Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1451: Development concept

The current Qin Shuo is no longer the previous Qin Shuo, and although this ship looks like a merchant ship. In fact, this ship is closer to a battleship, with a lot of weapons and equipment inside.

Also on the outside of this ship, there are actually many other cannons and the like, all of which were installed by Chen Yan to ensure Qin Shuo's safety.

Anyway, on the whole, then the firepower of this ship is very fierce, and now that Yaqi Orochi does not matter if it has to come over to make trouble for them. In this way, he actually has one This kind of behavior is very bad mind.

The current Yaki Orochi also commanded the sharks to attack this merchant ship, but the merchant ship also started to fight back, and their main purpose of fighting back now was the Yaki Orochi, because they knew the mastermind of this matter. It must be Yaqi Orochi.

Most people are actually panicked. After all, these people are just sailors, not professional soldiers. But now, under Zheng He’s command, they finally gave the big snake to the ground. Killed.

I have to say that Zheng He is indeed very talented in military affairs. Even if he has some denials, there is no way to deny it.

It ended directly after the Eight Qi Big Snake, and also successfully took out from one of his heads, the last sacred artifact Sky Cloud Sword.

In fact, the role of this sacred artifact also has some great effects, but now Qin Shuo is not concerned about this, because he has already collected all the sacred artifacts, and now the three saints of Fusang All the devices are in their own hands.

After all these sacred artifacts were assembled, Qin Shuo's ear also remembered the sound of the system again, and this time he had something else in it.

Now as time grows slowly, perhaps these problems will become more and more serious, but these are not a big deal, perhaps in his eyes these problems are not particularly serious.

As time went on, the problem became more and more serious. Anyway, Qin Shuo had already obtained this sacred artifact. After obtaining this sacred artifact, the sound of the system rang in his ears.

This time, when I think about it, the effect of this voice is actually quite large. One of the main functions is to increase their combat effectiveness, as well as some other things.

There is also a direct reduction of the player strength of the entire Fusang District Service by 10%. This is actually a punishment for their entire competition area.

Do not underestimate the number of 10%. In fact, this number is also very large. If it is truly on the battlefield, this 10% can actually play a big role. The original Qin Shuo actually still has some worries. Can't beat others, but now he doesn't have to worry at all.

After all, everything is now in front of me. As long as I work hard to accomplish it, all problems will no longer be problems. So this time it’s totally considered that he wanted to kill someone, and someone else just gave him an authentic one. This time he doesn’t know if Yaqi Orochi’s brain is broken. It will look like this.

But no matter what, this matter must be of great benefit to him. Now he doesn’t have to worry about other things at all. It can only be said that all other things are not that important anymore. The more important things in his eyes are something else.

Now people's thinking is beginning to change gradually, and perhaps these things are not particularly important to others. But for him, these things are considered to be the more important kind.

"Actually, I feel that if I was born in Asia like you, I might not have made such a great achievement at all. After all, your Asian land is too vast, and you still need to cross the ocean? If it is normal for women It is simply impossible to have that kind of courage."

Even the current Queen Elizabeth sighed a little. Such a sigh was not a compliment at all, but a thought from her heart.

"Anyway, after you return to your own country, no matter how you develop, it has nothing to do with me. In fact, I hope you will continue to develop on your own path. This way, it will actually be of great benefit to us. ."

Anyway, after Qin Shuo heard this sentence, it was as if he hadn't heard it, and he still said it there. Of course, his sentence can be regarded as a kind of joke.

It's just that this kind of joke is too much, but now Elizabeth is not very angry. After all, if he is really angry with Qin Shuo, then he is probably already angry.

Except for this incident, they didn't have too many accidents along the way, so they had already reached the ocean of their own country soon.

Because these things they are carrying are all relatively important things, and because this is an upload or a merchant ship within a country, even those navy forces did not stop them so much.

Now it should have been more than half a month since this time, and it has also done a lot of things in this half a month. These things are a benefit to the whole country.

Now I don’t have to worry about too many things. Anyway, as long as I continue to develop my own country slowly, it will definitely have great benefits.

Anyway, for himself, the problems that can be solved now are basically solved. Once he returned to his country, he immediately summoned all his subordinates together.

Queen Elizabeth's matter can be left to talk about later, after all, this matter is not so urgent, and now I still have other urgent things, so I put other urgent things first.

Now the wound on Elizabeth's face is actually relatively simple if it is simple. The most important thing is that she doesn't know how to take off the mask on her face.

If it is forced to take it down, then it may be life-threatening.

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