Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1420: Strategic objectives

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In the past, what Qin Shuo lacked was the support of those players, but now this time is completely different. Many players have directly started to support Qin Shuo. After all, this also has some advantages.

With the development of time, there are actually more and more problems. These problems are very important to them. If this continues, then it will definitely be a good thing for them.

Now that other countries have directly attacked them, they have directly returned to their own countries, and he is now also preparing to establish a county here.

After they attacked this place, in fact, all the players in this place have already been teleported away. This is very important good news for them.

After all, most of them also hate those players, and if those players are still here, then it's a totally restless factor.

So if you take them away now, then you will definitely have to go more smoothly in the future. At least in many ways, you don't have to worry about that. This may be a very important point.

Many people don't really understand this too much, but if you think about it carefully, you can figure it out. Many people have the same idea.

After Qin Shuo directly occupied this place, he also felt the burden on his body. Suddenly, it was a lot easier, at least not as cumbersome as before.

The artifacts of their country have also been obtained on their own side, and this is actually a good thing for them!

This artifact of their country is actually very similar to their country's attributes, that is, it can replicate an item again.

Their artifact is actually a jade pendant, so this thing is considered more important, and Qin Shuo still likes it.

But after all, they are copied things, so many things are weaker than the original ones, or even much weaker.

In fact, the most important point is to consume the national fortune of his own country, and now Qin Shuo does not want to let the national fortune of his country disappear a little bit.

So now he is not ready to use it after he has obtained this kind of thing, but is ready to wait until later if he can use it later.

Now many players in their country are actually very excited. After all, this is something that many people have imagined and haven't done for a long time. Of course, they have done it slowly at this time.

Now with the development of time, many people have different ideas. This is a very important point. Perhaps many people did not think of this.

Now as the strength of one's own country gradually increases, the problems will gradually increase, but they will also slowly solve these problems, and they will overcome whatever they encounter.

If it sounds bad, in fact, their country is exactly like a centipede. The centipede is not stiff. If you give yourself a chance, then they will rise again, so now Qin Shuo has led his own nation to slowly rise.

Time is slowly passing by now, and perhaps this aspect is very important in the eyes of many people.

Now my country is completely on the right track, so I don't have to worry so much about many issues, especially on some big things.

He is also fortunate now. Fortunately, he has so many subordinates by his side, otherwise he would be more uncomfortable in many aspects.

A nation like their own is actually very sufficient in terms of talents, so they simply don't need to supplement other talents.

Now the productivity of their country has also started to develop slowly before. Perhaps this is a very important point, especially for those people.

With the development of time, in fact, many things are not as they were before. Perhaps this is the point.

"This battle is actually a very important thing for us. So after I go back this time, I will definitely reward those who have made contributions in this war, so you people too Don't worry too much."

This is actually an idea of ​​many of them. Of course, this idea has also won the approval of many people.

After all, these civil servants and generals are fighting so hard, in fact, in order to be able to add officials to the ranks. Although they can't sue their wives at this time, they also have to slowly climb to a higher level.

If their country can continue to develop at this time, then their country's territory will certainly gradually expand, which is definitely a good thing for them.

To ensure that the country is prosperous and the people live and work in peace and contentment, the best way is to use force to open up and expand territory when the people can reasonably bear it.

The current Qin Shuo pays great attention to this aspect, so in many aspects, he has not forced others too much, and he is still within a very reasonable distance.

The current thinking is very simple, so I want to expand my territory as much as possible. In this way, it will definitely have a benefit for one's own national development. After all, in the future era, resources will definitely become more and more important.

After all, living and working in peace and contentment is actually very important at this time, but opening up and expanding the territory is indeed beneficial for the future.

Qin Shuo now wants to accomplish these two aspects at the same time. On the one hand, he wants all the people in his country to live and work in peace and contentment, and on the other hand, he wants to continue to expand.

In fact, this aspect is the most important point. If we pay attention to any point now, then it is not a good thing for the whole.

With the development of time, in fact, people also feel that this point is very important, and this emphasis is actually very correct.

If you say that is not the case, then you may be unable to fix both aspects. In fact, if you want to fix both aspects, there is only one way, and that is to plunder the world's resources.


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