Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1513: The advantages of collectivism...

But what Qin Shuo actually thinks is also very simple. Except for a few particularly outstanding people, they are basically unable to obtain permanent residency in their own country. In other words, they are basically Going is just some part-time workers.

I still have to protect the purity and "sex" of my nation. If I give my permanent residency casually, it will actually have a great disadvantage for myself.

In fact, every nation also has every nation’s incomprehensive style and also has advantages. The biggest advantage of their country is actually a kind of collectivism. Such a kind of collectivism can make their country develop faster. If It is not a good thing for their country to let those European individual heroism infiltrate.

Human beings themselves are a kind of social animals, so the collectivism must have great advantages, and the disadvantages will also be small.

Regardless of the advantages or disadvantages, in fact, they all need to be compared. If the two are compared, we can find out which one is the real advantage and which one is the real disadvantage.

In the entire history of mankind, there are actually countless countries that have appeared, but the countries that have perished are also countless, and even they have also appeared many different races.

But generally speaking, if it hadn't evolved to an extremely high level, if it was multi-ethnic, it would definitely cause some contradictions. This is what Qin Shuo paid attention to.

He didn't extend his big hand to Africa before. In fact, it is such an idea. After all, he does have some small look down on those people in Africa. Of course, this is not a kind of racial discrimination.

He doesn't have any aura of race at all, but he knows that there must be differences between races. He feels that a race like himself must be a dominant race, but other races must be a disadvantaged race.

In other words, he is very respectful of his own race, but he also doesn't despise other races too much, but he definitely wants the people around him to develop.

Qin Shuo now actually has such a thought, and he still has a special feeling in his heart now, he feels that the world is about to undergo a huge change.

Although I don’t know if my feeling is correct or not, as long as I feel something, then I must be prepared, otherwise, when I don’t have a little preparation, I will feel a little uncomfortable. of.

These preparations are actually very necessary. One part is that they have some big accident, then these preparations are definitely what they need very much.

The money is lost now. In fact, there is a big change from before. Now it has been more than ten years, so all the experience he brought from the past is useless. . In the future, I can only rely on my real ability to deal with the whole world. But even with this, he is still not a little discouraged. He feels that these things are completely fine according to his own strength.

This kind of self-confidence is definitely a good thing, but if it is too self-confident, it is not a good thing. Fortunately, his current self-confidence is still within a controllable range, and there is no such thing as too much. Feeling confident.

If you say that you are too self-confident, it will definitely not be good for you in the future. He also knows this, so let alone some other aspects.

In other aspects, he himself knows where he has some shortcomings, but he will definitely take these shortcomings carefully and change them all at once. If there is no change now, then there will probably be nothing in the future. opportunity.

Now the whole world is under a turbulent situation. If he wants to walk out of such a turbulent situation, he is completely dependent on not biting others, and can only It is to rely on one's own strength.

He didn't know who helped him in the past, but he felt that in the future world, that person would definitely not help himself too much.

He has always been very confident in his sense of language, so he has no other feelings now. He feels that according to his own situation, he will definitely have a great advantage in the future. This advantage will also slowly transform in the future.

Time is also slowly passing by at this time. The things they are facing must also be more. If these things can be solved, then it is naturally a good thing. If it cannot be solved, Then they are going to have a slight headache.

As time goes by, these problems are actually getting more and more serious in their hearts. If these things cannot be solved accurately, then the pressure on his body and the pressure on his psychology are definitely also Will continue to grow.

The "color" of the sky now has gradually dimmed, and Qin Shu is not ready to continue. At this time, he is also preparing to trim the remaining things a bit, and wait until later.

Then this time he also directly found the courtiers, and then held a meeting, and this time he also decided to officially start his own industrial revolution.

In the past, it was actually such an industrial revolution that started in the imperial court, but this time he wanted to directly unfold such an industrial revolution across the country. However, large amounts of industrial products from those people are collected.

Now Qin Shuo has already nationalized all the industries. Of course, some small industries are actually released directly, and they will continue to develop those small industries.

However, they must not be made huge, otherwise they will be exploited. Once exploitation occurs, the entire country will not be subject to much control.

What's more, one of my biggest goals from before to now is actually to eliminate this kind of exploitation. Only in this way can a country truly prosper.

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