Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1553: Number of battleships

Sometimes the number of battleships actually represents a lot of problems, and among them, it also represents the Navy's watches, so this is very important.

Now these battleships are actually very large in terms of strength. These should be very important points. Many people actually know this, but in some aspects they will also have certain losses. These should be more important. It's a little bit.

Now with the development of time, these battleships will actually become faster and faster, and they will be built quickly. In the future, there may be this complete battleship formation, but now it is also the eight battleships. Can only form a battleship formation.

Qin Shuo now, you can only have some pity, but unfortunately, you still can’t build an aircraft carrier. If you can build an aircraft carrier, then your own strength will definitely get a big discount and a big deal. Growth, which many people cannot notice.

Building an aircraft carrier itself is not that simple, and in many aspects it requires more rapid development.

After all, it is still the era of the first industrial revolution. If you want to build an aircraft carrier, at least you have to enter the era of the second industrial revolution, but the distance and time between them must be very long.

The role of an aircraft carrier itself is so big. If a country with an aircraft carrier and a country without an aircraft carrier, there are completely two concepts.

Although there are still many people who say that the aircraft carrier is not of much use, it is completely a delusion.

The aircraft carrier is abbreviated as the aircraft carrier, and it itself has the title of a maritime hegemon. It can be seen that he really plays a very important role in the sea.

In fact, the biggest role of aircraft carriers is actually to help those aircraft, especially those carrier-based aircraft. If you have an aircraft carrier, you can take off and land on the aircraft carrier.

In this way, it is actually a very important point. The aircraft carrier is also one of the largest, most complex and powerful weapons in the entire world. If a country is truly powerful, it will definitely have an aircraft carrier.

In fact, one of the biggest features of the aircraft carrier is that it can be placed far away from the country without relying on the local airport, and then exert military pressure on the local area, or conduct warfare, so this thing is indeed very useful.

If you want to conduct long-sea operations, then the role of having an aircraft carrier is definitely better.

In fact, many people know this in their hearts, but they are also incapable of developing aircraft carriers, just like the current situation.

Qin Shuo now wants to quickly pass the first industrial revolution to the past, and then jump directly to the second industrial revolution. In this way, his weapons will definitely have a leapfrog development, but Before this, I still have to carry out some reforms in many aspects. If these reforms can continue to be expanded, then the future role will definitely be great. At least many people cannot understand this. With the development of time, these problems will certainly be Will gradually develop.

The Xinhua should be regarded as a very important ship from Dahan to Europe, and it is also a large ship. This ship was actually built by their Central Shipping Bureau, although it is said that there is no ship on it. There are too many defensive facilities or attack facilities, but its carrying capacity is very large. .

Just such a ship can carry a lot of things. If these things add up, then it must have a great effect, especially for them as a whole.

In terms of economy and trade, such a ship should be considered a weapon.

In the past, this ship has actually been established with a lot of merits. Of course, these companies are not in the military.

It’s about the economy. Many things are carried by this ship. This is actually an important point, and many people can be regarded as paying more attention to this.

Now on this ship, Chen Yan is also planning to lead the team. In fact, the point is that this place is really important, so they will lead the team here.

This time, he actually had some helplessness in his heart. After all, he had been here for such a long time, but he hadn't made much contribution all the time.

Although he does have a certain mind in economics, and he has been praised by Qin Shuo many times before, he still feels that this is not enough. In fact, his desire for power is not that heavy, but The recent situation seems to alienate him more and more.

She actually went to Qin Shuo before, but Qin Shu excused that there were too many things. Although he did have too many things, in fact, Chen Yan still liked Qin Shuo in her heart.

There is no way to do this. After all, it is a relatively normal thing. The two of them have known each other for so long. In fact, Qin Shuo certainly still has some likes for him in his heart.

However, due to various reasons, it is impossible to express it, and it can only be buried in her heart. This time Chen Yan also actively asked to go to Europe. This time, he was actually going to grow up in Europe. live.

And that place in Africa just happened to be able to "shoot", so that it can make him a little calmer, since all of these issues have not been well explained, then she will only I can calm myself down slowly.

Anyway, in his eyes, he might slowly change in the days to come, and this change will definitely get better and better, not just like before.

In fact, other things are not important. The most important thing for him now is to forget all the things that happened before. This is good for him.

Otherwise, the other words are basically useless. He doesn't actually have that much in his mind, but these are more important points.

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