Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1431: Undercurrent

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The Fusang people on those islands have not fully realized these things. They still think they are unconscious, but they are already prepared for these things.

If these things cannot be completely resolved, then in many ways it will make people feel that there are some headaches. Now as a navy general, he has the responsibility and obligation to solve all these things.

If there are some accidents, then I will say another sentence, but now there are probably not too many accidents, so he has already thought about this.

Soon the three battleships arrived at the former adenocarcinoma here, but because the sounds of the three battleships were indeed too loud, it seemed that the Fusang people on the opposite side had already had some movement.

It can be seen that a lot of Fusang people suddenly emerged from the dense forests of those small islands. As he thought, there was not just one Fusang person on this small island.

But this island is actually not that big, so I don’t know how many Fusang people there are. However, Zheng Chenggong now has a belief, so there must be a lot of people in it, but I don’t know how they are. Hid those people.

If the number of them is small, it is definitely impossible to gather like this, so he also made such a judgment, and immediately let the battleships under his own attack the island.

Now, some of Zheng Chenggong's subordinates actually have some doubts. After all, most people regard it as an empty island.

"I feel that our generals are too nervous? Obviously there is nothing wrong. For such a large island, even if there are some Fusang soldiers, then we only need to go up with these small frigates. Why do we have to call it? Where are the battleships coming?"

"I just don't believe that on such a small island, is it really just how many people will be hidden? Now that we are getting close, it should have been a misjudgment, but there is no way, anyway Let's follow his orders."

"I really don’t know why the lord insisted on promoting him directly. In fact, I feel that he is only suitable for being a small soldier, but now he is not as simple as being promoted to three levels, but directly connected. Up to ten levels, directly from a small soldier to such a position, there are actually many people in the current army who are not convinced."

"Anyway, I feel that the current main attack is good, but there are some mistakes in doing this thing, but we still have to look at the situation. Now it is him who lets us attack, so let's just attack directly. Look at the end. What kind of result will it have."

At this time, there were actually some. Many soldiers were talking about it. Now Zheng Chenggong can also be heard.

But Zheng Chenggong didn't listen to all these things in his ears at this time. He still has some more important things to do, so these things can be said later.

Now the Fusang soldiers on the opposite side are also in a mess. Now more and more Fusang soldiers are directly rushing outside, and there are still many soldiers, and they seem to be rolling something like this now. is definitely not visible to ordinary soldiers, but Zheng Chenggong, who is holding a telescope in his hand, can see everything on the other side clearly, which they push in modern times. That is, some small ships.

And there are not only some small boats, but even some huge battleships, but these huge battleships are all divided into parts.

But even a shell is still so heavy. It seems that they want to disperse all these battleships, and then transport them to this side first, and then continue to assemble them after the war.

In this way, once they relax their vigilance, they may really have to be succeeded by the other side. Fortunately, this time he is lucky to discover these things completely, otherwise the consequences will be more serious. .

The video also found such a thing, so now those battleships are directly firing shells at that island. Each chapter has more than 200 barrels of cannon.

Adding these three ships together, there are almost 600 red-coated cannons, and the 600 red-coated cannons fired together, which directly blew up the island.

Of course, this is just about exploding some of the shells, but they may not have exploded inside, so the current Zheng Chenggong still continues to give orders to let his own teams continue to bomb.

If they follow such a speed, maybe they will get a good news soon, anyway, now he has basically stabilized the overall situation, and there will be no more waves at all.

And now the soldiers under his hands have changed some of his ideas. In fact, many of the soldiers under his hands were not convinced by him, but now even if they are not convinced at this time, they are not convinced. Okay.

These red cannons were completely bombarded toward the opposite side like some demons. At this time, there were also many screams from the opposite side directly rang out.

Now Zheng Chenggong can basically conclude one thing, that is, those battleships were actually not invented by Fusang himself, nor were they built by themselves, but they were purchased.

Looking at the style of those battleships, they are actually very similar to the battleships in their hands. If this is the case, then one thing can be concluded. The battleships in those hands are all purchased from the Sunset Empire.

It seems that the empire that does not set the sun still has the same heart, and now it still wants to kill Qin Shuo and the others.

Although they were kind on the front, they didn't expect to sell all these things directly to Fusang in the dark, and Qin Shuo didn't even know about it.

Although some battleships can't make the current big man lose a kind of initiative, maybe the ocean field on the opposite side will expand even more. They just want to suppress themselves through Fusang first, and then the empire wants to come over and harvest people. .

The two countries now have a high probability of being united together. For this, Zheng Chenggong can still conclude.


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