Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1460: Oda Nobunaga

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The general who now controls their entire imperial army is actually called Oda Nobunaga. I believe that many people know this too. After all, this person is well-known throughout the history of Fuso.

It is in the entire history of Fusang. In fact, it is more inclined to be like Cao Cao occupying a hero. Especially in many cases, he and Cao Cao really have some similarities, and he also operates Cao Cao as his idol. .

At the beginning, he was just a small masterpiece of a small country, and then because he defeated an army of a great lord in a war, he was directly famous throughout the country.

Later, it was by supporting a last general, so I took the opportunity to control the entire army, and then it was directly established, some Bushido spirits or some other things, in this way, the whole Fuso would be united. Up.

His personal strength is also very strong, and now he is also starting to defeat each big name one by one, and even he has already mastered almost half of the Fusang territory when he was the most.

But these aborigines simply have no way to compare with those players, whether they are in a strategic perspective or in other aspects, especially in such a small country, it will be very important.

Moreover, he is also very talented. He is actually very good at musket tactics now. In the past, he wanted to develop such a musket. Gradually, he has also gained one by one in this respect. Great progress.

Now the muskets of Fusang are really long, not only because of their strong muskets, or their muskets themselves are very good, but the musket team they have formed is also very powerful.

This Oda Nobunaga is now a person in the hands of their entire country, so he doesn't have any other thoughts at all.

Anyway, on the whole, his role for Fusang as a whole is also very large. If he lives in a normal time, maybe she is already. It unifies the entire country, but it is also untimely, so it must appear in the game.

It can be seen that his reputation in Fusang is also very high. Even if the current Emperor Ogawa hates these aborigines very much, he does not want to use the strongest general under his command. As a player, it uses such an aboriginal.

Nobunaga Oda actually belonged to Sakurakage's father's side in the past, but in the end when the other Emperor Akikawa directly mutiny, he actually rebelled directly, and finally handed over all his power. When they went out, they were able to win, but because of such a thing, they directly failed.

Anyway, the current Sakura Kage chaos feels very annoying Oda Nobunaga, but to a certain extent, Qin Shuo can also understand his thoughts. After all, if you put it on yourself, he will definitely do it. I hate him very much.

It is estimated that few people will like him. If they really have a good relationship with him, maybe they will suddenly turn back, and then directly hit themselves directly from behind. At that time, I really have some bad luck.

Anyway, she hadn't figured out such a person, Yingyingchao, so if other generals knew better, but such a general would have no choice.

Qin Shuo is now ready to directly declare war on Fusang. After all, he is still very disgusted with such a Fusang, and now he has a strong desire to fight in the whole country. If you say it is this time If you declare war yourself, it is estimated that many people will agree.

Now there is a deep gulf between the two countries, and the hatred between the two people is all historical. So no one can give up such a hatred.

But Qin Shuo knew one thing, then he didn't owe them at all before, but their country did owe them to his country. They have not acknowledged that war until now, and they have not apologized for many things.

Qin Shuo actually understood in many ways, no matter what, he wanted to give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

It's like the sentence in it, to repay grievances by virtue, how can we repay virtue? Repay grievances directly and repay virtue by virtue.

Anyway, what he has always believed is such a sentence, no matter what others think, he thinks that way in his own heart anyway.

"World Announcement: Qin Shuo, a player in the Dahan district, declared war on the Fusang district. Players in the two countries are requested to pay attention. Once the national war is started, it cannot be cancelled."

The World Announcement also began to sound at this time. Since the big guys have already declared war, the Fusang must have unified such a thing in the first place.

Now these two countries are actually agitated across the country. The kind of contradiction between the two countries is simply that there is no way to reconcile them. Therefore, since war is already on, it is estimated that it will not stop.

After the news of this incident came out, the whole country was actually very excited, and the vast majority of people agreed with this.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time. In the past, their country did so many sins to our country, but our country is also very kind, and only needs an apology, but To this day, they have not compensated us even for an apology."

"Anyway, I'm not like many people. They have a Virgin in their hearts. Anyway, in my eyes, as long as I have hated him against my country, I want to eliminate them directly. What is the reason? If those things happen, I will definitely object to them for the first time. In fact, I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"Why are you all wrinkled when you talk? My words are different. The idea in my heart is to kill all those little hibiscus devils. Only by changing it like this can I think about it. Hate, what was owed to us at the beginning, now I have to pay it back, this is the most basic thing."


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