Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 1607: In reality

Many problems are not just to be solved, they can be solved as simple as that, and even the pressure on them is still greater.

If these pressures can be resolved, then it is naturally the best. If they cannot be resolved, they will really feel a headache, but there is nothing to do with this headache.

Many people have such an idea, and it is not that simple to change. After all, some things involve too many people. If those things can't be done too well, then there will be some problems in many aspects, and this is the case for them.

With the development of time, these things will definitely make people feel more confused and "confused". These "confusions" may be due to many reasons, or they may be due to very few reasons, but the confusion is definitely There will be such trouble "confused".

Many of them face many problems. If these problems cannot be solved, they will also face some very huge difficulties in many aspects.

Now that they help to talk, it can actually be regarded as a more affectionate and righteous thing.

Of course, they themselves also know the benefits of this matter. They had already regarded this country as a potential enemy before. Now that they have such an opportunity to eliminate a potential experience, then naturally it is the best.

Perhaps these enemies still did not "show" their sharp fangs at this time, but according to their estimation, if their strength reached a certain level, then they might "show" their fangs.

“It’s better to be a little faster. He had already told me about this a while ago, but I was too busy with the things around me, so I said, it’s not like what he said. That way, I also have some regrets now, just worrying about whether something will happen to it."

At this time, Qin Shuo could only nodded helplessly, and then explained these things a little bit.

"Anyway, don't think about it so much. Now that we can control them, we are already helping. The rest has nothing to do with us, so the pressure on you doesn't have to be particularly high."

At this time, he also sighed slightly, but it can be seen that, in fact, another consideration in my heart is definitely not weakened.

In fact, Long Teng can also be seen. Perhaps the relationship between Qin Shuo and him is not as pure as it seems on the surface. Perhaps there is still some ambiguity underneath. After all, according to Qin Shuo’s "sex" personality, there is such a A behavior can be regarded as relatively normal.

For a long time, Qin Shuo seemed to be very attractive to female "sex", and the female "sex" attracted basically had a strong strength, and there was no change for so long.

To be honest, even now he has some feelings of envy. After all, he did not expect Qin Shuo's luck to be so good. From before to now, the peach blossom luck around him has been constant, and it is not just peach blossom luck. Peach Blossom Luck can even help him and make his strength even deeper.

However, it can be seen that Qin Shuo didn't pay much attention to these things, and all she was thinking about now were other things. In his eyes, if he can solve the problem in his hands, then it is naturally the best, but even if it can't be solved, it is not a big deal.

Now I should also be regarded as the kind of benevolence and justice, I have already done everything I can do.

One day later, another news came from the factory. It seems that the time is now completely ripe. After hearing such a news, I am actually very excited to talk.

After all, this was something that I had considered for a long time before, and I didn’t expect that it would finally be completed at this time.

Of course, there is actually some guilt in his heart, and these guilts can be regarded as relatively distant and normal things on the whole.

He knew that if he could unite with Elizabeth in the future, then he would definitely face fewer problems in the future, and in the end his strength might be improved by several levels.

This is not what he said casually, but to observe the specific situation, it is actually like this.

Qin Shuo now has an initiative on many issues. If he has an initiative, then they will definitely not feel too uncomfortable in the future. Such an initiative is for him. That is a huge benefit.

Now, with the help of the square, Qin Shuo has crossed the border line that he wanted to cross before. In fact, he himself is quite excited about this. After all, once he has crossed the border line If you do, then you will definitely have to become more smooth in the future.

Now he has also come to the reality of cause and effect. In fact, Qin Shuo has never been to the sunset empire before. After all, the audits for going abroad are so strict.

Qin Shuo's okay is definitely impossible to run "randomly" abroad. He always thinks that his home country is pretty good, and it seems okay, there is no need to go abroad.

In fact, the cause and effect is still a constitutional monarchy. They have continued this constitutional monarchy for almost a thousand years, and they have always had this idea.

Now, as the time of the constitutional monarchy is getting longer and longer, in fact, they are also giving birth to more and more children. In the past, the royal family only had a dozen or dozens of people, but now it has grown. Become a big family of thousands of people.

However, this big family is not like eating and waiting to die like before. They are now gradually taking control of their power back, although most of them are also civilians.

But they have done a lot of extraordinary things in their posts, including but the prime minister of the Sunset Empire is actually a member of the royal family, so that there are not many people who can stop the power of the royal family. Growth, perhaps in the eyes of many people, this is also something incredible, but it is indeed like this.

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