Now Wei Zheng’s main role is actually to advise, if Qin Shuo has done something too excessive, then he can directly exercise his authority.

Qin Shuo gave him this point before. After all, he also knew that Wei Zheng was actually very good in this aspect. He could see the essence of the matter at a glance.

It’s not good to waste such a talent like him, not to mention that there are inevitably some imperfect considerations on my side, but today’s words are completely different, if I can think more thoughtfully , Then the problem is definitely better.

Things are like this now. If they want to make a big change, Qin Shuo thinks that they can only rely on himself. Otherwise, he feels that relying on others is always unreliable, not to mention. In this respect, he himself is also very confident to convince the opposite.

"If this is the case, then everyone should just retreat. In fact, in my opinion, there is something inappropriate about this. After all, I am also an emperor now. Anyway, since I am like this, then let's retreat directly. Now we don’t need to say anything about this meeting."

Qin Shuo had also spoken directly at this time, but after he said something like this, it actually made people feel more confused. After all, according to the aforementioned previous character, he would not give up so easily.

If he decides things, he will definitely stick to it, but this time I don’t know why it became like this, but people actually still have some ideas in their hearts.

Anyway, Qin Shuo couldn't agree to go out anyway, so the people now naturally didn't say much. Since Qin Shuo agreed to this, it should be his last bottom line, except for this.

There shouldn't be any other problems in this area. Since they already want to understand this matter, the idea in their hearts must be better, according to the current situation.

They must have certain advantages. Of course, given the advantages, they must still have a little disadvantage, but compared to their own disadvantages, their own advantages are greater.

Therefore, Qin Shuo also directly returned to himself at this time, in the newly built palace, and this time he not only came here by himself, but also called Gan Ning directly.

"My lord summoned me this time, is there something going on?"

But you also walked into Qin Shuo's palace at this time, and he also felt very confused about why Qin said he was looking for him.

At the beginning, he thought he had done something wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that he hadn't done anything missed before.

"In fact, the problem is not a big one. This time I just want to ask you for a favor, just let you lead the way a little bit."

Qin Shuo also smiled happily at this time, but after he said this sentence, in fact, many people already understood the meaning of this sentence.

"My lord, I definitely disagree with this point. Even if you say it, I cannot agree. After all, this matter has a lot to do with your safety. If you say you want to pass, I am now and The remaining people said."

Gan Ning is also not a stupid person, and after Qin Shuo said that sentence, he immediately understood what it meant, and then he said directly, there seemed to be some non-negotiable meaning in his tone. .

Since those people don't allow Qin Shuo to pass, now Qin Shuo wants to pass by himself, but this time he will only tell Gan Ning about this matter.

"I really can’t do anything with you. Anyway, I feel that this matter itself is very easy to solve. Then you can let me pass now. You don’t have to deal with other problems at all. I now have my own Confidence, you should believe me."

Tian Shuo also said helplessly at this time. After all, he had solved this matter before, but he did not expect that some problems would have occurred in this last step.

Anyway, he himself is very confident about his strength. After all, he hasn't happened to those things before, and his strength itself is so strong. This is actually very important for this point. If he doesn't have any confidence in himself, then he won't say these words.

"Let's just do it, let's play a game, if I can't unilaterally want it, then I won't go there."

Qin Shuo also spoke directly at this time. It can be seen that he is also confused by others.

Now Gan Ning heard this sentence and did not continue to speak. After all, Qin Shuo shouldn't say hitting oneself, even if he estimated ten oneself, it was a very easy thing.

If you say that you want to stop him, it is almost impossible, not to mention that Qin Shuo has already said so, and he personally feels that there is some truth.

After all, he is a military commander, so he didn't think so much in any aspect. Now that Qin Shuo said that, he also felt very reasonable, so he didn't continue to say it.

"In this case, you should also agree with what I said before. This time help me or give me a topographic map of that place. I promise to bring you some surprises."

Qin Shuo also had some pride on his face at this time. After all, Gan Ning had already agreed to his proposals.

But after hearing this sentence, Gan Ning seemed to be embarrassed. In fact, the most important thing was that he did not have any special decision-making powers on this matter. In other words, he did not have much decision right now. Usefulness, because of this reason, he felt very entangled.

If you put it in other areas, he doesn't need to be so entangled. Only in this aspect, he will feel a little entangled.

The current problem is actually like this. If he wants to solve it, then the difficulty will definitely be great, but if he does not solve it, the problem will actually be bigger. This should be a key point. That's why he is so entangled in his heart now, not because of other situations.



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