Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1518: Management changes

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When their country is strong enough to a certain extent, in fact, there will not be too many people with such an idea, they just want to stay quietly in their own country. In this way, you can get a lot of things.

Moreover, looking at all the countries in the world now, they are still the best in the management level. This may not have been imagined before, but it is indeed like this in Qin Shuo's hands.

In fact, he also has some talents in governing the country, rather than relying entirely on some luck. If only relying on the luck of the past and the accumulation of the past life, another person would not have made such a step.

He didn't quite understand this in the past, but now he feels that it must be very important. If it is put in the future, this kind of problem will definitely be more important. Generally speaking, it is not. What will be too big a problem.

Now with the development of time, people's thinking will definitely become more and more different, but no matter how big the problem is, there will not be much change. Because now the pattern industry is basically settled.

Qin Shuo knew that in the future those countries in the world should also enter a stage of integration. Although they are still striving for hegemony on the surface, they can already be seen very clearly in terms of rotational force.

Now the powerful have basically come forward, and there are not many people who can recharge their energy, after all, there is no way to recharge their energy under this situation. If the strength is grabbed, then the strength is strong, and if it is weak, then you have no way to stand up.

Therefore, there is no one who hides it. This is not just talking nonsense on his own. He has also investigated this matter before. After all, it is relatively simple for him to investigate these things.

Now, as the monarch of a country, it is definitely impossible for him to come with his mouth open. No matter what he does, he must show evidence anyway. Otherwise, others won't be happy.

Now I am still in my own country, resting slowly. Generally speaking, he is in a good state now, and after such a long time of news, she will feel that there are many problems. Some uncomfortable.

In the past, he was almost hands-on on many issues, so it caused many people to say that his desire for power is very heavy.

But this time he has completely let go of his rights. Now that the country can start operation after such a long time, and there will be no major problems during operation. He also knew that it was time to let go, and it should have already come.

The previous strong desires do have some major reasons, but the reason is only one worry that others will not do well.

And because he used to have an ability close to that of an unexplored prophet, so he was worried about these issues.

In the past, he thought that his participation in those things would definitely have some specific effects, but now it is different. Even if he is involved in specific things, he cannot solve many problems specifically, which makes him feel some headaches. And there is no way to solve these problems.

These problems are definitely very important to him. If they can't solve them all, then the problems they face in the future will be even bigger.

In fact, Qin Shuo’s inner desire for power is not very good. It can be seen from this time that although he has some importance on these things, he is not himself for the sake of all, so it should not be regarded as. Why is it too heavy.

If all his rights and desires are fed to himself, then he is really important, but it is obvious that he is not for his own taste, but for the sake of others but for his entire nation.

Maybe many people don't understand this point, and even question it, but it doesn't matter what others question, as long as you know what you think in your heart.

If you don't know what you think in your heart, then the problem is that it will be more troublesome. Time is gradually passing by, and for them, all of this time must be used.

In a short period of time, it is definitely impossible for them to complete a major transformation, but in a long period of time, there is definitely no big problem. Now as the problem develops slowly, these things have become trapped. One thing in their hearts.

If they can be resolved, then they will definitely feel better in their hearts, but if they can’t be resolved, it’s actually not a big deal.

They can also transform these problems into another problem in other ways. Although the transformation time may be relatively long, it will definitely be successful. He absolutely believes this. Many people may not understand this. What is it like?

But he does have a number in his heart. First of all, he has always been such a kind of person who has a number in his heart, but is unwilling to say it. Perhaps such a talent is the best.

It's not the kind of person who hasn't counted them, but said it beforehand. Some of these are too much. Now with the development of time, he also knows that these issues will definitely become more and more important.

Once it has developed to a higher level, perhaps this kind of problem will be directly seen, but now it has not developed to a higher level, or even at a lower level.

Therefore, people have not seen this point. As time progresses slowly, people’s ideas will definitely be different. Some of these ideas may be correct, but some may also be wrong. of.

As for which point, in fact, people don't have their own minds, and they all have their own ideas. Now if you say something personally, then the situation is definitely different.

I must also attach great importance to science and technology. In addition, there is the military aspect. After all, the military aspect is the fundamental now. If there is no military, then it is really going to be finished.

The military is also very important. Now, with the development of time, these problems may become more and more serious, but the severity depends on what the situation is like.


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