Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1423: Textile reform

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Anyway, their rise can basically be described as unstoppable, and basically no one can resist their rise. This is actually a very normal thing. Many people also understand this, so many people have not taken action.

Now even those pirates above the sea are basically very afraid of them. After all, their strength is also there. If they can use their strength, then many people will be afraid of themselves.

In fact, many people know this, but to a certain extent people have a strange mentality.

These mentalities may seem normal in the past, but at this time, there are some too weird words.

Anyway, now that others resist themselves, they will watch others resist. Anyway, no matter how they resist, it will not do any harm to them at all.

Could it be that they lost an opportunity to do business and an opportunity to rise by themselves because they were blind.

But with the inflow of many things in their own country, many things in their own country cannot be sold, and the most classic of them should be cloth.

Qin Shuo is actually using a way that the Sunset Empire used to exploit the Maurya Dynasty, and this is actually a very normal economic problem.

It is said that at the beginning of the great nautical era, many of the Peacock Empire’s cotton products and spices were gradually exported to Europe, but at that time there was nothing exported to the Peacock Empire.

For this reason, it is said that the Peacock Empire has made a lot of wealth. So Europe at the beginning did not adhere to the principle of free trade, but began to restrict or even prohibit the export of Maurya cotton products. .

In fact, those Europeans have always insisted on a liberalism, and they have insisted on free trade, but they only insist on these two things in their own interests. If it is in their own interests, then they will Support, if it is based on the strength of others, then he opposes it.

In fact, they are not the most powerful military force, but their cultural output, but their ideological output. In this regard, in fact, many countries have no way to compete with them.

To put it another way, it means that they are good at sniping, and there are still many ways of sniping, and they can convince many people.

When something like free trade was born from the beginning, it was actually standing on top of interest groups, so it is not a law that must be adhered to.

But in this period of time after the Industrial Revolution, there has always been a change. After all, because of the industrial revolution, they eventually defeated the textiles, the products of the Peacock Empire.

And now, many Europeans have also begun to establish many colonies in other places, and develop a kind of plantation agriculture on these colonies. In this way, their agriculture can actually be greatly developed. Woke up.

In this kind of era, in fact, no matter how strong you are on land, there is no way. It must be very strong on the navy.

After all, no matter how powerful you are in the Army, if someone beats you, but you can't beat them, this is actually a very embarrassing thing.

In the past, what we were striving for was some land-based interests, but at this time, fighting for land-based interests is not too big. So now they are also slowly striving to invite some benefits from the ocean.

Now the European industrial system is almost completed. At the beginning, a large amount of raw materials were obtained from that kind of plantation or its own colony, and then it was through industrialization after the industrial revolution and the degree of mechanization. Some things are processed.

The quality of the processed items is definitely not to worry about, and the price is lower.

Compared with some traditional agricultural methods, such an agricultural method will definitely make one's own country develop more rapidly, and it can quickly surpass other countries.

The Sunset Empire is now considered to be a very powerful colonial empire, so it is now also a very broad sales market, raw material production areas, and a lot of cheap labor.

In this way, it would actually make them stronger, and now they can produce those textiles more quickly and conveniently.

Originally, their country's cotton textile industry itself was very developed, but at this time it was completely different. Now even if they want to continue to develop, there is no way.

The Sunset Empire is also relying on its strong industrial strength, and then taking various measures to combat the current cotton textile industry of the Maurya Empire, and it is also a secondary role for their cotton textile industry to occupy the world. Status.

Although the king of the Peacock Empire has thought of a lot of methods at this time, the methods he came up with are actually very limited.

But the development of their country is actually a very big advancement for the whole country. For many people, this is an opportunity.

Because of the completion of the industrial spinning machine, Qin Shuo now relies on its own vast territory, so it has directly established many textile factories, and these textile factories also imitated a large number of items.

The prices of these imitations are actually very low now, even lower than the Sunset Empire. This may be a fatal problem. Now they also control the vast majority of textiles in the entire foreign trade market.

In this way, their national strength will actually be greatly strengthened, and this is actually one aspect of it.

The most important thing is that with the popularity of these textiles, the credit system that their country has invited is slowly improving. Many countries have not only begun to cooperate with them on the scene of textiles, but also began to cooperate on other products. .


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