Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1441: Slave trade

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"Anyway, everyone has everyone's past. God knows what happened to them now, but this matter is definitely not that simple. Just know this."

After Qin Shuo sighed slightly, he said directly.

"Anyway, let's look at the situation now. If we can protect this woman, then we will protect it. If we can't protect it, then we will do our best."

Qin Shuo nodded and said.

Before that, he had some medical skills. Although these medical skills were not very good, he did have a lot of pills in his body, and all these pills were prepared by people around him. For yourself.

In addition, there is another person who has a kind of dragon blood in his body now, and his blood seems to be very peculiar, and his blood has a healing function, even more than ordinary medicine. Better.

In fact, there are some reasons for this and many things, the most important thing is that his current body is no longer an ordinary body. He is also the emperor of a country after all, so his current body can be called a dragon body.

"This woman seems to be directly dumb. If this is the case, I want to treat it a little bit. I always feel that this woman's temperament is also extraordinary, and there seems to be nothing around him. Haunting is a white light."

Qin Shuo also squatted down directly at this time, and then was about to pull the woman's hand over to help him get a pulse.

But when Qin Shuo's hand touched the woman, the woman's reaction was also very intense, almost as if she wanted to jump out all at once.

"You are a little quieter. You have to be clear now. I'm here to help you this time. Although I don't know who you are, you must believe me. I'm here to help you. No one besides me can help you at all. I don’t know what happened to you before, but now only I can save you."

Qin Shuo also calmed the woman's emotions a little at this time. After saying these words, the woman's emotions seemed to be slightly better, at least better than before.

I don't know if it's because of Qin Shuo's words that the heroine listened to, or for some other reasons. Anyway, his current mentality is already much better, and it's much better than before.

After Qin Shuo pulsed for a while, he was basically certain that this woman must have been dumb, and this dumb situation had just happened, so he could be completely cured.

Now that such a situation has happened, it is actually a bit of fortune for him. After all, if he was just dumb, then the chance that he can be cured now is very high, if it is a long time. , Then there are some differences. If these things are added up, in many ways they will actually make him feel a little difficult, although he doesn’t know who the woman in front of him is now. But he felt that the woman in front of him was indeed a very important person.

Now, with the development of time, there are actually more and more problems. These problems are actually very important in their eyes. If they can be solved, they can actually make him feel better. It's more convenient.

Now the time is getting more and more, so in many aspects, the problem is that there will be some changes in people. Perhaps these changes are not too big in his eyes, but there are indeed some very big.

With the development of time, there may be more and more problems. For them, these problems are also very serious. So Qin Shuo now wants to unite with one person. He feels that the person in front of him should He is also a very famous person.

At this time, Qin Shuo also directly slashed his wrist with a knife, and after slashing his wrist, he directly poured all his blood into the mouth of the woman in front of him.

This female protagonist was still a little surprised at first, but after he knew what Qin Shuo meant, he was willing to directly **** up the blood of Qin Shuo. After she tasted the blood, she also felt her own energy, which seemed to be the same. Slowly recovering.

Anyway, for Qin Shuo of this kind of strength now, it doesn't matter to shed some blood, and then this woman lay down directly after drinking for a while.

"In fact, I also feel that your identity should be very unusual. Now I don’t know if you can tell your identity directly. In fact, I am also very curious. If I know your identity, it’s absolutely impossible. Leaked, and if you have any difficulties, I can definitely help you."

Qin Shuo also spoke directly at this time. It can be seen that these words he said were not fake, what he was thinking in his heart now was like this.

If this continues, he will become entangled in many problems, but these entangled problems will gradually calm down sometimes.

"As you said, to be honest, who are you? I don't think you are Europeans like us."

At this moment, the woman also suddenly said that she was finally able to speak now. Although her voice was still a little hoarse, she could still hear clearly what he was saying.

"As you said, I am not your European. I am an Asian. My name is Qin Shuo. I don’t know if you have ever heard of it. Maybe you have heard of it. After all, I’m in this world. It was so famous before."

Qin Shuo also said directly at this time, anyway, he must have a way for such a weak woman, and it must be impossible for him to leak these things out.

"I really didn't expect that we are so fate now. Although I didn't know you well before, I always regarded you as a very important opponent for me, but I did not expect that you are still saved me."

After the hostess heard of Qin Shuo's identity, she was panicked for the first time, but then he relaxed a little, and then directly spoke.


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