Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1602: Solve the problem

If these issues are not considered clearly, then the problem is actually a slightly uncomfortable problem, and it is not that simple to solve this problem.

If we continue to look like this, then many problems are actually difficult to solve, but Qin Shuo now has some doubts on this point, after all, he can't solve many things.

Slowly the current time actually has some quick passing. After all, in Qin Shuo's eyes, this time is actually a very important thing.

However, the current offensive of the Tsarist kingdom will also cause him some headaches. After all, the place of the Tsarist kingdom itself is a place with a very advantageous geographical location.

When dividing regions before, in fact, many places were directly divided into them, instead of being divided into their own side. Now this is what Qin Shuo has a headache.

There are some other things that are nothing, of course, this should be relatively speaking, and other things are actually more important.

Compared to other things, then this is definitely nothing, but there is no way to do it. In fact, it is a very normal thing.

Even if some people oppose this with the medicine, it is actually useless. The situation is just such a situation.

Nowadays, many people must still have some other feelings in their hearts, but there are not many ways to solve this, there is simply not much way to solve them.

The existence of this tsarist kingdom must actually have a meaning of his existence, and this meaning is not light at all, and in many cases it is still very important.

But to be more specific, it can't cause too many changes. This should be one reason why Qin Shuo feels relieved, at least it is more at ease than other things.

After all, other things are not too big a thing. This is the point. Maybe people have different ideas in their hearts, but in this respect they should be similar.

The problem is now such a problem, and Qin Shuo doesn't know what will happen in the end.

The problems they are facing now are many. If these problems can be solved, then it will be very good for them, if they cannot be solved.

They also have to think of a solution, and they can't let it go, and the current situation simply does not allow them to let it go.

Although the present statement knows those things. But from a certain aspect, he still slightly hides this point of himself. Anyway, he also knows that he is a main attacker, and sometimes it actually needs to be difficult to be confused.

But I can't let it go, so I definitely want to warn them a little bit at once. If they listen to their warning, then it is naturally the best. If they don’t follow their warnings, then they will only be able to use their rights later. If you want to find them, how many people and others are there? The cooperation between the countries of China is actually a relatively simple matter.

After all, Qin Shuo still has such a powerful spy agency, and even many people have such a spy agency, and they are actually very scared.

However, this kind of fear can be regarded as a relatively normal thing in Qin Shuo's eyes. After all, when he was building such a secret service before, he had thought of deterring those officials. After all, it is not in this world. Able to deter those officials on their own.

There are many officials among them, and in fact, there are some who are not very obedient. I can only use such a method for these not very obedient officials. If they are obedient, I can definitely let them live. It's a good day.

If they are not obedient, then not only is it said that it will not let them have a good life, but it will make them sleepless at night, especially for those.

For these corrupt officials, there is simply no way to survive under Qin Shuo's hands. Even if they want to talk, Qin Shuo will give this path to death.

From before to now, Qin Shuo has never dealt with anyone, letting go of the second-rate historical generals or second-rate historical counselors he killed before. There are already many second-rate historical advisers. In fact, these are because those people are corrupt officials or say they are. Those who do evil.

I heard that it is absolutely impossible for these people to relax. Of course, there are actually some people in some people's homes, but because of their status and status, they are 10 points high, so they will pay great attention to this aspect. A little bit.

Because they all know Qin Shuo's personality, they must be unable to find their own way of death. If once you let Qin Shuo know about those things, then they will have no more than their own official career. Perhaps even their lives will be nothing in the end.

Perhaps for many relatively honest officials, this is definitely the best. After all, I heard that Fengyang now has a high salary to nourish honesty. No matter what, as long as you give them enough.

Then the rest of the problem is not a problem, and if you have such an economic communication in your own hands, you completely support yourself in doing so, if you say that your economy is not good.

Maybe there will still be some unsatisfactory things when I do that. In fact, many countries know that high salaries are good for integrity, and this year is definitely correct.

And the effect is very big, but the reason they are not implemented is actually because of this day, because their money is not enough.

If they had enough money, they might also be like this. Now that the people below heard this, their expressions have changed a little, but this is only a very small number.

Most people still don't have much involvement with them, but now Qin Shuo has already warned a little bit, anyway, Qin Shuo also believes that they will definitely pay attention to this aspect in the future.

At least it’s impossible to be so blatant. People like these officials who achieve this level are actually all ghosts and ghosts. Therefore, the signals released can basically be detected at the first time. When they came out, they all knew what these signals meant.



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