Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1575: Strange pirate

There was still some struggle on the woman's face at this time, as if she was very unconvinced, but in such a situation, even if he was unconvinced, there was nothing to do.

If he wants to resist now, it is almost impossible. If he resists, then it is not much different from seeking death. Qin Shuo now actually has a fancy to this point, so he feels very excited about this point.

That being the case, the pressure on him now is much less, and in many ways he doesn't need to worry that much. After all, the problems he should be worried about have already been solved by himself.

Although he does not know the identity of the woman in front of him, just like what he said before, his identity is definitely a very high identity. If you feel that your luck is really good, you think you are I caught a pirate casually, but I didn't expect that his status could be regarded as a relatively high one.

Anyway, Qin Shuo now guesses that he should be the daughter of a certain head of the house, or the identity of a very important person in the head, otherwise he would not be so nervous, and among these pirates there should be only such a A person of this kind of status can get such a big favor.

But up to now, these are only Qin Shuo's guesses. As for whether it is like this in the end, in fact, he doesn't know if he wants to say that he can only guess these things slowly now. , If the final result is like this, he will definitely be very happy, if the result is not like this, he will also have something indifferent.

After all, for him, these things are not all that important. If they can be solved, then they can be solved. If they can't be solved, then it's fine.

If he is still able to accomplish all these goals, it will definitely have a great impact on him. Anyway, that's what he thinks in his heart now. Basically, if others want to change, they can't change it.

After all, people can’t change the thoughts in other people’s hearts. Otherwise, it’s not from the heart. Perhaps many people will have a doubt about this sentence, but it’s really like this, even people. If you want to change, this is also something that is unlikely.

Now Qin Shuo has been threatening this pirate woman, and this pirate woman has been listening to what Qing said. He seems to be afraid of Qin Shuo, and he is also full of curiosity about him.

But don't be curious if you are curious. In fact, he is more curious now, that is, he is strange about this woman, and he doesn't know what kind of person this woman is.

I don't know who he is. If he can recognize himself at a glance before, it means that he is very familiar with himself, at least he is very familiar with his photos.

But the difference between his own photo and himself is so big. If he counts this way, he should not be familiar with himself from appearance. Anyway, after these things add up, it will also make Qin Shuo feel very Doubts.

At the same time, I feel very confused about your identity as a woman. If you can know your identity or these problems, he won't feel so confused.

But now it seems that this is basically an unlikely thing. This woman is also deliberately hiding her identity. It seems that her identity is very mysterious. Of course, in Qin Shuo’s eyes, her identity is indeed Very mysterious.

Although he said that he was helping Qin Shuo in plants, he was observing Qin Shuo all the way, and he wanted Qin Shuo to feel very uncomfortable. How to observe oneself is just an ordinary person.

I can’t see what the flowers are, but some people seem to have something different. They seem to be able to see something. But as for why, I heard that I don’t know what it is. Anyway, these problems are It would make Qin Shuo feel very confused.

However, because things have indeed increased a bit now, it is said that it is also temporary, suppressing such a doubt in my heart.

Now as time goes by, in fact, he is facing more and more problems. If these problems can be solved, then it is naturally the best. If they cannot be solved, then Nothing, after all, they still have more methods.

It is to gradually reduce these issues. For him, this should be more important, but for others, there are some differences, but for who is right, I actually heard that he also I don't know.

Anyway, he is carrying Qin Shuo materially, and it seems that he doesn’t dare to play any tricks. After all, the current Qin Shuo has always been there to stare at her closely. If Qin Shuo is playing any tricks, I guess The first time he can see it. The two of them seem to be relatively peaceful from the outside.

"If I guess it's right, it should be on the ship ahead. If you want me to pass, then I will go straight ahead. You should be able to let me go now. Anyway, you wait. I don’t have much use, it’s better to let me go now."

The woman also spoke directly, and she seemed to have some worries about whether Qin Shuo would behave nonsense.

"What are you anxious for now? I won't do anything to you. Anyway, you will follow me for the time being. If you wait until I feel like I can ask you to release it, then I will naturally release you. So you don’t have to worry about these things. Anyway, you just believe me. A person like me is actually the most able to believe it."

After all, the authenticity of this matter has not yet been determined, so it is impossible for Qin Shuo to let him go. Now Qin Shuo just found a reason at random, although this is not a special stance, even It can be regarded as quite normal.

The pirate woman at this time also felt very helpless, but there was no way. After all, the current initiative is not in his hands, but in Qin Shuo's hands, so I heard that no matter what to do, He can only accept it slowly.



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