soldiers defending the entire city. This 200,000 is also the last resort on the other side.


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