Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1591: Victory Pirates

After all, Qin Shuo also defeated them by virtue of his strength this time, and after Qin Shu defeated them, there was no major massacre. Instead, he extended his olive branch.

It’s not good for them to have such a result. If they are replaced by another person, then the result may not be like this at all. If they are replaced by someone else, then the current head It should have already started.

But this is not how kind Qin Shuo is, it's just that he wants to persuade them, after all, these people are still so strong in strength, and they have been in the ocean all year round.

In this way, I can ask them for help in many ways. They also need to consider a lot of issues. Anyway, now he and the big boss are already two a lot.

There are also various problems. These problems will make Qin Shuo feel very headache, but there is no way to do this, so he can only continue to do it.

If they can solve all those problems, it is considered very good. Even if they can't solve them, it doesn't matter much. Anyway, they will be able to take action at that time.

Now in the entire ocean, there are not only them, this one pirate, there are even many pirates, but they are relatively powerful, the existence of pirates is actually the same as other things. It's not the same.

"In fact, I also have another idea. When you look back, you don’t want to pass the news that you defeated me directly. When you look back, if you want to be a pirate, then continue to be a pirate. I still have something for you. Some of the thoughts you want to use, but you can rest assured that your weapons and equipment, I will definitely help you update, otherwise it would not be a good thing for me."

Qin Shuo said again at this time, it can be seen that when he said these words, he was actually very serious, and he also had this kind of thought in his heart.

For him, as long as these problems are resolved, in fact, they don't need to continue their efforts in many ways. Now he wants to return to his country quickly.

"I know what you mean by this, but don't worry. I will definitely help you complete this point. I won't say anything that shouldn't be said."

At this time, the master seemed to have suddenly understood something. A smart person like him would just mention it. For these problems.

They must still have some other reactions, but these reactions can be regarded as relatively normal, and there is no one that makes people feel too headache. This is a good thing for them.

Anyway, the current master is also a little helpless. Although he has already expressed his attitude in the previous period, there is no way to do it. After all, the attitude he expressed is not the final word.

It’s actually Qin Shuo who can really say it now, especially in some special circumstances. After all, I am in an active position at this time. Since I am in an active position, then I must be. Take advantage of this.

It is not possible to completely waste this point, otherwise, I am sorry that I am in this position.

After all, I spent so much time before, so I was able to reach the point where I am today.

Moreover, I still spend a lot of time, which actually gave me a lot of things, anyway, with the development of time, they must pay more attention to this aspect.

Although I don't know if this emphasis can produce results, as long as I work hard, it is basically the same. Anyway, this is Qin Shuo's idea.

Judging from the current sense of things, he has to be more careful in many aspects, otherwise he would definitely have it.

There is a relatively large impact, although Qin Shuo is not particularly afraid of such an impact.

I had already directly expressed a lot of things before. Anyway, this matter was not only good for me, but also great for him.

If he really has that kind of talent, then he will definitely agree to it. If he doesn’t beat yourself, then Qin Shuo doesn’t matter, it’s just that the opponent has lost a chance, right. He didn't do much damage.

The problem is now such a problem. As for what it will become in the end, Qin Shuo himself doesn't even know, anyway, he must be thinking about solving his own problems in the private message.

Otherwise, for a period of time in the future, you will definitely feel a headache. This is absolutely inevitable. Many people already know this, but if you want to show this thoroughly, It was not an easy thing before, and it was even a huge challenge for them.

Sometimes the opportunity itself does not let you choose to challenge. Fortunately, the person opposite does have some abilities. After hearing Qin Shuo's idea, the first thing he thought of was to agree, and finally he decided Promise Qin Shuo such a thing.

This is also my own influence on your thighs, especially some of the problems they can't solve, and now they can all be solved slightly.

Although it is said that the method must have some toughness in many times, but there is no way. If you say that you are not tough now, it is estimated that there will not be too many tough opportunities in the future.

What he and the other person are thinking about now is only cooperation, not other things. If there are other things, it’s better. It’s not like the way he is now. In fact, he also has something in his heart. Some tangled.

If you can solve all the problems, then it is naturally the best, but if the problems are not solved, then you have to believe the opposite, Qin Shuo himself is not so stupid.



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