Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1443: Emotional control

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"I have to say that you are still a very wise and wise person. If you put it on someone casually, he might not believe these words, but he did not expect you to directly believe me."

Queen Elizabeth also sighed at this time, this sigh is actually from the heart,

I heard that I didn’t expect it. I was originally going to come here to inquire about the news, but I didn’t expect to encounter such a big surprise. If I can really control it, then for myself The future will definitely have great benefits.

I gave myself such a big surprise, and then I can actually be more relaxed in the future. In many cases I don’t have to worry about so many things. This way, I will definitely have a lot of benefits for myself. .

"Anyway, I am definitely impossible to agree to this point. If you want to help me, then I will definitely suffer some old people in the future, but if you want our country to be a minister to you, this is not the case. Possibly, even if I agree, it is impossible for the people to agree. I am fighting for rights for them, not for myself."

Qin Shuo hadn't expected it now. The current Queen Elizabeth also directly rejected such a condition. Although the condition was indeed very generous, he obviously didn't change anything about it.

"According to what you said, then we have no way to cooperate at all, so let's go, I will directly ask you to let go after a while. If you feel you can, then so be it."

After I heard this sentence, I also spoke directly, but she herself didn’t want to let Queen Elizabeth go. After all, this person is also very important. If you say you get her, you will definitely get one in the future. great help.

It’s just that at this time I’m in the middle of negotiations, so I definitely want to make a sufficient bargaining chip for this negotiation. If there are enough bars, I can completely help her.

"That's it. I will follow you first. If we say that there is a chance in the future, we will talk about these things. If we say that there is no chance, then it will be uncomfortable. We should wait until the future for these questions. Now I want to think carefully. About my own future, so I hope you can help me a little bit now."

The current queen said again. It can be seen that he also took such a condition very seriously this time. Qin Shuo finally chose to agree with it. Anyway, if he really helps her, There is nothing missing for myself.

And the words that the queen said just now really hit his heart. In fact, what he thought in his heart was always the same as the queen. Anyway, he was serving the people, so if he is not willing to betray In fact, the interests of their own people are completely understandable, just like themselves.

The two people were similar in this respect, and reached an agreement. In this case, Qin Shuo didn't stay in this place anymore, and at this time he still had some things. "Then you two are still in this inn. Wait a moment. I am also going to find someone. I will come back right away after I find that person."

At this time, he said directly to the two of them. At this time, Zheng He had already agreed. He would definitely take care of the sand white queen in front of him, but he still had some disbelief in his heart. This woman of is Queen Elizabeth.

But it seems that it doesn’t matter if you go to work. After all, his identity is just a code name. Anyway, there is no need at all, and now he is completely lost. That identity.

I never thought that after I had my own rights in the world, the first person to help myself was not my own native, but a foreigner, and this foreigner was once regarded as a very powerful opponent.

For example, she does have some humiliation in her heart at this time, but there is simply no way for these humiliation to disappear, but there is no way.

He himself is a person with strong self-confidence and self-esteem, otherwise he would not be such a queen, and he will also bring his country better and better, so long he has been It proved this point, and it proved it very deeply.

Now Qin Shuo can basically tell what kind of thought he has? Anyway, his current thinking is that there are many aspects. He must want to regain his rights. On the other hand, if he does not want Qin Shuo's help, after all, Qin Shuo's help is too valuable!

He now has Qin Shuo's help, so in the future, he must be controlled by emotions. He himself is a person who does not want to be controlled by others, so he will be entangled like this now.

If you change to another person, then maybe you won't be so entangled, the point is because his personality is like this. Even if others want to change, they can't be changed at all. This is the point!

Now Qin Shuo left them directly, anyway, he also knew that Zheng He should take good care of him, and he himself would not think of running away, after all, he did not imprison her.

If she wants to go, then Qin Shuo can let him go at any time, instead of waiting until now. In fact, Qin Shuo's idea now is very simple. The most important thing is to control the opposite side. The words must be of great benefit to myself.

This may become the biggest gain since he came to Europe. Of course, this is also a possibility. He also wants to find another gain now.

At this time, an era may be created by one person, and sometimes an era may be created by a group, and now Qin Shuo wants to find such a person, but also such a group.

Perhaps many people have heard of the term cyberpunk, but they don't know what cyberpunk actually means.


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