Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1593: new task

He doesn't need to participate in the rest of the things here. If he participates in it, there is still a disadvantage to these things. Now he himself knows this.

So he is definitely going to change. Of course, the magnitude of this change is certainly not too great. If the magnitude of the change is too great, it will not be of any benefit in the future.

The current situation is finally able to solve all the things that have not been solved before, otherwise the threat to them is really that great, even if they want to change this, it is not so simple and easy to change. .

Although on the surface, many people don't know what this sentence means, but if people really understand these things, it is estimated that they will really understand what it means.

For them, many problems make them feel that they have some headaches, and it is not so simple to complete them. If they want to be truly completed in the end, they need to overcome the same things. a lot of.

If they can overcome these things, they will definitely face fewer problems in the future, and if they cannot overcome them, they will definitely face more problems.

All of these are very normal things. The most important thing is to see how they choose. It is naturally good to be able to choose the right aspect, even if it is not possible to choose the right aspect.

That doesn't matter much, they have solved most of the problems now. Time is also slowly advancing at this time. Perhaps such a time is not a big deal to them, but sometimes for some people, these problems are more of a headache.

This time, most of their tasks have been completed. After all, the tasks they set out above are not too difficult. Qin Shuo’s idea is actually very simple. He hopes that these things can be resolved earlier. .

If the solution is too late, it is certainly not a benefit. The resolution of this matter now, for all of them, is almost equal to a kind of redemption, and the degree of such a redemption is still very deep.

That's why they have such a feeling. Now they have finally relieved the pressure on their bodies. Qin Shuo, I have already boarded the ship back, and Qin Shuo has nothing to do along the way. Too much thought to appreciate the beauty of the present.

After all, these beautiful sceneries are nothing to him. What he wants most now is to return to the place where he wants to go back, not to stay here, if. I said that all he went in, it may not be a good thing here.

Although these things are said to be somewhat confusing, if you see the real idea, you may not think so, because some things are so complicated.

If these complex things are to be enlarged, then it is something close to danger for them.

It may be a bit exaggerated, but sometimes it is true.

Now as time grows, they must face more problems. If these problems can be solved well, then naturally they are the best. If they cannot be solved well, then The problems they face must be more.

Now, with the development of time, they actually pay more attention to these issues, but if you think about it, there are some reasons for this emphasis.

Now the problems will definitely get bigger and bigger. If they can’t solve these problems well, then there must be some disadvantages for them. The sky has gradually dimmed at this time. If they continue according to such a situation, then perhaps it is not so great.

Now he was full of other things, and he didn't pay attention to these things. In his eyes, these things were not that important anyway.

However, there must be some problems that they need to solve now. If these problems are not solved, then the pressure they face must be greater. Under normal circumstances, these pressures cannot be solved. of.

But stress is actually a kind of motivation in many cases. If they can relieve these pressures, it will definitely be good for the future, and not have so many disadvantages. Anyway, what is in their hearts now The idea must be like this, as for what it will become later, he himself has some unclear.

If they can solve these problems, then the problems they will face in the future will definitely become smaller and smaller. There is almost no way to refute this.

In many cases, the greater their pressure is, the better, otherwise, once the pressure on themselves becomes greater, they simply don't have much solution.

In fact, the distance between these two places is quite far apart, but there is no way. After all, what he should do is to finish it. Now he has a lot of things to finish. of.

Otherwise, it would definitely not be a good thing for him. If these things are said to be impossible for them, and they are completely fixed, they will definitely be under great pressure.

In a short period of time, they will definitely not be able to solve these problems, but if it takes a long time, they are even more unlikely. According to the current situation, it should be like this, but replaced by another In one case, it is completely different.

According to their current situation, many problems will have some serious problems. If this situation continues, the situation will definitely be worse, but there is no way to do this, they are unlikely To solve these problems.

Generally speaking, it is such a situation. For all of them, the pressure is relatively high. They naturally want me to relieve this pressure, but it seems that it is impossible in a short time. .



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