In the city of Shuobai, inside the political affairs hall.

This place should be regarded as the most closely guarded place in the entire Shuobai City, surrounded by military camp guards, and even the birds are difficult to get in.

But this place is usually very quiet, only when there is something, a group of people will discuss it.

"What do you think about Yizhou?"

Qin Shuo sat on the main seat, and there was also a plate of grapes on the table in front of him. Qin Shuo ate the grapes while speaking.

"If you don't send troops now, it's actually extremely difficult to control Yizhou just relying on those brutal soldiers, and I'm not in the army now, so it's basically impossible to take Yizhou within ten days. "

The speaker is dressed in animal skins, and the muscles all over his body are rhythmic with a kind of power. It looks like a wild person, but he has a fluent Chinese.

"Where there are impossible things, you can only see if there is such an ability. If there is such an ability, then nothing is impossible."

Qin Shuo pushed away the dish in front of him, and then took out something like a sand table, but only the size of a palm.

Spread the sand table on the table, and after a white light emerged, a three-dimensional map began to slowly emerge, floating in the air.

"What is this?"

Meng Huo had some curiosity and asked.

Qin Shuo glanced at Meng Huo and smiled: "You don't need to ask things that shouldn't be asked. Now you just need to listen to me. Now there are my shadow guards in Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang. With the assistance of, there is also the Fubo cavalry that I am ambushing there before, there is no problem at all."

Meng Huo's expression was also skeptical, but out of trust in Qin Shuo, he also nodded heavily: "I must follow the Lord's orders."

"Attach your ears."

Qin Shuo beckoned and said.

Meng Huo nodded and then stretched his head over. Meng Huo heard Qin Shuo's whisper. After only hearing a few words, his face changed drastically.

"Really?" Meng Huo said in surprise.

"Do I lie to you?" Qin Shuo said.

Meng Huo shook his head quickly, his face was full of surprise, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was reasonable.

"In that case, I am going back to prepare now."

Meng Huo said, and then under Qin Shuo's sign, he left immediately.

After seeing Meng Huo's departure, Qin Shuo took out a piece of paper again, and this piece of paper was written with the names of the thirteen states of Dahan.

Today, Yangzhou, Xuzhou, Yuzhou, Nanban, Nanyang, etc. on this piece of paper are all painted with red brushes, which seems to be a special mark.

"The rest of the year will be busy."

After Qin Shuo stretched his waist, he said,

Then he got up and left the political affairs hall. He still has to go back to accompany his two ladies. After all, they haven't given birth for too long, so they also have some weakness in their bodies.

Qin Shuo also brought a lot of supplements from the world to the north. These supplements are also rare things in the world, but Qin Shuo doesn't feel distressed at all.

For him now, money is just a number, and power is what he desires most. Although this thing is dismissive, for a high-ranking person like Qin Shuo, it is the net worth. Fate.

"Why are you here now? Come and see your daughter soon. Now you don't eat'milk' anymore, what can you do about this?"

"Yes, yes, look at your son, he seems to have some fever now."

When I first entered the door, I heard Zhang Ning and Da Qiao complaining, but Qin Shuo didn't feel bored.

"If you are full, you will definitely not eat it, and now it is spring season and you are holding it so tightly every day. It must be hot. You don't need to worry. The most important thing now is to regulate your body."

Qin Shuo smiled and walked to the two of them and said.

"Yes, you are the smartest, are you busy now?"

After looking at Qin Shuo complainingly, Da Qiao asked.

Qin Shuo directly reached the ground aside, and said, "I said that staying with you for a month means staying with you for a month. Now I will command remotely."

"Look at you, how old you are, like a child who likes to sit on the ground."

Lin Muxue on the side said.

"I am called childlike. After all, I am not too old, although I am also a dad."

After Qin Shuo smiled, he spoke.

"Before, I heard that you called Wan'er? What did you say to her? Why did she look worried when she came back?"

Zhang Ning asked, with some doubts.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a small blow to her, but you don't have to worry too much, the matter is almost resolved."

Qin Shuo said casually.

"I said, did you mean something to Wan'er again? You are such a big carrot. After such a long time, how many women have you provoked?"

Da Qiao started to blame, she also learned martial arts, so she said that she was better than Zhang Ning.

Although Zhang Ning is practicing magic techniques, this thing does not have much benefit to the body, but it does have a lot of benefits to the born son.

This time, Mr. Zhang Ning gave birth to a son, while Da Qiao gave birth to a daughter.

At first Da Qiao was still depressed because of this incident, but in the end it was after Qin Shuo's talk or to say that at this time Da Qiao believed that he was not patriarchal.

Now my two children can't actually see their talents, they can only be seen when they are three years old, so they have to be taught the day after tomorrow.

Although they cannot be said to be princes now, in fact, they will receive a better education than the emperor now.

"When I'm older in the future, let Huan'er follow me. I think it's okay when I'm seven or eight years old."

Qin Shuo looked at his little son with some smiles on his face.

"The next thing is to talk about it later, as for your "sex" personality, I'm still afraid that you can't stand children."

After Zhang Ning heard these words, he also smiled and said.

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