Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 829: Jia Xu Water Meter

On this day, it rained all night.

But I don't know why the water level of Peijiang hasn't increased much now, and even some places have dropped.

This is something strange. After all, this place is also an important waterway. It shouldn't be like this.

But this didn't affect anything. On the second day, Yan Yan led his troops out of the city directly, this time he brought out his own 30,000 elite soldiers.

This should be some of their most elite soldiers. After knowing that they had a large army, Yan Yan decided to eliminate the troops in front of them in one fell swoop.

"Old Piff, I didn't expect that you would really come out. I thought you were afraid of Grandpa."

Before the two armies lined up, Yue Yun also directly rode out and said.

"Little young born, you are now able to have some eloquence. After a while, you will know what it means to be dead."

A trace of anger also appeared in Yan Yan's eyes, and she spoke.

Then the two fought, and then I don't know why, after just two rounds of fighting, Yue Yun was directly knocked down.

"This person is so amazing, wait for me to go back to rest."

Yue Yun, who fell under the horse, also said in a panic, and then Zongma went back.

"My Huang Xu is also here to fight, old man."

At this time, Huang Xu also rushed out of the army suddenly, but within a few rounds, the same happened.

After winning two consecutive victories now, the things on the other side have greatly increased a lot, so Yan Yan's face is all a kind of proud "color" now.

After Zhao Yun saw this situation, he was only able to ride a horse into battle, but he was similar to the previous situation. After only a few rounds, he had already retreated.

"I didn't expect that an old man like you still has a little bit of strength. When I see you next time, I will definitely cut you off the horse, and Mingjin will retreat."

Zhao Yun's face was also dark, and he directly said loudly.

"Aren't you quite capable before? How come you have become like this again? If you say you are capable, then continue!"

Yan Yan said with a big smile, and then wanted to catch up.

"General, someone has said that the poor will not chase after them! Now the morale of the opponent is greatly damaged, we still have to chase now."

A young general on the side also spoke.

"Since the morale of the opponent is already badly hurt, if we don't take advantage of the victory, they will definitely come back. Don't worry, come with me."

Yan Yan said loudly, and then directly followed.

But Zhao Yun's escape route was very strange. All others escaped to this open area, but they did escape towards a low-lying place.

And now the road is getting narrower and narrower, Yan Yan actually feels something is wrong, but she can only bite the bullet and chase it down.

They had already climbed a mountain at this time, but when they thought they were about to chase to the opposite side, the soldiers on the opposite side had already taken off their armor.

At this time, they also "exposed" the animal skins inside, and after taking off these heavy armors, then the speed must be much faster for the golden monkeys, and they seem to be very familiar with the mountains and forests. A big chunk.

Yan Yan now looked at the same terrain next to him, and now he seemed to be in a valley, just between the two mountains.

"Yanyan Piff, you have been caught."

At this time, Zhao Yun was also standing on the top of a mountain not far away and said, his guards were soldiers with Zhuge Lianbows, who seemed to want to encircle them.

"Don't you think I just didn't have much preparation? The shield soldiers came forward quickly."

Yan Yan spoke, but when the sword and shield soldier behind was about to step forward, Yan Yan suddenly felt a sensation that the sky was about to break, and the bottom of his feet was shaking slightly.

Not far from the valley, there was a huge sound like a beast, and this sound was attacking them at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Yan Yan seemed to have suddenly realized what was the same, and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and run towards a higher terrain. Everyone must be careful not to panic."

But at this time, his yelling seemed to be useless, and this huge sound had already completely covered his voice.

After a few seconds, they finally saw the source of this huge noise.

Flood, monstrous flood.

This was a plan they had prepared for a long time, and a huge artificial lake had been dug up in the upper reaches of the valley, which stored a lot of water.

It also attracted the water from the nearby river, so after the monstrous flood came down, those soldiers simply couldn't resist it.

The current Yan Yan still didn't want to admit defeat after seeing this situation, so he was also leading his own guards and wanted to kill the other side, but at this time he was already blocked by Yue Yun.

Because of the reason for the victory over Yue Yun just now, it is said that Yan Yan is also extremely inflated, and he did not put the opposite Yue Yun in his eyes at all.

But after Wei Wei's confrontation, Yue Yun just used a normal hack, Yan Yan had already taken a few steps back directly, and blood still spouted out of his mouth.

"I was just acting before, do you really think I can't beat you, old man? I can't take care of myself by being able to beat you with just one hand."

After Yue Yun also sneered, he said, Yan Yan actually spewed out a mouthful of blood at this time.

Although Yue Yun's words also contained some sarcasm, there was nothing wrong with it at all, and it was indeed like this.

Nowadays, most of those soldiers are also covered by this monstrous flood. In fact, Zhao Yun also has some unbearables. Therefore, after several waves of floods recede, it is also necessary for people to salvage the soldiers who are still alive.

But after all, the flood was ruthless. The 30,000 soldiers who had entered the valley on the opposite side were actually only 20,000 left, and there were still countless wounded among the 20,000.

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