Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1486: Zhuge Liang asks for rain

"Anyway, I feel that these things must be clarified. If we really clarify them, it will definitely help us a lot. By then, our situation may be completely different."

Han Xin said directly at this time.

In fact, this aspect in this forest is also very important. If they can't figure out this aspect, then they can't figure it out in other aspects as well.

With the development of time, there are more and more problems. If they can solve these problems, then they will certainly not have so many things in many aspects.

Then they also sent out a lot of spies, just to investigate this matter, and finally got a result, then this matter is the same as what they said and thought, because all those people carried a Kind of strange spice.

Such a spice actually has some mosquito repellent effects. If it were not for this reason, many people might have died in those forests. After all, there are also many snakes, insects, rats and ants. And all of them are highly poisonous.

The opposite side does not take doctors seriously, so they didn't bring many doctors with them this time. In this way, if they had some problems, maybe they could only wait to die.

So at this time, Han Xin had already thought about it. He is now ready to start from this place. If one section is successful, then it will definitely be a big blow to the opponent.

He himself actually knew that the current Meng Huo also had a peculiar ability, so he could communicate with those snakes, insects, mice, and flying beasts, and even be able to control them through some peculiar methods, and then help himself. attack.

If you say that you can really make good use of this, but now many people are actually not convinced of her, after all, he has not yet. Established any military industry, but did not expect Qin Shuo to attach importance to him in this way.

This time it happened to be Han Xin’s chance to prove himself. If he could seize such an opportunity, then he would definitely be able to do well in his army in the future. If he did not seize this opportunity, Then the situation will be somewhat different.

This may be an idea in the hearts of many of them. If such an idea can be clarified, it will be of great benefit to him.

In fact, those things still have a big disadvantage. In many ways, people will feel a little irritable. But at this moment, Han Xin suddenly heard a news, which seems to be the same in recent times. It's going to rain.

After hearing such a news, Han Xin was actually very happy.

After all, what he is waiting for now is such an opportunity. If it is going to rain recently, then it will be of great benefit to them.

They also have a longing for rain now, because if it rains, the effect of the spices on those people will be greatly reduced, and they will be affected by the snakes, insects and rats. The trouble of ants, and at this moment Zhuge Liang also raised an issue, so he can actually ask for rain. In fact, many people clearly understand this matter. After all, they have heard of such a rumor in the past, but many people are also aware of this. There are some people who are not convinced.

After all, no matter how magical Zhuge Liang is, things like praying for rain are not something humans can do, but since he has said it this time, he must believe this day now.

Then he immediately set up an altar for Zhuge Liang. After setting up this altar, Zhuge Liang started his own operation.

In fact, this way of praying for rain is similar to the way he borrowed from the wind in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Although it sounds like there is some fantasy, people who have actually seen it know that this is really true, not someone else. It was created by "chaos".

Then Zhuge Liang directly started his clever words at this time. Although the process was more tortuous, he finally succeeded in asking for rain. At the moment when he succeeded in asking for rain, there was a sudden pouring rain in the sky. Many people are also very surprised.

In fact, the most surprised should be the people on the opposite side, because the people on the opposite side had already been counted before. It shouldn’t rain at such a time, but I didn’t expect it to fall like this. The heavy rain eventually fell on them, washing away all the spices on them.

In this way, they can prevent the special functions of those snakes, insects, rats and ants, which means they completely lose their effects. Eventually, they too, start to be bitten by those snakes, insects, rats and ants.

At this time, Meng Huo actually stood up directly, and also summoned a lot of snakes, insects, rats, and ants. This time, they contained more snakes, insects, and rats than before, no matter what. This may be a huge bad thing for them.

Originally, they thought that they were completely in a safe situation, but they did not expect that they were in an extremely dangerous situation.

Few people now feel that they can win this war, so there are a lot of disputes, including within them, there are already a lot of disputes, but after all, there are so many people facing each other. of.

Therefore, these disputes did not last for too long. They only disappeared completely after maintaining for a while, but this time they also died of many people.

But the people they died this time did not die in battle.

Most of them were directly killed in some jungles. The occurrence of this incident actually made many people feel uncomfortable. After all, in their eyes yesterday, they were still living comrades in arms, but today they are not directly. No matter who it is, it is probably very uncomfortable.

But there is no way, and now they can only accept it, just like the former leader, who also said a word, there is no way that this is life.

Nowadays, many people also have this kind of feeling. Now they have no way. This is a kind of life, even if they want to change, there is no way.

But now the military spirit on the opposite side has not completely dissipated. After all, the opposite side is also a religious country.

Therefore, many things can be regarded as something of a relatively religious belief. Under the leadership of religion at this time, they did not lose their confidence in the end, but accelerated their speed.

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