Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1563: Arms sales

But there is no need to bow to one's knees, but at this level, it seems that there is some bowing to oneself, and even Qin Shuo has some helplessness.

But in this way, it is actually better. In fact, in the discussion of many things, you have to be simpler, and you don't have to worry about what other ideas they have, and you don't need to worry about other plans.

As for whether they said they didn't know before they tried to commit a crime, they also didn't have such an interest to know.

Anyway, as long as it is good for oneself, then oneself can also be indifferent.

The demand for spices in their country is also very large. After all, the gap between the rich and the poor is also very large, especially for some silk porcelain and the like. Of course, they want to buy the most from Qin Shuo. It's not those things, but some weapons and equipment.

They have already heard about the strength of Qin Shuo's subordinates, so they are just like this. For them, once they can get certain weapons and equipment from Qin Shuo's hands, it will definitely affect them. It will be very big.

And they now want to fight directly on the European side. In fact, in many aspects of the current Britain, people will feel some fear.

But this kind of fear is not so uncomfortable overall.

Anyway, Qin Shuo is so far away from him. Qin Shuo doesn’t believe that they can travel across oceans and then attack him. They still don’t have this kind of strength. Of course, they don’t have this kind of thought. , If they were really bad, that Qin Shuo would definitely let them know how good he was.

If they want to attack now, they can only attack from the sea. However, the strength of the sea catching beast can be considered very powerful. The current Ottoman Turkish Empire actually wants to buy some battleships from Qin Shuo’s hands. Yes, no matter when arms are actually sold.

This thing is generally the most valuable, whether it is for a country or a private person, it is also like this. Ai’s original orders from Qin Shuo were basically in his own country, but now he did not expect that his orders have already extended to the outside of the entire country. This must be a big deal for him. improvement.

If they can really continue to expand their orders, there will definitely be more benefits in the future, at least the benefits will be more than they are now.

The current situation is that I hope that the number of these orders can be more, so that it will be a better thing for them, not the kind of worse thing, maybe the problem is like this for him A question.

However, in general, it will not bring any major changes, but some relatively minor changes will definitely have this, but those relatively minor changes, he himself basically does not mind too much.

Anyway, he is still in a relatively neutral attitude towards the Ottoman Turk Empire. At first he did not particularly hate him, but the mistress did not like her very much. This is the situation now, in fact, under this situation It will also lead to some consequences.

These consequences may be some good consequences, or they may be some consequences, but no one knows the specifics. The current problem is actually such a problem, if some changes can be made.

So nature is the best. If you can't make changes, then the problem may be some big, but there won't be such big changes. Time is slowly passing by now.

For them, these should be more important issues, so they have some other ideas. These ideas may be considered normal in their eyes, but in some people’s eyes, they have some Not normal.

Now, with the development of time, there will definitely be more and more problems. These problems will eventually lead to more serious problems, but they did not feel too uncomfortable.

Now, as time goes on, these problems will definitely become more and more serious in their eyes, but they will also cause some benefits to them in detail, but the benefits and disadvantages are actually the same. Now, on his side, he actually had some thoughts about selling those arms, but it wasn't because of the lack of money on his side, but Qin Shuo wanted to pick things up.

If you can't provoke all of these things, then there will naturally be some benefits. If you can't provoke, then the problem may be somewhat different.

Time has gradually passed by this time. For him, these issues are certainly not very important, but there is nothing too much to do.

For them, these problems may be serious, but they are not too serious. These should be an important point, especially for people like them, that is, they pay more attention to these problems.

If you talk about arms sales on your own side, in fact, if you want to sell those battleships, the price must be very high, even higher than those in the West, but the current Ottoman Turkish Empire will definitely buy it. The point is that it is impossible for the West to sell those things to them.

The Western countries are very cautious about themselves. This should be an important point. Compared with other countries, it makes people feel that they have some important points. Others don't have much.

So now if they really want to buy arms, then in all likelihood they will only be able to buy them. If they find someone else to buy it, it’s not possible at all, and they can’t buy it. It's because they spend more money now.

Then they have no choice, you can only buy it here, anyway, now that they know this, they must make some big changes, and Qin Shuo did not directly reject these things this time.

Instead, let them buy some guns, or some artillery things as a prerequisite, and wait until they have cooperated for a long time before preparing to sell those battleships. In this way, they are actually selling their own artillery.



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