Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1605: Maximize the benefits

They can only get these responsibilities and responsibilities completely right now. The problem is now such a problem, as to whether it will develop into a more serious one in the end.

In fact, he doesn't know it himself, but in his heart he definitely hopes that these questions can be made simpler and let himself be in the future. It can be more relaxed.

Ah, the relationship between Queen Elizabeth and her own side is so good now. If she can cooperate with them in the future, then she must have a greater benefit for herself.

These questions are almost a question that does not need to be denied, and many people are aware of this. If we continue under the current situation, it will not be a good thing for them.

But it is not a bad thing. If these problems can be solved, it will definitely be better for them. In their eyes, in fact, some things are already different from the previous ones. There are naturally many reasons for these.

It's not just a reason. If they can pay more attention to these reasons, they will definitely be better in the future, but if they can't pay attention to them, then the situation may also happen in the future. The change.

However, in Qin Shuo's eyes, this change may not be so serious. Just like a sentence said, like people drink water, they know how warm and cold they are. Now no one has an accurate judgment about these situations. Anyway, after Long Teng heard this sentence this time.

I was also very surprised, and I also felt some admiration for Yuqing. He knew that Qin Shuo's love for women was very good, but he didn't expect that he would directly provoke him this time.

The current Queen of the Sunset Empire must have some doubts about this sentence at first, but seeing Qin Shuo speaking so seriously, he no longer doubted it, after all, Qin Shuo hadn't deceived him much before.

What he said must have some truth, or he must have it. Some of his own plans, and Qin Shuo had no need to lie to him about these things.

"In fact, to tell the truth, these things are not a particularly simple thing. You should be able to see that, although I do have some power in my hands, I really don’t have much to do with them. The way, these powers in my hands are simply not enough."

Long Teng also explained a little bit at this time, but he didn't actually say this to refuse the request for prosecution, but to explain these things temporarily. Qin Shuo nodded after hearing this sentence. .

He naturally knew such a reason, but Qin Shuo couldn't help it. After all, the problem they were facing was like this. If they can solve these problems, then it is naturally best, if there is no way to solve them.

There is no way for other people to change. In fact, the current situation has also undergone a considerable change. If they can control the situation well, then it is naturally the best. If the control is not good, it will definitely be harmful to the future. .

Now as time grows, these people's ideas will definitely undergo a relatively large change, and this change can be regarded as a relatively normal one.

Now Long Teng has basically agreed to this matter. After all, if this matter is really what Qin Shuo said, then it will definitely have a huge benefit for his country in the future.

It's just that Qin Shuo also made a request before that, that is, these things cannot be awarded with the big figures in the country, otherwise, they may pose some threats to him, after all, Elizabeth's position is so important.

In fact, many people have ambitions towards him. Sometimes the country does not consider issues like its own. Sometimes when considering issues, they also have to consider the human aspect.

But it is definitely impossible for them to consider this aspect. They only consider some of their own interests. If they can be in line with their own interests, then it is the best.

If it can’t be met, then it’s definitely not going to be of any benefit. Qin Shuo now has some concerns about this issue, but on the other hand, it’s definitely impossible for his government to compete with the government of his country. Some problems such as contradictions.

If there are some contradictions between them, it is estimated that the contradiction between them will be greater.

The emergence of contradictions has a certain relationship with many aspects. Similarly, if the contradiction is too great, then there is no way to resolve the two sides, and now they can only slowly reduce such a contradiction.

If it can be reduced to a certain extent, then it is naturally the best. If it cannot be reduced to a certain extent, then the problems they face must be more.

The time now is not so valuable to them, but they also need to attach great importance to it. If they do not pay attention to it now, it is estimated that there will be no such enrichment opportunities in the future.

In the end, he asked for instructions on the current big palm, and after hearing this sentence, the big chief was also somewhat surprised, but in the end he chose to help Qin Shuo.

Anyway, above this point, he is basically a firm attitude, after all, if you help Qin Shuo now, you will only have this benefit in the future, not how bad society is.

And with the development of time, perhaps these benefits will become more and more. But as for whether it was what he thought in his heart, no one knew, anyway, he could only see what the final result was.

If the result is very good, then it is naturally the best. If the result is poor, then he may start from another aspect.

These thoughts in the hearts of kings will definitely have a big change. If there is no change in their hearts, there will be no such a situation. The sky is gradually dimming at this time. Come down.

Qin Shuo also returned to reality at this time. I have to say that he actually feels pretty good in reality, but now they are facing too many problems.



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