Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1527: Internal constraints

If it is really based on such a situation, many problems will actually make people feel that there are some "confusion", which is a very important problem in itself, so naturally it will make people like it more.

According to such a trend, they will certainly develop slowly in many aspects. This is an inevitable trend, not something else.

Although these problems can make many people feel that there are some headaches, they also make some people very happy. This is a very important thing in itself, not some other things, everyone is Those who pay much attention to this point, if they follow this kind of situation, this will definitely have a huge advantage for them, but not much harm.

Qin Shuo had gradually darkened at this time, and they stopped discussing these matters first, but held a banquet. After all, this banquet was considered a more important thing for them. .

The banquet is a very important thing for them. If they can complete the banquet, then other things must be no big problem.

These banquets now make people feel that they have some headaches. Judging from the current situation, they now have other ideas on some issues. This idea may also slowly improve. , But in general there will not be much progress.

Now I have a very close relationship with Dema. Although the two cannot reach the level of intimacy and flawlessness, they are already close to this level. Many people feel that they have some happiness, including Qin Shuo himself.

Now, with the development of time, there are more and more problems. If these problems continue to develop, it will be beneficial to them.

For him now, the problem must be divided into two points: simple and difficult. Some things are simpler for him, but some things are more difficult for him. These are all based on the specific situation. of.

If the specific situation is good, then it is naturally good. If the specific situation is average, it is different.

According to the current situation, there will be no big discounts.

If there will be more and more problems with the development of time, it is a good thing for them, not a bad thing. The development of time is indeed such a law.

The situation is getting better and better now, and it will not get very bad.

But if things continue like this, what will it be like? Qin Shuo couldn't judge himself.

Anyway, there are no too difficult problems in general, but some simple problems must be encountered. This is something that makes people feel that there are some headaches.

With the development of things now, there are more and more problems. For them, it is very important to clarify all these problems.

If there is no way to figure out these methods, it is actually a great challenge for them, especially for their psychology.

The sky's "color" has also slowly dimmed at this time. For them, these should also be a test. If such a major cleaning is not carried out now, then there will be no such thing in the end of the injury. There is an opportunity for anger, and they will soar into the sky if they can survive this test. Then the Phoenix Nirvana.

But now under the pressure of the dormitory, the opposite side simply has no chance to breathe, not to mention any chance of counterattack. The opposite side can only take advantage of such a time to start slowly carrying out his actions.

If this situation continues, perhaps the problem will be bigger, especially for some of them, the problem will be bigger. These are things that there is no way to change.

Anyway, Master Qin definitely doesn’t want to continue to contribute to this evil spirit, not to mention that there seems to be some small problems in his own right now. Regarding these small problems, Qin said that he was sure to grab them the first time. It is suppression.

Once some similar signs are discovered, it must be suppressed the first time. There is definitely no explanation for this.

Otherwise, once the matter gets serious, the problem will actually become bigger and bigger, and then they will not be able to solve it at all.

Once this kind of thing continues to develop, it will definitely lead to the collapse of the entire country in the end.

Although not many people will believe this sentence, but things are really like this, many times even if they want to explain, they can't explain these problems at all.

Now the problem is getting more and more serious with the growth of time, perhaps for them these problems will become more serious.

Time has now passed so long, so there must be some influence on them.

If such an influence is allowed to continue to expand, it is definitely not a good thing for them, but a bad thing that will endanger their "life".

There are already some power and money transactions in his own country now, and he absolutely must suppress these things, otherwise his empire will directly collapse in the later stage.

There have been countless lessons from the past to the present. Let’s talk about this matter, but many people have not put these lessons in their hearts. Finally, when the lessons really expand, they will really discover this problem.

But by that time, everything is too late, and everything has become a kind of illusion.

The collapse of an empire is definitely not an overnight event. Perhaps with the development of time, more and more people will find these problems, but there are definitely not many people who can solve these problems.

The most important thing is to start with the proverbs, otherwise, when I wait, there will be no way to solve it even if I want to solve it.

My own country just solved the problem that those landlord classes couldn't let those landlord classes resurrect. You must know that under a feudal system like this, the landlord class is the kind that makes people feel very puzzled.

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