Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1570: Underwater entrance

"Lord, I feel that it is also possible for us to come back later. If we take this opportunity to come over, then maybe there are some dangers as well. I am not afraid of it. My main concern is to worry about your safety."

Gan Ning has already spoken directly at this time. After all, these problems are considered serious to him. If these problems cannot be solved, then there will be a lot of problems for future development. Big restrictions.

"Now that we have tried, should we go back empty-handed? You don't have to worry about these problems. You just need to take care of your own safety. Otherwise, I don't think I have much time to save. you."

At this time, Qin Shuo's eyes were also staring at the front closely, and it seemed that he had already thought about a lot of things in his heart. The peace now and before must have changed a lot.

But this kind of change is definitely normal. If you heard about this before, you probably wouldn't oppose yourself.

However, as long as there is not much change with your nature now, then Qin Shuo doesn't matter, what he cares most is actually the change of nature.

After you heard this sentence, you didn’t continue to say anything, because he himself knew that no matter what Qin Shuo he said, it is impossible to believe him, so he can only protect Qin Shuo’s safety now. And help please finish such a thing quickly.

The place below is the entrance. If we dive directly at this time, we should be able to avoid the opposite side. After all, there is no defense against the opposite side underwater. Now there are not some mines on the opposite side like ours.

When you look at the water village in front, and then directly speak, and at this time, you also nodded directly, and you also very much agree with his opinion.

"Then just follow what you said. If we are moving forward between us, if it is possible, then we will speed up. If it is not possible, then we must also solve these problems. "

Qin Shuo also spoke directly at this time, and it can be seen that he must also have some ideas about these aspects.

The two directly followed such a plan, and then began to move slowly. Although their progress was slow, they knew that they could only guarantee such a speed. If you say that your speed is faster, then the problem must be bigger. Anyway, although they are anxious now, they are still very clear in this regard.

Now that they are moving forward at such a speed, it is not too slow. If I continue like this, they will definitely have some benefits sometimes, but if I say. If his speed rises quickly, then it may not be a good thing either. For him, these problems are naturally the best.

Just after the group said that they dived to the bottom of the sea, in fact, not many people were able to find them. At this time, they knew this before, so they accelerated their speed at this time, and they soon arrived. Inside the water village opposite.

"Otherwise, let's just act separately now. I feel that if we say that we act separately, the benefits for us will definitely be greater."

At this time, Qin Shuo also took a look at the cleanliness around him, and then directly spoke. It can be seen that he should pay more attention to this point, but this kind of attention can be regarded as a normal thing. If you don't take it seriously, that's abnormal.

But you dare not say anything at this time. After all, Qin Shuo has already made a decision. Even if he says something, it is estimated that Qin Shuo will not change his decision, so he can only be The two helpless arrows can only promise Qing to say such a sentence.

If we change the situation, maybe it won't be like this at all. This should be an important point. As time grows, these issues will definitely become more and more important.

At this time, Qin Shuo immediately called all the people back. Now, in fact, he can solve these things before his eyes, and basically they don't need to solve the remaining problems.

This should be one of the best benefits for him. At least it saves him a lot of time. Now he doesn’t have to look for it. In fact, she also has the topographic map opposite, but she may not be able to guess what they are hiding. where.

Perhaps there is not much time left in the aforementioned period. There are only two days before the real battle. Even if you don’t do anything on your side within two days, it will definitely be within two days. Will do it.

So now Qin Shuo must also resolve this matter quickly, and the time for himself to disappear cannot be too long. If he disappeared for too long, then his subordinates must be too. Will be anxious.

Although they should be able to guess that they came to this side, Qianlong could not cover his hands after all. This time Qin Shuo was considered a very important commander no matter what.

If there is a lack of Qin Shuo, then it is definitely not possible, so now Qin Shuo can only speed up his own speed and quickly searched for it. But this place is actually quite a lot, so I want to find that place.

It is also not a simple matter. Qin Shuo and Gan Ning are also divided into two groups. The two of them directly killed the two Somaya pirates, and then directly put on those pirate clothes. In this way, others will not recognize him in all likelihood.

Although Qin Shuo and the current Ganning skin are both yellow races, after all, Qin Shuo is also very good in cosmetics. The big deal is that the two of them pretend to be two dumbs. If they pretend to be dumbs, then and Now these pirates are actually no different at all.

At least from the outside, you can’t see anything at all. What's more, it’s basically impossible for who to care about two dumb figures. With this, Qin Shuo believes that he must be able to insert into the opposite center. zone.

In this way, it would actually be able to catch the opponent in one net. Although it cannot be said that it was completely exhausted, it could inflict heavy damage on the opponent.



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