Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1433: Fuso's plan

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These Fusang soldiers who are still alive, judging from their appearance, their mental attitude is pretty good. It seems that life has always been pretty good, but thinking about it, this is also a relatively normal thing.

And now she has also carried out some provinces for these Fusang soldiers. These provinces must be very strict, and no matter what the tricks are all used.

After all, they can be regarded as some insiders now. Since they are insiders, then they must have the consciousness of doing insiders. This is just a small warning, not something else. Even if Fusang came over now, the messenger had nothing to say.

After all, the first mistake in this matter was themselves, so it was impossible for them to let some messengers over. If the messenger is really allowed to come, then they will only have the result of confession. It is impossible to have any other results. If they did not plead guilty, Qin Shuo would also let them know how good he was.

If Fusang had always been obedient before, maybe he wouldn't have so many thoughts, but he didn't expect that Fusang would take the initiative to harass him, then Qin Shuo could only take the initiative. Anyway, this is also a relatively normal thing. After all, these are two countries and it is not a joke. There must be no other things between the countries.

But this should be a desperate fight by the opposite side. In fact, the opposite side knows that if they don’t make a move now, there will be no chance to make a move in the future, but they didn’t expect that they could still make a move. It was a direct failure.

This should be regarded as their bad luck, if luck is good, then it is not like this at all.

Anyway, if you want to go smoothly in the current operation, the probability is basically very low. It was basically impossible anyway, because the other side had already mobilized all of his navy.

If we continue to look like this, then many problems will actually occur. These problems are all problems that are not easy to guarantee. Perhaps many people have problems that cannot be guaranteed.

Hey! Because my side has already achieved a certain degree of victory, the confidence of the navy on my side has also been greatly enhanced. Anyway, they don’t need to be afraid now. The battleships on the opposite side have basically been wiped out this time. Up.

If there is a strategy and there is no chapter, the difference is actually very big, and it can even be said that there is a world of difference.

This is not a joke at all, that is, it is equivalent to a country with an aircraft carrier battle group and a country without an aircraft carrier battle group. There is no way to compare it.

Although many people think that the aircraft carrier is completely useless, it is basically not a soldier who has such an idea. If it is truly amazing, you know that these are actually very important. If you don’t have these things, you are at a disadvantage in many ways. If you have these things, you can turn your disadvantages into an advantage. .

With the development of time now, many people are very clear about this. If they continue to do this, they will continue to lead in many ways. What they have to do now is to win and pursue.

This time, under the leadership of Zheng Chenggong, they also succeeded in directing some things, that is, torturing the Fusang people, and finally prying the mouths of the Fusang people. The Fusang people themselves are relatively timid, even though they It is indeed the spirit of some samurai.

But they can’t stand the torture at all. After all, in ancient times, all kinds of torture were extremely cruel. Basically, everything that can be used was used. In fact, life is better than death. Scary.

Although Zheng Chenggong is not too familiar with these things, his subordinates are also familiar. Therefore, it is also successful to pry open the mouths of those Fusang people.

Now the Fusang people are scrambling to bring out their secrets. Anyway, they know more now, especially those generals among them, who know more.

The purpose of their coming this time is actually similar to what people have guessed. Anyway, it is basically not much different, that is, they come here to build a base here and prepare to attack them in the future.

And for such a thing, they had already begun planning for a year. They had started planning before, but they didn't expect that it would be directly broken today. This was something they hadn't expected at all.

Many Fusang people now feel that they have some despair. After all, their only hope now is already broken. For them, everything on this island is the hope of their entire country, but now these hopes are all It is already known by others, so there is no longer any hope.

Those causal people have actually been cooperating with them for a long time. The causal people themselves have some ideas that want to get rid of these big guys, so they must also find a spokesperson in this place in East Asia. Now Fusang is very suitable as such a spokesperson.

If you change to another person as the spokesperson, then it is not particularly suitable. But Fusang is actually a very suitable candidate.

This is also related to the national characteristics of Fusang. In fact, such a national personality likes the strong and hates the weak, or likes to bully the weak. In this case, they like it. Connect with such a wall.

If you change to a big man, then it’s definitely impossible. They can’t cooperate with such a powerful district server. What they are looking for is some weaker district servers. After all, such district servers are easier to control. .

They themselves have their own confidence to cooperate well. After all, the ambitions between the two countries are also very large, so it is definitely impossible for anyone to let someone else. If the two of them might still argue with each other in the face of interests.


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