Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1556: Surrender

If the situation becomes better, then things may be simpler, but if the situation becomes worse.

Then things will become more complicated. The thoughts in their hearts are actually very simple. Since they have already formed a bridge with them, if this is the case, then they continue to expand such a hatred, it is not. impossible.

Now they just want to slowly expand this kind of hatred. Of course, many people know what they think in their hearts, but some people have no way to understand it. If such a hatred is reduced Come down.

After arriving, it will definitely get bigger and bigger, not in a state of getting smaller and smaller, but they don't care anymore, after all, things have come to this point.

No matter what they do, they will get worse. Now that they stretch their heads and shrink their heads, they can only look at the specific situation. If the situation becomes worse, maybe they just It won't be like this.

The idea in their minds is actually that kind of very simple, as long as all the current things are completed, then the rest of the things will basically not worry them, but will make others worry, as time develops .

These problems will definitely become more and more serious. If they can solve these problems, they are actually the best.

If it can't be resolved, maybe things will become more serious, but they don't care anymore, after all, they have already reached this point.

It was completely in a dilemma. Stretching their heads was death, and shrinking their heads was death. Now they can only wait slowly. What they are waiting for now is an opportunity.

If there is a good opportunity, then it is naturally the best. If the opportunity is not good, the situation may be more difficult.

Qin Shuo has gradually dimmed at this time, and now they have been directly captured by the pirates, and after the pirates captured them.

In fact, there are still some doubts and "confusion". I don't know who they are, or what their identities are. But by looking at the guards next to them, they know what they are. The identity is definitely not an ordinary person.

Such a news was also quickly passed back to the current China, and such a news is actually known to many people.

After hearing this news, in fact, there have been a lot of discussions within their country. Some people feel that it must be far away now, and some people always feel it.

If it is far away now, it is too late, so let's just do it.

Qin Shuo must have been very angry when he heard the news. But when she heard that Chen Yan was on the ship, she was silent for a while. After all, the relationship between Chen Yan and him is so close. He has always felt a sense of guilt for Chen Yan, but he did not expect that this time when he went out to sea, he would be directly caught by the pirates.

He must be saved, but such an opportunity must also be waited for, after all, there is also an opportunity to save people.

If the timing is not enough, it is really not good. The current problems are also getting more and more complicated. For them, if these problems cannot be solved properly, they may become more complicated problems in the future.

Anyway, after Qin Shuo heard such a news, his first reaction was definitely to send troops. If he didn't send troops now, it might be too late in the future.

This time is the most common sense time. In other situations, there will be some troubles. When they are fate, they are still preparing to wait a few days before sending troops, but they did not expect to encounter such a situation now. Happening.

If they really didn't send troops, it wasn't a kind of "sex" like Qin Shuo. And this time he was not prepared to send troops as easily as before.

This time he also wanted to pass by himself, although many of his subordinates disagreed with this.

But since Qin Shuo is firm on this point, even if they disagree, there is no way. They also know that they definitely cannot change Qin Shuo's mind.

Qin Shuo’s "sex" personality is like that. Generally speaking, he would not listen to the admonitions of others. Moreover, this matter has a very important relationship with him. If he understands If you do, you are not your true self.

The fact that he dispatched troops himself, after being known to his subordinates, actually opposed it immediately, but unfortunately it was the opposition of others.

Basically, he wouldn't listen, and he wouldn't believe this. He didn't believe in others so much. This should be an important point, and it would have a great influence on many aspects.

There must be a lot of people under him now. The main thing he wants to solve now is to solve these problems. Otherwise, after waiting, maybe there is no way to solve these problems by himself. Now this is One of his top priorities.

This time their country itself still has three navies, but in order to make the rescue on his side faster, so once "sex" is to gather two navies, and these two navies are for rescue his.

Under Qin Shuo's hands, many people also knew that the relationship between Chen Yan and Chen Shu, and between Chen Yan and Qin Shuo, had already known each other a long time ago.

It should be the one who ended up first except for Qian Mu. What's more, Qin Shuo really has an unconditional belief in her, even though there is not much relationship between the two now.

But they are more inclined to a confidant relationship. For this reason, they also know the importance of this matter. If they can handle this matter well, then it is naturally the best Okay, but if there is no way to do it well, it will also make people feel some headaches.

This time Qin Shuo should be regarded as the kind of very angry, but this kind of anger is still useless under normal circumstances, so they have been waiting for an opportunity now. There is a good time.

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