"But now that these things are happening here, you should see them all in your eyes. It is impossible for us to win at all, and our most important elephant soldiers are now in the fire field. Saying that you want them to fight is almost impossible."

At this time, the young general also spoke directly. It can be seen that he is also very worried now, worried about his side, if he loses, these generals will definitely be the first to be arrested.

Anyway, for him, the only thing he wants to do now is to run away immediately. If he can run as far as he can, then he will run as far as he can, and he won’t stay in this place at all. Go down.

But before that, he must also bring down his own county. After all, he has a good understanding of himself, and he often helped him in the past. If he really didn't call him, Then I am not a person.

"Now it must be clear that regardless of whether we are here, the number of people must still occupy an absolute advantage. There are one million people on our side, but there are only 300,000 people on the opposite side."

But at this time, Teddamir still spoke directly. It can be seen that in fact, Teddamir is really worried about this matter.

If this matter cannot be completely resolved, they will indeed fall into a disadvantage in many respects, but now he simply cannot organize a complete army.

After all, such an army has one million people. If there are 100,000 people, he can quickly organize these soldiers, but this time he does have 100,000 people.

In this comparison, I still have some disadvantages that are too big. There is simply not much way to clarify these problems.

Although there are also many soldiers rushing towards the only exit, now once they are in front of the exit, they will immediately be baptized with countless muskets.

If there are only two muskets, or there are only a few people, they may not be afraid at all, but now they see whether they are dead inside or outside, they also decided to return to the fire scene again. Among.

At this moment, among the spies of their army, there are now many people who are screaming directly. All these people are screaming, so that all the remaining people retreat and describe this as The general's order.

So many soldiers are also running back directly, but now there are also many soldiers running out.

Now the two streams of people have directly collided together. Because of such a principle, there is simply no way for them to calm down. Now there are many stampede incidents even inside.

You must know that there are more than 1 million people facing them right now. If these more than 1 million people are completely confused, there is no one who can suppress them.

Although the current Taramir also sent out a lot of orders, but no matter what, he was only a person, and many soldiers simply couldn't receive these news in the first time.

auzw.com And even if they receive these news, they will not necessarily believe it. Because of such a principle, it is said that now many of them have a very different mentality. The big changes, basically, do not want to stay in this place for another second.

Standing far away, Han Xin can actually see the chaos in their barracks, but no matter what, these things have nothing to do with Han Xin.

"If there is no military commander this time, maybe this thing would be impossible to accomplish at all, so the military commander is really a great talent, and I am also grateful here."

Han Xin also glanced at Zhuge Liang next to him at this time, and then directly said that he could see what he said. It was relatively sincere, basically without a little cheating, that was what he really thought in his heart.

"Actually, aren't you the general who made the decision alone in many aspects now? I feel that you are the real talent, general. At the beginning, I still had some disbelief. You think the main attack is completely wrong. People, but now I know that you are also a great talent."

In fact, this battle is still not completely over, but the two people are already there to talk to each other in business, at this time the generals around them are also laughing at the same time.

After so many days, the nerves in their hearts have been tense, but until this moment, the big rock in their hearts finally fell on the ground.

Perhaps these are not too big problems for them, but specifically they are not too small problems. If these problems are added up, then things may become many.

If all these problems can be solved properly, then there must be certain benefits, but if they can't be solved properly, it will actually have a great disadvantage.

This is actually the case now. The king of their Khmer Kingdom is actually here to observe this battle. When she saw a group of people on the opposite side, she became like this. The big stone was finally put down.

After all, he was very worried at the beginning. If the battle cannot be completed this time, then in the end he might really become a king of subjugation.

At the beginning, he saw only 200,000 people from the opposite side. In fact, he still had some worries in his heart, and even thought that he had no way to win this battle.

However, as time progressed slowly, he also knew that maybe he was thinking too much. When he won the first victory, he was very happy in his heart, but this time he was the most happy in victory.

If these two joys can now be completely superimposed, then there must be many benefits.

Now with the development of time, the soldiers on the opposite side also appeared a lot of heads. For those who surrendered, Han Xin didn't actually kill them all at this time.

After all, my own country is finally undergoing transformation, so it is also short of a large amount of labor, and these strong soldiers are actually some good labor.

It is definitely impossible for the current Maurya Dynasty to buy them. After all, they don't have much money, so they simply treat these soldiers as some labor.

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