Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1446: Big Machine Age

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Now Qin Shuo is almost the same as the other person said, and the basic problem is almost solved, so he doesn't need to worry about many problems.

His current thinking is actually very simple, so he should directly give out some money on his side, and the other side solves the rest by himself. No matter what the other side is, he can accept it anyway.

In this way, it is actually more convenient for yourself in many ways, at least not as inconvenient as before.

In the past, they often said that they felt annoyed because of such things, but now they don’t feel so annoying at all. After all, Qin Shuo’s requirements are very few now, and this time he is a one-off. Take out 100,000 gold.

So much money is actually enough to spend in many places. They don’t have to worry about other things at all. If they lack some machinery, they can buy it back instead of treating others in a low voice as before. of.

They used to have some worries about these things themselves, but now they don't have to worry at all. They don't know where Qin Shuo comes from, but they don't need to care at all.

Anyway, as long as Qin Shuo now provides them with money, the rest is not something they can care about, nor is they willing to care about it.

Now Qin Shuo was also in this factory, and he visited a little bit. As he thought, there are actually some very magical things in this factory.

Among them, I saw some muskets. Although these muskets are relatively crude, to a certain extent, they actually have some special technology.

Qin Shuo is also using these muskets a little bit now, but the effect of using them also makes him feel a little bit. In addition to the accuracy of this thing, it has some problems with it. In fact, it is more powerful than the current one. The musket must be more than twice as powerful.

Accuracy is something that requires some control, especially some very high-precision machines. They have no way to control these accuracy. In fact, Qin Shuo can understand it. But if it is put in the future, they must be able to fix these things a little bit.

Now, with the increase of time, people’s thinking will change a bit, but in this regard, everyone’s thinking is basically the same.

Many people now feel that if they continue like this, it will definitely be of great benefit to them. Now if they can improve their accuracy, then a musket like this can be used as their own. arms.

And it doesn’t seem to cost much to develop this thing. After thinking of this, Qin Shuo was even more excited. At this time, Qin Shuo continued to wander around the factory for a while, but many things in it were It made him feel very excited.

"Now this one is actually having these other ideas. Now he has entered an age of steam, and this scientist has an idea, so he wants to use oil as a raw material. , And then used to burn."

That elder also spoke directly at this time, and then pointed to a machine in front of him, which seemed to be a machine developed by that person." This idea is really good to tell the truth. Generally speaking, only geniuses can think of such a constructive idea. Anyway, if it makes me think, I am absolutely I can't think of such a thing."

Qin Shuo also gave a slight compliment at this time, but this person's idea really made him feel very surprised. It is still the era of the steam engine, but he now thinks of oil as fuel.

"It's just that there is a bit of a headache that makes people feel that there is all this. Then the raw material of oil is really too difficult to obtain. So now I have only got a barrel, and from many aspects, I can get it over."

The ragged scientist also spoke directly. It can be seen that there was some disappointment on his face when he said this sentence.

"If you really need it, then I can send it to you. After all, these things are still in my hands and they are relatively easy to obtain."

After Qin Shuo glanced at the scientist, he said directly.

After hearing this sentence, the scientist seemed to be somewhat surprised, and then immediately raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him.

"If you say this, then it is great. Although you seem to be wearing a certain kind of mask now, as long as you can bring us some benefits, then these issues are completely out of my consideration. ."

That person also spoke directly, Qin Shuo didn't expect his eyes to be really useful, he actually saw that he was using Disguise.

"These are natural. In fact, I don't have any other ideas at all. I just want to work with you geniuses a little bit. As a businessman, I am definitely interested in these."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he said.

"Now I also need some manpower. If possible, you can help me find some manpower to come back, and then I will create some machines myself. For capital, it will probably cost 200,000 gold coins."

The person in front of him also smiled slightly, and then the lion directly opened his mouth and actually asked for 200,000 gold coins.

"If you really need so much money, then I will think you have some insincerity. After all, you should know that I can't get so much money."

Qin Shuo said deliberately.

"Although I don't know your identity, I can see that 200,000 gold coins should be considered a very small amount to you. If you want to cooperate, then you have to take it out, if you don't want to cooperate. , Then you go now."

The man also spoke directly, and he seemed to have no idea of ​​begging others.


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