Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1453: The role of cement

Then almost everyone on the scene raised their hands. I have to say that each of them is looking forward to this day, but I didn't expect this day to come so quickly!

Qin Shuo now let some ships take the lead to go to Goguryeo. After all, the distance between Goguryeo and Fusang is closer, and now it is also a military port under construction in Goguryeo.

These ships can be placed in those military ports, and they will definitely be able to exert considerable combat effectiveness by then. The construction of these military ports can be regarded as relatively juniors. Although the construction time is not too long, Qin Shuo It mobilized a lot of manpower and material resources.

Today’s Qin Shuo also secretly returned to his Tiangong courtyard. This time he also has a very important thing to exchange, and then he is going to give this exchanged thing directly to his artisans, because of this thing. It's completely a cross-age thing.

Maybe that kind of thing looks ordinary in the current city, but in this era, if it can be built, or that kind of thing can really be produced, it is one thing. This kind of cross-century existence.

This kind of thing was definitely not a thing in ancient times. In the beginning, an engineer from the Sunset Empire discovered the property of lime hardening in water during a research.

It must be burned with limestone containing clay, and then a very strong building material can be collected. This is actually a very important significance for the development of modern cement.

Then this time there are some scientists in that factory, they also discovered this problem, and then they made some improvements in cement, and now they use some. Some soil near the volcanic rock is burned to give a cement appearance, which is a brown-gray color.

If this kind of thing is added with water, it can be stirred into a kind of body, and it can harden in the air or in the water. If it is added with some stones or some mud and sand, it can be Glue them together with firm glue.

The meaning of this kind of thing is actually not simple at all. Its discovery has a very important characteristic for many problems. Maybe some people still haven't noticed it, but Qin Shuo has already noticed this.

The invention of cement is completely trans-modern. After all, if there is cement, then the strength of your city will definitely be greatly enhanced. This is definitely beyond doubt, and the speed of your own construction It will definitely be greatly enhanced.

And now I can completely treat this kind of thing as an export product and sell it directly to others. This kind of thing is definitely very valuable, not to mention the current technology is in my own hands.

If some people did not develop it by themselves, it would be impossible to invent this kind of thing, even if they knew the formula.

In fact, the system still has a very good method, so it has a ten-year invention right in many things. If others cannot invent the same thing within ten years, then in this ten years All the copyrights in it belong to you.

If someone else wants to build or use it directly, it is almost impossible. Therefore, once Qin Shuo has mastered this thing, he has actually mastered many core technologies.

They hadn't noticed this before, but they are different at this time. Even if they don't want to pay attention, there is no way.

Time is also slowly developing. Many people have different ideas, but these different ideas are a more important thing for them. This is definitely a lot of people. I didn't expect it anymore.

If you continue like this, you will feel a little distressed on many issues, but if you don’t continue, you will feel helpless in many ways. So This is a very tangled state.

If you give up such an opportunity, then perhaps you will rarely find a good excuse. Especially for those Westerners, once they get involved in their disputes, perhaps the situation will become completely different.

These problems are not really big problems. If we continue like this, then maybe the situation will change somewhat, but these changes will not have any huge changes, but some small changes are definitely certain. Of it.

Let me tell you that no matter from which aspect, this time is also the best time. If you can’t solve these problems in this best time, then you won’t have a good end. .

With the growth of time now, the problem should not have changed much, because many problems are already fixed, so it is said that people have such an idea.

Now Qin Shuo also feels that he has some headaches. After all, he has no way to solve many problems easily, so he still has to use other ways to solve the problems he is facing now. To these things.

But this time their discussion basically came up with a result, so they all agreed on this matter. Since the same thing, there will be no major changes in many issues. .

With the development of time, the problems have become more and more headaches. These may be things that many people have not thought of, but there is no way to do it anyway.

But these shouldn't have changed much, so it's like this. Many times people's hair will have some changes.

Qin Shuo now has a special feeling for these Fusang people. On the one hand, there are some feelings that are very uncomfortable, and on the other hand, they still feel some other feelings.

This time, after Qin Shuo finished talking about these things, he immediately went to Ying Ying and got messed up first, after all, he still had to talk to her a little bit about this matter.



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