Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1579: The result of the second master

After all, the person I saw at the beginning was just like an ordinary person, and he didn’t see any domineering in him. He basically thought of what it was a second master, but the final result was indeed let He has some surprises, but this kind of surprise can be regarded as a relatively normal thing.

"Now whether it is my wife, children or other people, they are basically there. If I say that I am like this, it is actually possible, but there are still some worries. Anyway, you don't have to worry about these things. , I will not go with you. If I go, the master will not let them go. If you let me die, I don’t want them to die.”

At this time, the second master also spoke directly. It can be seen that his current attitude is still very determined, so Qin Shuo does not continue to insist now. Even if he persists, it is of no use.

But he still said something casually before leaving.

"If you confirm that there is no problem this time, then I will go straight away. Anyway, these things have nothing to do with me, and it will affect you in the future. If your boss is really so cruel, don't you think Even if you don't surrender, will she still let you go?"

I heard that at this time, I also spoke directly. After hearing this sentence, the second master also trembled slightly, as if he had already thought of this.

"Then do you have any good solutions? If you say you have some good solutions, I don't have to continue looking for you."

At this time, the second master already had some thoughts to surrender, so he asked such a question.

"There is only one problem, so that is, now you go with me, your boss is definitely not a fool. If you are in my hands, he will definitely not treat your wives and children, because he knows Once he hurts your wife and children, you will tell all the secrets at that time. He must not dare to break the net like this."

I heard that at this time, I also spoke directly. Although this sentence is indeed understood by some men, it is not too difficult. If you think about it, you will understand what it is.

At this moment they also heard it, and there was a burst of noise from outside the door, and these noises made them feel very surprised. These are actually the sounds of the artillery bombarding this ship.

"In fact, this is our master, he himself is very cruel, so even if he does something to me, I will not feel surprised, now I am a useless pawn, for him It’s the best thing to destroy me. Talking about me is of no use. This must be what he thought in his heart."

At this time, he also spoke directly. It can be seen that when he said this sentence, he also had some strange feelings.

But this is not what sadness, after all, there is no deep relationship between them, so there is no need to be sad because of this.

It seems that the current second boss has already guessed this point, and it can even be seen from his eyes. He had already expected this point, but in fact, thinking about it, you can understand it.

After knowing this anyway, Qin Shuo also knew that it was unlikely that he would leave, so he simply ignored it. After all, if he cares about it, then he must be more troublesome this day.

Therefore, Qin Shuo simply chose to ignore him. Only in this way can the danger on his side be resolved to a minimum.

If it was said that he would definitely not do this before, but at this time, he has nothing to do. After all, the current situation is like this, even if he wants to change, there is no way to change it.

If there is really a big change, it will not be of any great benefit to them, but it will have some disadvantages, because of this.

Therefore, Qin Shuo finally chose to compromise. It seems that under such a situation, compromise is the best way to go, and there is no harm in compromising now.

Now Minshu has jumped directly into the sea by himself, and he is very familiar with water anyway, so even if he jumped into the sea, it doesn't matter at all.

Anyway, after Qin Shuo knew this, he also had something indifferent, just wanting him to continue this way, otherwise there might be many more important people.

Now I have completed the goal I want to accomplish. What I want to do now is just some subsidiary goals. For him, even if these things are not completed, there is nothing to him. Big impact.

Anyway, because of this, he is also slightly balanced in his heart. For him, this look should be the best. If it is changed to another look, it is actually not particularly good.

Anyway, this is what they are more entangled with now, but the current situation will not entangle so many problems. After all, he has already done everything he can do, and the rest is that he can’t do it. Arrived.

Therefore, he also feels that he has achieved the best level. If he is still unable to succeed in this way, then he is not to blame for these problems. Of course, he is also not to blame for others. Who gets it depends on what the individual thinks.

Anyway, the current Qin Shuo didn't pay much attention to this aspect. He wanted to solve all these problems slowly over time.

For him, these problems still have some troubles, but these troubles can also be solved. If they do not solve these problems now, then it is estimated that there will be no time to solve these problems in the future. .

This should be an important point, anyway, it is an end point for him. Now with the development of time, these issues will certainly become more and more important.

If they can't solve these simple problems, let alone solve those complicated problems, especially for a person like Qin Shuo.



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