Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1482: System and the army

Now they can only believe in Qin Shuo, and they still believe in Qin Shuo unconditionally, otherwise their country would definitely not have any good fruits.

After all, Qin Shuo is actually trustworthy in some aspects. This should be an important point, and it is not the same as others.

In fact, for many countries, survival itself is not that simple. Sometimes you have to consider a lot of things, and sometimes you even have to make a little compromise, otherwise you may simply be Can't survive.

This may be a status quo. Although many people want to change such a status quo, it is impossible to change these things according to personal ability.

Many people know this in their hearts, but if they really want them to realize this, it is unlikely.

Now as time goes by, people’s minds are getting more and more different. This may be a very good thing for them. If these things can be solved, then there will definitely be a lot in the future. Big benefits.

If there is no way to solve these things, then it will have great disadvantages for them, anyway, what they can solve and must solve are things now.

If there is no way to solve these things, then there is no way to solve other things. This is what everyone knows, but it is not easy to complete it.

Now their country has also sent a lot of soldiers to fight the other side in that place, but this kind of resistance is not very useful at all. After all, they also need more things in many cases. These things are over, otherwise many things will not be what they expected.

The advantage they occupy on this side may be the very little anger on their side. Of course, there are also some familiarity with the terrain, which also has a great advantage for them. If they are not familiar with the terrain, then they occupy a great disadvantage.

The terrain itself is a very important thing, a very simple thing, but now with the development of time, each of them must have some changes in their minds.

Moreover, some people now feel that they can no longer persist. If they continue to persist, the final result will actually only be bad, and there will be no good.

After all, the pressure they are facing now is already so great. Every soldier has some heavy burdens on them. Those heavy burdens on them are not easy to solve, and sometimes they need some special methods. Can be resolved slowly.

They are now also proficient in using their proficiency in the terrain, and then they are trying their best to fight for as few dead people as possible by squeezing one side, and then they can try to resist the opponent as much as possible. Now these two countries are like a kitten and a tiger. No matter how hard the kitten is, he can’t beat the tiger. At this time, he can only Go to another lion for help.

This lion is a very reliable ally for them.

The army in the drought is now suitable for their army to start on the streets, but such a kind of street actually does not have any complete benefits for them, and sometimes there are some disadvantages, but they see After the arrival of the big guy sent so many people to rob him, he was actually a little happy in his heart.

But now they are actually not completely relaxed in their hearts. After all, this time the big guy only sent 200,000 people. It is not a concept to compare the 1 million people on the opposite side.

But I must have an advantage on my own side. There are actually no very powerful generals in their country. After all, the most famous in their country is their caste system. Such a system completely has some Destroy human "sex".

But they don’t seem to care at all. They think that such a system is the best system in the world. Even if they are now invading other countries, the ultimate reason is to fully promote such a system. .

After all, such a system was also established by them, so they also have the right to interpret such a system. If one paragraph is to promote such a system, it is for them. There are real benefits, and they would certainly not think so much about the disadvantages to other people.

Just look at their country. Although there are nearly one billion people in their country, at least one billion people are not humans, but can only be regarded as beasts. Anyway, in their eyes, those with lower quasi-trust are all beasts.

Even in the war, they are all treated as cannon fodder. No matter how brave it is, there is no chance of getting ahead.

If they want to get ahead, then they can only wait until the next life, but this next life is not anything to say casually, the next life is the next life in their hearts and minds.

Although it is said that their national system is like this, their country's army is indeed very fierce. It can even be said that the reason for their national army's battle is that there is a certain reason with their national system.

They believe that if they can contribute to their country in this life, then in the next life they may be reborn in a better family, or get a better quasi-credit. What they live in is Later, not now.

But the people of Dahan are completely different. They are the kind of people who live in the present. They only believe in the present and don't believe in the future at all. Anyway, they know that their immediate life depends on their own efforts. Work hard, not relying on others.

Qin Shuo has been instilling such a philosophy for so long. Only if they are asked to think like this, can they work harder and make their country and their lives better.

It is said that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between these two countries, so even if others stand up to reconcile, there is no way at all.

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