Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1455: Shocking news

Now Qin Shuo has also found all the imperial doctors in his palace, and the reason for asking them to find them is that they want them to figure out how to take off the iron mask directly.

In fact, as long as it is taken down, it is almost the same, because if he wants to restore her face, Qin Shuo still has some methods personally, and this matter is not difficult for him.

The big deal is to spend a little more points, and then redeem it for a Yan Dan. In that case, it will actually be more convenient in many ways, and it will not be the same as before.

Anyway, as time progresses slowly, many of his things will make people feel uncomfortable. Especially in this aspect, he really doesn’t know what to do. Now these imperial doctors seem to be helpless one by one. After all, this thing is already tightly on her face. If this thing is really forcibly taken down, then it is not that simple.

When the mask is taken off, maybe her life is completely gone.

"Now I also know what kind of situation I am. Otherwise, you will kill me first, then take off my mask, and then restore my face. Then you will have one With my corpse, and then take my corpse back to find my brother, then the rest of the matter will not be our problem."

Elizabeth also seemed to have some little despair at this time, and even proposed such a method, but Qin Shuo believed that such a method would definitely not work.

Therefore, he also decisively rejected such a method. It was hard to get him back. If he really made him die so easily this time, then he would still have some regrets.

In fact, he also knows what kind of thoughts Elizabeth has now. He doesn't want to be the handle of others, so he only proposed such a method and died.

"Listening to what you said, can it be said that your brother is very capable? Is it really possible to completely govern your country?"

At this moment, Qin Shuo also spoke directly.

"Anyway, I feel that he is very capable. The most important thing is that I don't want my uncle Desheng. Now if I say that my brother is in charge, he is slightly better than him."

Queen Elizabeth also nodded at this time, and also confirmed her own thoughts.

"Actually, I have also received a piece of news just now, but I feel that you don’t want to know such a piece of news. I also have some things that I don’t want to say. After all, once I say it, there will be some shock to you It’s too big. If you committed suicide directly, wouldn’t all of me be wasted?"

Qin Shuo also spoke directly at this time. Although he said that it was a business matter, he still had some ambiguities in his words.

"I seem to have some hunches now, and I seem to know what you are going to say, anyway, you can just say it directly now, let me see if it fits well with my hunch."

After heard Qin Shuo's words, a pale color appeared on his face. It seemed that this and the news were also very scared.

"Actually, I feel that the relationship between this matter and your uncle shouldn't be particularly big. We said that this matter was completely handled by your uncle, but the chief agent behind the scenes should not be your uncle. Because this time after Queen Elizabeth really took office, he directly gave up his power to your brother."

Qin Shuo also spoke directly at this time. Although such a news can be considered cruel, it is indeed very important, so he said this sentence directly.

Now both Qin Shuo and Elizabeth are smart people, and they all know what this thing means.

"I now doubt if you are lying to me, I doubt now if you are deliberately provoking the relationship between me and my brother."

At this moment, Queen Elizabeth also spoke directly, seeming to have deep suspicion in his tone.

"If you don't believe it, then there is no problem. Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with me. It is your country that is falling apart now, and it has nothing to do with me. Now, you come from a certain degree. What I said, there is actually no useable value."

Qin Shuo smiled directly at this time, and then felt that the current Queen Elizabeth was already a little crazy. After all, the incident just now had a big blow to him, and he has not been up until now. I can believe this.

"Anyway, I have already explained this matter clearly to you. As for whether you believe these things or not, it is not within my consideration. If you don’t believe it, then there is no loss to me. of."

Qin Shuo also said directly, in fact, sometimes people are more willing to trust a stranger. After all, sometimes it is impossible for a stranger to deceive.

Especially in this respect, even if the current Queen Elizabeth was deceived, it would not benefit Qin Shuo at all, so he should not deceive himself. The current Queen Elizabeth already has some beliefs. Ah, but he has been lying to himself in his heart.

"Now you continue to wait here for treatment. If you have a chance, you might be able to go back. But with all due respect, such a chance is very small. Even if you want to go back, mine may not be Will let you go back."

Qin Shuo said directly, having to say that this sentence is indeed cruel.

But compared to the cruelty of Qin Shuo's final words, perhaps those things done by Elizabeth's brother were a little more cruel, and these things were completely emotional destruction.

Elizabeth has always believed in her brother very much, but she didn't expect her brother to unite and her uncle would do such a thing to herself.



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