Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1572: found it

If you can come in next time, you don't know when, so he must use the current time to solve some of the problems, he knows that although those problems are very difficult to solve.

However, if you can solve these problems, you will definitely have fewer problems, and it will definitely be of great benefit for the future.

Now Qin Shuo started his own massacre directly, anyway for him, massacre is not a very big thing, he used to do this often in the past, although it is indeed against humanity to do so. of.

But now I simply don’t think of anything like humanity. As long as they can accomplish their own goals, then no one will say anything. After all, victory is written by the winners, and all losers have no regard for these. There is no right to speak.

Just after Qin Shu killed them all, they also came in the first time. In the basement of this ship, just as Qin Shuo had thought before, the old things at this time were in it, but this At that time, he seemed to have been tortured for some kind of torture, and he was already dying on the ground.

Even he is still motionless now, Qin Shuo even feels that he is dead, but his heart is still begging, hoping that they are still safe now, and it is actually Zheng He next to Chen Yan. But he was not very interested in Zheng He, as long as he knew he was still alive.

After seeing Chen Yan now, he rushed up immediately, then picked up Chen Yang's body, and tested his breath with his hands, but there was no movement in the notes. Although he is a player, the penalty for death is already very serious. If he dies this time, there may be a distance, and it will take several months to resurrect.

There were also a lot of time for several months. At this time, Qin Shuo was constantly blaming himself in his heart, thinking about why he could not continue watching one more, but let the other side directly kill it.

"I said what are you doing now?"

At this moment, it passed to the corner and suddenly a woman walked out.

Needless to say, this name is actually Chen Yan. Qin Shuo now looks at the members and then the person in his arms. In fact, where the person in his arms is a woman, it is actually a man.

"Just now, we actually heard the movement outside, so we broke free from the shackles of these people the first time. We were also preparing to go out at this time, but we didn't expect you to rush in."

At this time, Zheng He also spoke directly. It can be seen that he also has some doubts about this.

"I didn't know about this just now, just now, just now."

At this time, Qin Shuo was also prepared to find a reason to explain it, but no matter what, it seemed that he could not find a suitable reason.

"In the past I thought you were not worried about me at all, but now it seems that you are still a little worried."

Chen Yuan also blushed at this time, and then directly spoke.

"After all, if I didn't give it to you, then it would be more difficult for me in many ways. That's why I'm like this. Don't think too much about it.

At this time, Qin Shuo spoke again, it can be seen that he seems to be very resistant to these things. "Why are you doing this to me? You already have these three wives, but we are the first to know each other, but why are you like this? I just can’t do it Understand, can it be said where did I offend you?"

At this time, Chen Yan also spoke again. It can be seen that he is still a little angry about this.

"You just think too much about this. You haven't offended me anywhere, but it's better to have some distance between us."

At this time, Qin Shuo spoke again. It can be seen that he pays more attention to this point.

"Since that's the case, I won't say anything anymore. If I go back and just find someone to marry me casually, I think you should be satisfied too?"

At this time, Chen Yan also spoke. It can be seen that when he said this sentence, he was obviously a little angry.

"Actually, there is no need to be like this. I am not a famous person, and I am not a good man. Actually, I don’t want to delay you. Besides, I already have three A woman."

Qin Shuo now has some helplessness. After all, no matter what he said, the opponent seems to have strengthened his confidence.

"Let's talk about these things when we go back, now I can't decide by myself."

Now Qin Shuo is also using one of his own skills, so it is to postpone these problems.

In this way, at least I won't feel so troubled, and many problems can be solved by myself.

Anyway, in his heart, perhaps as time progresses slowly, Chen Yan's thoughts should also disappear.

In fact, he doesn't like Chen Yan much in his own heart. There is still a kind of pressure on Chen Yan more, but it can't be regarded as dislike, after all, Chen Yan can be counted from any aspect. The above is very good, no matter from the personal appearance or personal ability, it is actually very good.

It's not that Chen Yan can't get married. If he really wants to get married, it is estimated that people who want to marry her are really in a long line.

This is not an exaggeration at all. Excellent people are not lacking in pursuit of others, but excellent people are actually chasing even better people.

Even in this world, there are no better people than Qin Shuo.

In the past, Chen Yan actually refused polygamy. Of course Qin Shuo knew this, but now the two of them have put all these things down.

After all, there is no way to change these things, and love is not possession.



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