Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1435: Trade deficit

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Every time they go into battle, they actually have to wear at least three layers of armor. The innermost layer is actually the lock armor that protects their chest. Then the second layer is some fish-scale iron armor, and the outermost layer is Very strong and heavy plate armor, this plate armor is actually a kind of essence.

Even if in winter, they still have to wear some thick shirts. Then add the knight’s spears on them, and if you add the armors on the horses, if you calculate this, each of them will carry about 80 kg. This will affect their body. Some of the mobility effects are too great.

So they are some humanoid tanks. After all, such a cavalry must have a certain degree of propulsion. If it is said that a certain formation is placed on the battlefield, then it is estimated that there is no disadvantage, and it is completely possible to have the opponent. Some devastation.

After all, these cavalry are not really fighting against another type of cavalry. They are fighting against the infantry. If they are completely like some gods in front of the infantry, there is no way to resist them.

So in their European history, this kind of cavalry has always been a legend, and now they have been developing this kind of cavalry. They also want to use this kind of cavalry to fight against other countries. Among those countries, the Sunset Empire is actually the best developed country.

But the number of such heavy cavalry in their country is actually very small. After all, these heavy cavalry not only need very good talents to serve, but also those things on them consume a lot of the wealth of the empire.

If you want to create a 1,000-man heavy cavalry, then it is estimated that it will cost 10 million. In this way, many people actually feel that it is not worth it.

However, Qin Shuo saw a lot of double-clicks in the previous period. The most important point is that the current fiscal revenues of their European countries are not particularly optimistic, so they are also very short of some good horses. Kind.

In their country, there are actually some cavalry trained by themselves, but the cavalry trained are basically not very good. After all, the horses are not as good as the real prairie horses.

If you talk about a slightly worse horse, then it is likely to be exhausted during the war. This kind of thing is not a joke, after all, these things have often happened before.

Therefore, the current Qin Shuo was also connected by himself before. The family began to secretly sell some horses towards Europe, and the prices of these horses were also very high.

But even if these prices are very high, there are many people buying them. After all, the prices are high and their quality is also very good, so many people are rushing to buy.

Now whether it is their country or the family united with them, they have actually made a lot of money, but if you think about it, this is quite normal. After all, this is also a kind of cooperation. . But the current Sunset Empire official is actually impossible to buy horses from their countries, not only because the two countries themselves have deep enmity, from this point If you say it, you can't buy it.

Another very important point is that they are also very strict with regard to import and export, especially now that the import and export of big men are more stringent, and even they are now strictly restricting the import and export of those big men.

After the development of last year, in their countries, they have actually discovered that there is a large outflow of money from their own countries, and most of them are unable to find the direction of this outflow. But in the end, it was also suggested that perhaps all these outward gold coins flowed into the big man.

So now they are beginning to restrict exports. Otherwise, their country's economy may fall sharply. What they are most worried about now is actually this, so they are just like this.

Now as time has grown, people's thinking has begun to undergo some changes. In fact, these changes are not just thoughts, many of them are all negative changes.

Like Qin Shuo now, he is somewhat uncomfortable with such a change. After all, she had never stolen or robbed it, and she was doing business tightly, but she didn't expect that the other side would not let herself do business. There must be something uncomfortable in her heart.

If you change to someone else, it will also look like this. He also knows what the other side thinks, but the other side can also export things in.

Although they can export enough things, after all, most of them have their own things. And what they don't have are all their military secrets. Qin Shuo has always controlled the price of these horses at a high level, and the quantity sold to them is also controlled within a certain range.

Of course, it is certainly not possible to sell some inferior products, although these are also used for some military purposes. However, Qin Shuo had no idea in recent years to go to war with those European countries. It would be too much for him to change that way.

In any case, those European countries can be regarded as stronger than the robbery, if you say something conflicts with them. Well, in fact, I can't get any benefits, so I have to see the situation now.

If the situation is good, then you can take the initiative to attack, if the situation is not good, then you have to continue to look at the situation.

He has this kind of thinking now. Anyway, if the other side wants to start economically, then he must be able to start economically.

Many people in the West now worship the Eastern culture, whether it is tea or silk. It's still porcelain or some new gadgets, which actually have a great influence and a very big attraction for them.

Especially for those nobles in Europe, these things are basically indispensable things. And the prices are all very high. Basically, if you sell one piece, it's all worth a lot of money. In this way, the benefits for yourself are actually even greater.


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