Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1544: Yu Dayou

Now he can only fix these problems in advance, if he can't fix them in advance, it will also make him feel a little helpless.

With the development of time, these problems have actually begun to develop slowly. These should be a focus. If this focus cannot be continued, the problems will actually develop even more.

In fact, the current self is to slowly change through such a method. Otherwise, in many ways, there is no way to change. This is a very important point, and many people have no way to know this.

Now, with the development of time, it is slowly developed. These problems are actually very important. With the development of time, these problems will definitely get better and better.

Now they actually have a more important thing in their heads, and of course there is also a more important country under their bodies now, and these are all more important.

Now if you say that you have solved these problems well, then you don't have to worry so much about many problems. This is one thing he has prepared in the past.

If he can solve these small problems now, then the remaining problems are basically not particularly troublesome, as long as he works a little bit, he can completely solve them.

Many people may not understand this point, but as long as Qin Shuo understands this point himself, they have this kind of thinking on many issues.

The sky's "color" has also gradually dimmed at this time, and for him these problems will cause some headaches.

With the development of time, they must pay more attention to these problems. If they do not pay attention to these problems, they will encounter some difficulties in many aspects.

Perhaps this is an important point, and other issues are basically not important points in his eyes.

Now with the development of time, these problems will become more and more serious. If they can't be solved, then there will definitely be a big obstacle for her.

The most important thing for him now is to remove all these obstacles. If he can be clear, then there must be certain benefits.

According to the current situation, if they continue to develop, then there will definitely be a great benefit, not the way they were before.

If it is like before, then they may feel a lot of headaches on many problems now.

The more these things, the more headaches they feel. Anyway, it's such a situation. If they want to change, they don't have much to do.

After all, if these problems want to be changed, they are not simple things. Many things must be solved before these problems can be solved.

Although at this time, they have so many ideas in their hearts, there are actually only a handful of them that can be realized, and they have to look at the timing.

Qin Shuo actually wanted to get rid of all the Huns, otherwise the Huns would be very uncomfortable for him now.

Although up to now, these Huns haven't made much movement, if once they have any big movement, then if they want to regret it, then there will be some too late.

The problem is now such a problem. As for what it will become in the end, in fact, she herself doesn't know.

With the development of time, these things will definitely become more and more serious. These should be the points that he pays great attention to.

If he can't solve these problems now, then he can't solve other things, anyway, now she feels that everything seems to be difficult for her.

For these difficulties, he must have some ways to slowly overcome them, but so far, he has not had too many ways.

At this moment, Qin Shuo's things that can be summoned have been refreshed again, and at this time Qin Shuo also refreshed the generals anew, and now he wants to recruit the navy generals.

According to the luck of Qin Shuo now, he can basically recruit which kind of situation he wants to recruit in his heart, but it is necessary to see if the specific situation will change too much.

If the changes become a little bit bigger, then the situation may become somewhat different, but now they also try to minimize these problems.

The navy general he suffered this time was actually called Yu Dayou, and Yu Dayou was actually very famous during the Ming Dynasty, because he had a very important position in the crystal.

The navy does not mean that you can train casually if you love someone. This thing is actually more difficult than an army on land, and it is also very important in many ways.

Yu Dayou's personal abilities are actually quite powerful, and he also has a certain degree of research on the art of war, so he should belong to the kind of civil and military, but it only belongs to a historical military commander, and has not entered In the category of a super historical general.

But what Qin Shuo lacks now is those navy generals, so whether it is a super historical general or a first-rate historical general, as long as it can meet his expectations, it is all right.

Now with the development of time, they will definitely have a huge change in this aspect. If he can tolerate these changes, it is naturally the best. If he cannot tolerate it, then the situation may change. It's worse.

With the development of time, these problems will change more and more. If these problems cannot be solved well, they will all have a big change.

You have this person who said that there is actually a fame. He and Qi Jiguang are both holding on together, and it is also the common swing of the two of them. The Ming Dynasty was a Japanese pirate who suffered for many years, if there were no two of them at that time. Personally, maybe the Japanese pirates will really become a huge force.

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