Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1426: Sikh Empire

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With such a geographical condition, in fact, he was completely able to dominate Southeast Asia now, but he did not expect that Qin Shuo would suddenly intervene.

In fact, Qin Shuo also values ​​such a country very much, but what he values ​​most is not the strength of such a country, or the threat of such a country, but their vast market.

Just because they have a large number of people now, it can be seen that the market in their place is definitely very broad. Once they can directly control such a market, they will be Has unlimited benefits.

However, although this does not sound too difficult, if you really want to do it, it is a very complicated thing, and many factors must be considered.

If we talk about the area of ​​their country, then that kind of volume is definitely not a big country in the world, and the geographical location of their country actually has advantages and disadvantages.

In fact, apart from developing their own navy, they basically have no way to develop other things of their own. After all, if it is to develop the army, then they have no place to attack the Dahan area.

If it is truly placed in the ancient times, then this point must be indifferent. After all, at that time, everyone was half-hearted, so there was no way for anyone to win.

But now their country's navy has also been fully developed, so now it is completely possible to slap the current Maurya dynasty navy.

Although the area of ​​their country is not too small, the resources of their country are indeed very small, and even some very small countries can’t be compared. If this is the case, the same is true. Very huge disadvantage.

In fact, his current influence can't extend to too many places, so the places where they can extend now are only South Asia or Southeast Asia.

However, as mentioned in the previous article, they are now unable to completely control South Asia or Southeast Asia, so they can only protect their small piece of land.

However, compared with my own country, the front is huge, and it also has a very long strategic depth. No matter what you encounter, as long as you hide inside anyway, everything becomes a small thing.

If in the future, they can actually rely on their navy, which is not too weak, and use their peacock ocean as their back garden, but now this time is different, they simply don’t pay attention to any technology. development of.

Now the players in their country are simply speechless, because they are still in power by the aborigines, and there is no way to shake such a right.

Unless all of their people's inner thoughts have some changes, but there are some things that can't be changed at all. For example, Luoyeguigen and clan were deeply ingrained in the past. These are all deeply ingrained ideas.

It would be a little better if there is a magnificent emperor in their country, but there is no such kind of people in their country now, and it is estimated that there will be no such kind in the future. People, so they don’t have any idea of ​​what they are.

Qin Shuo now has a little idea, he wants to unite their northern Sikh empire, after all, the Sikh empire is actually a relatively important country.

Moreover, a country like them actually feels some headaches. After all, there are also some helplessness in many aspects.

Their country and the Peacock Empire themselves have deep feuds, but their strength can't compete with the Peacock Empire, but their country handed me a very superior one.

In fact, their country still has a nickname, it is the Imperial Cemetery, and Qin Shuo now has some people who want to enter this Imperial Cemetery.

And now their country itself is very powerful. Although an empire like theirs is not comparable to other larger empires, it is still not small.

If it is said that the only one that can cooperate in the entire East Asian region, perhaps it is their empire, basically it is impossible to believe it in other places.

Now he and the Peacock Empire are basically a feud. Anyway, there is simply no way to make peace between the two of them, so let alone the two of them working together to deal with others.

Moreover, their place can actually be regarded as the most important communication route in the entire Eurasian continent, and some people even say that this is the heart of Asia.

Alexander, who was in the ancient Greek period, actually wanted to conquer this place. Anyway, in their eyes, once this place can be conquered, then the entire Asia is within easy reach.

But in the end, an empire like him also fell in this place, and many empires in the future also fell in this place, so he was called the empire cemetery.

In fact, there are many problems in this place, and there are still many religious countries among them. Qin Shuo thought about occupying this place before, but if he really occupied it, he would not be able to manage it at all. of.

And after the occupation, I have made some money in many aspects that are not easy to do. Although the resources of their place are indeed many, if you want to control the resources of this place, then there are actually many ways.

In fact, it is not necessarily. Only through such a military method to occupy the resources of their place, in fact, it is also possible to occupy the resources of their place through economic means.

For such a religious country, Qin Shuo definitely doesn't want to do it. After all, there are many people among them, who are completely afraid of death.

Even if this place is occupied in the future, then perhaps the problems will become many in the future, and I will not intervene too much with them.

If they are in the same Confucian cultural circle, then there is no big problem, but they simply do not belong to the entire Confucian cultural circle.


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