Online Games Sweeping the World

Chapter 838: Young Sun Quan

"If you say something like this, I really feel very guilty in my heart. You don't have to praise me so much. I can't stand the praise myself."

Qin Shuo said with a smile. After hearing this sentence, Sun Shangxiang was also amused by Qin Shuo.

"By the way, Uncle Shi, I have just reached the age of sixteen now. Why do you care about it? What about my future husband?"

Sun Shangxiang was also curious at this time, even with some blushes on his face, which seemed to be what Qin Shuo meant by misunderstanding.

"I'm just asking casually, after all, as your elder."

Qin Shuo also quickly explained it at this time, for fear that Sun Shangxiang would continue to misunderstand, that would be fun then.

In fact, he just asked this question, not because he had any interest in Sun Shangxiang, but because the future Sun Shangxiang married Liu Bei.

To be honest, Liu Bei is actually similar to his ancestor Liu Bang. He really doesn't pay too much attention to family affection. It can even be said that they are born with the heart of the emperor.

This emperor's heart is naturally not because of their identity, or because they have such a temperament, but because they are very indifferent to family affection, and it can even be said that all human emotions can become toys in their hands.

In the beginning, Liu Bang was able to push his two sons directly into the car in order to survive, and Liu Bei was able to gain the sincerity of his subordinates, so he said that he threw his son to the ground.

And for these two things, Qin Shuo definitely couldn't do it, not because he didn't care much about his subordinates, but because it was actually a manifestation of no human "sex".

Sometimes it is not only through this method to gain people's hearts. It is also possible to exchange sincerity for sincerity.

Looking at Liu Bei's life in the future, in fact, he has always used his emotions in exchange for his own rights. It was like that when he went to Mrs. Mi's family from the beginning. He was just for the original accumulation of his own capital.

Later, he married Sun Shangxiang, because he wanted to form an alliance with Jiangdong, so he said that he would be like that. Both of these made Qin Shuo feel a little nauseous.

Anyway, Qin Shuo definitely couldn't do these things. If he could do them, then he should have married Lin Wan'er at a time.

The Hanlindi at that time also trusted him very much. If he could marry Lin Wan'er, then his strength would surely rise.

Even a little bolder guess, maybe Han Lingdi might pass his position to himself. After all, it’s better to give it to your own family than to someone else’s.

But Qin Shuo didn't want to exchange his life's happiness, nor did he want to exchange Lin Wan'er's life's happiness for himself. Like this thing is mutual. If there is an external force, Qin Shuo will dislike it very much.

Immediately after the two talked for a while, Qin Shuo left, and Sun Quan at this time also walked out slowly.

Sun Quan is probably around seventeen years old now. Although he is very young, he looks a bit old.

After all, in history, he should have taken over the responsibility of Sun Ce now, but now because of the appearance of Qin Shuo, these things have not happened.

"Sister, what kind of person do you think Uncle Shi is?"

Sun Quan also glanced at Qin Shuo's back at this time, and spoke.

"In fact, there is no need to say more about this. After all, everyone in the world knows that Shi Shu is a great hero.

Sun Shangxiang also spoke, as if he was convinced of this.

"Then you and brother, let me tell you the truth, do you like Uncle Shi? I always feel that the way you look at him is somewhat different."

After Sun Quan glanced at his sister, he spoke.

"I said, brother, what are you talking about? He is our uncle after all. Although I admire him very much, I haven't reached the point of liking him."

Sun Shangxiang's face also blushed slightly, and he quickly explained.

"My daughter's heart sea needle sees your shy little daughter's posture. Actually, I already know what you think in your heart. You have to know that you don't look like this at all. Uncle only became like this afterwards."

After Sun Quan glanced at his sister, he spoke.

"Brother, what are you talking about? I ignore you, I'm going to practice swordsmanship."

Sun Shangxiang spoke, and then he went out directly with the sword in his hand.

"Actually, marrying Qin Shuo is not a bad thing. It can even greatly enhance our strength, but unfortunately the relationship between the two of them is not easy to say."

Sun Quan looked at his sister and muttered to himself.

In fact, Sun Quan is very different from his brother Sun Ce. If his brother Sun Ce is very open and upright, then Sun Quan is now a very smart man.

I want to survive in such a chaotic world. A talented person who works hard is the best, and a person who is open and upright will be restrained everywhere in this world.

Sun Jian was like this before, Sun Ce is like this now, and even Qin Shuo has always been like this.

But maybe Qin Shuo's luck is better. In fact, Qin Shuo always thinks a lot, but he is not good at expressing it by himself. Many things are hidden in his heart and don't want to say it.

To be honest, he really felt very lonely in this world, after all, he had traveled through the previous world. And this matter cannot be told to others.

I have always kept this thing in my heart, but I often think of things in my previous life, and this kind of desperate feeling of loneliness often strikes him in the middle of the night.

Sometimes there is always a secret hidden in my heart, but I can't tell it. Such a feeling is really uncomfortable.

But I can only endure it. After all, I can only know this matter. Even if I say it, maybe no one will believe that I have passed through the future generations.

And after Qin Shuo went out of this kind of thing, he would actually become very dangerous, but overall there was not much to do.

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