Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1523: The fight between civilizations...

Although it sounds like nothing, this is also a great success for Qin Shuo. If it did not succeed this time, then it might feel some headaches in many things, but now it will not follow the current situation. A trend of

In fact, they still have so much time to develop. If you count it like this, their luck is pretty good, not that bad. Now it develops over time.

In fact, people’s thinking will definitely become more and more different. Such a change will definitely have a small impact on them, but this impact will remain within close limits, and it will not become so much. Big.

And now Qin Shuo did not threaten them.

On the contrary, they are actively cooperating with many of their countries, so many people are slowly becoming less vigilant about statements. In other words, even if they are now vigilant with great "sexuality," There is no way to do these things. If Qin Shuo wants to occupy them, it is just a sentence.

Now those small countries are gradually developing cooperation with them, hoping to get something out of this cooperation. If they get money, that is the lowest thing.

I have to say that Asia is a very rich place. Even many countries have various resources. No wonder it will become a piece of fat in the eyes of others. In the past, they could only It is at the mercy of others.

But now that there is a leader like Qin Shuo, their situation has actually improved a bit, at least they won't be slaughtered like before.

Even if Qin Shuo needed resources now, he would use the wisdom of equal money. He would send troops only if a country provoked him.

Because Qin Shuo himself knew that not giving you this thing is very useful, but it has both advantages and disadvantages. If you say that you are "chaotic" hard now, then one day you will suffer some backlash.

Because of this reason, it is said that it will not become too excessive in many aspects, only in some parts that are very related to his own interests, he will really reach out.

The current situation in Europe has actually become a bit more complicated. Now their maps are definitely impossible to unify. Unification in such a short period of time is almost impossible, even if The current sunset empire is very powerful, but the other two countries are not good at it.

What's more, there is still a papal fruit in it. This papal state is related to many things. It is almost impossible for them to destroy this papal state, and they can only slowly obey, but Obedience is definitely not a long-term solution.

For them, or for many people in Europe, this papal state is actually a spiritual belief of them, although their comprehensive strength is not too strong.

But they have gathered the beliefs of those believers throughout Europe, and because of this reason, it is said that it will have such a big impact on them.

The two of them are really not too strong, but they also have such a powerful army.

The Crusader Expeditionary Army was relatively well-known in the past, and now it is obvious that although it is gradually going down, it is still considered acceptable, and its strength is not very weak.

What's more, their current technological development is indeed good, and I heard that this point must be admitted.

They are now accompanied by the development of science and technology, in fact, productivity has also been greatly improved.

However, their technological development is inferior to their own in one aspect. The point is that their religious beliefs and their kind of thinking greatly restrict their economic development.

No matter what others say, in Qin Shuo's eyes, religion has only disadvantages and no benefits. Of course, this sentence may also be biased.

As a person who upholds atheism, he doesn't have much opinion on this point. Anyway, he just does what he does and thinks according to what he wants. There is no need to think about it. Many things.

Thinking too much is not a good thing. Now they just make progress slowly over time.

Sooner or later, they will definitely be able to surpass Europe in terms of technology. Anyway, Qin Shuo believes that such a day will not be too far. Of course, it must be impossible for the time being. They are still booming, not to mention They are now slowly gaining a foothold in Africa.

Just like you used to be, they are now in this place in Africa and have a large number of colonies. This way, it will benefit them a million. Such a colony will also greatly increase their strength. Increase, and with the development of time, they will also make some major changes in their thinking.

This kind of change may be big or small, but no one knows how it is. It depends on what people's luck looks like.

The changes at the ideological level are actually the most important. The most important thing is to abandon those not-so-good ideas. In fact, the whole Huaxia's thinking itself is very bright, and it has been very fragile from before to now, because of this. One reason.

So, I heard that now I have begun to start with my own culture. The Shuobai Academy I established earlier was actually for the establishment of a large educational organization.

It is not only the most powerful school in the entire country, the most powerful learning institution, but also the most powerful research center in a country, and even the center of a think tank.

In the past, many people were actually, with some strangeness, why did Qin Shuo build this thing?

But those strange ideas have completely disappeared at this time today, because they can see that Qin Shuo’s establishment of this thing is indeed a great help to his country, and even allows his country to have a cross The development of the century.

This kind of development is something that many people cannot accept, but it also makes many people very excited, because only this kind of development can make their country more prosperous and prosperous.

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