Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1510: Subject to others

If you unite with others, in fact, to a large extent, they are also subject to control. They are already accustomed to freedom. They are definitely not like this, and Chi You will definitely be like this for a while. It is impossible to surrender.

Qin Shuo didn't know if the last incident was systematic. If there was a systematic intervention, then everything is already reasonable. Otherwise, Chi You could not retreat so easily.

A person like Qin Shuo is very familiar with the "sex" personality of a person like Chi You, because the "sex" personality between the two of them is also very similar, but in many aspects there are some things that they don't want to do.

In fact, there is a strong ambition between the two of them, and the ambition between them has even reached a realm that can be absorbed by each other.

Now these two nations, no matter which nation they are, actually want to annex the other nation, because in this way, they will definitely be able to make their own nation more perfect, and they can also make themselves more perfect. This nation has expanded even more.

However, judging from the current situation, the two can't help each other, especially now that Chi You is impossible to attack the Central Plains. If he wants to drive directly into the Central Plains now, then it is completely dead. One.

After all, it has been so many years now, and many infrastructures have been completely built. These infrastructures can be used not only for the military, but also for the common people.

Anyway, their country itself has a kind of "sexuality" of infrastructure madness. Because of this, it is said that they are very powerful in infrastructure.

According to such a situation, perhaps they will continue to expand their strength within a short period of time, when there are not many people who can stop them.

Now because of the construction of these facilities, it is said that they have to be simpler in many aspects, rather than as difficult as before.

In the past, it was quite difficult for them to get up in many aspects. This should be a very important point, and that kind of difficulty is simply not something that can be easily overcome.

In the past, their country was completely defeated by the word "lack of money". If there is no money, let alone infrastructure construction, but this time there are some differences.

In the past, those people from Java had already paid huge fines, as well as huge war reparations. In fact, all the money is now used for their own infrastructure.

In Qin Shuo’s eyes, he saw it very thoroughly. If he spends the money on infrastructure now, his national command will become more and more powerful in the future, but if it is used in other areas, then Not so sure.

These problems are actually not simply a single sentence or two sentences that can be explained clearly. Standing on that they just want to develop their own strength as much as possible, when their strength develops to a high level, maybe the situation will There are some differences.

Now with the development of time, in fact, the thoughts in their hearts have gradually tended to the degree of consistency, and this is a huge benefit for them.

This kind of benefit will definitely develop slowly. When it reaches a certain level, the situation will definitely become completely different, and the difference between them will become even smaller.

For them, these problems are actually somewhat simple, but to a certain extent, they are not particularly difficult, because these things are indeed difficult to solve.

Perhaps in their eyes, these problems are relatively simple problems, but in the eyes of some people, these problems are more complicated problems, so it makes them feel these headaches.

Time has gradually passed by at this time. Perhaps for them, these times are not a small number. If these times really increase, it will also have a huge pressure on them.

Now with the slow development of such a time, the pressure on them is increasing. How to relieve such a pressure has actually become a very important thing.

Qin Shuo has also returned to his homeland. I have to say that now that he is back in his homeland, he feels completely different from before, and he feels a lot more relaxed.

Returning to his homeland again, in fact, it was Elizabeth who came to him the first time. Although Elizabeth has been following Qin Shuo for so long, he has never seen Qin Shuo.

Now the thing on his face is actually ready to be taken off. This time they have gathered all the famous doctors from the entire Huaxia. If they can't take it off this time, it is really a strange thing.

At that time, maybe things will become simpler. Even if you want to restore her appearance, it is actually not a difficult thing. At that time, you can restore her appearance to the previous one. degree.

Now Elizabeth is actually looking forward to this very much. After all, she has always been wearing such a mask on her face for so long. It really makes him feel very uncomfortable, but compared with the uncomfortable on her body, in fact, His uncomfortable soul also made him feel that there was something he couldn't accept.

Now in such a country, no one laughs at them too much, because everyone knows that she is a friend of Qin Shuo’s, so it’s impossible to treat him with any strange eyes, even her Still very respectful.

But when he was in his own country before, he had indeed suffered a lot, and many people even said that he was an ugly monster, and even said that he was ashamed of their entire country.

When he heard such a thing at the time, his heart must have collapsed again. After all, it was very uncomfortable for anyone to put this matter on, not to mention other people still said such a thing. Uncomfortable words.

Now he even feels that being in such a country is much better than his own. At least in such a country, he will not be treated with any humiliation.

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